Links to Spatial Resources
The websites in this collection provide spatial information, tools, and research to aid spatial analysis efforts in the social sciences. We are selecting the best sites that we find, cataloging them, and annotating them for rapid search and sorting. To recommend a website, use this form.
- GIS & Spatial Statistics on the Internet.
- Alexandria Digital Library Project
- The name Alexandria comes from the library of Alexandria, Egypt, which was considered the center of all knowledge/learning. No one place now can claim that distinction - but all data sources together (libraries, academic institutions, private companies, government agencies, etc.) are Alexandria. The project began in 1995 with the development of the Alexandria Digital Library, a working digital library with collections of geographically referenced materials and services for accessing those collections.
- Amsterdam Realtime
- During during the last months of 2002 Amsterdam's residents were invited to be equipped with a GPS enabled tracer device developed by the Waag Society. Using satellite data the tracer calculated its geographic position and sent the data in realtime to a central point. By visualizing this data against a black background lines appeared depicting each participant's movements. From these lines a partial map of Amsterdam was constructed showing not streets or blocks of houses, but the movements of real people.
- Atlas of Global Inequality - UCSC
- This Atlas explores global inequality and globalization. It provides maps, graphics and data for use by teachers, researchers and others.
- CDC National Center for Health Statistics
- The CDC's National Center for Health Statistics has created a new resource for visualizing health statistics, HealthVis. HealthVis is a prototype dynamic interface used to explore georeferenced health, environmental, and demographic data.
- Center for Demography and Ecology
- "CDE is a multi-disciplinary faculty research cooperative for social scientific demographic research whose membership includes sociologists, rural sociologists, economists, epidemiologists, and statisticians.
- Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences
- The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences is devoted to the triple mission of galvanizing collaborative research between social scientists and statisticians, developing a menu of new graduate courses for social science students, and putting together an innovative case-based undergraduate statistics sequence for the social sciences.
- Corinth Computer Project
- Since 1988 a research team from the Mediterranean Section of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania has been involved in making a computerized archit ectural and topographical survey of the Roman colony of Corinth.
- Cybergeo, European Journal of Geography
- CYBERGEO offers the possibility of a rapid exchange of information, immediate feedback on articles and events relevant to geography, on-going discussions, the latest research on specific questions, offers of results or documents, information about the availability of maps.
- e-Mapscholar
- "The project proposes to enhance the usability and learning potential of spatial data resources, extant within the tertiary education sector, by developing three sets of new resources. The resources to be developed fall into the following categories: Teaching case studies, Learning resource centre with customisable on-line learning materials, and Virtual work placement."
- is a guide to regional economic activity with over 800 links to socioeconomic data sources, arranged by subject and provider, pointers to the Web's premiere data collections, and a list of the ten best sites for finding regional economic data.
- Economic Research Service (ERS) of the U.S. Dept of Agriculture
- The mission of ERS is to inform and enhance public and private decisionmaking on economic and policy issues related to agriculture, food, natural resources, and rural development. To accomplish this mission, highly trained economists and social scientists develop and distribute a broad range of economic and other social science information and analysis. You'll want to explore this site widely--try especially "rural America" or "population" topic areas. Also, be sure to check out their maps.
- Economic Research Service - Map Gallery
- The ERS Map Gallery is a large collection of maps pertaining to the economics of agriculture, food, natural resources, and rural development.
- Home of ArcGIS and other mapping software.
- Geosimulation Homepage
- The geosimulation site is focused on developments in spatial simulation technology and its application to the study of human systems.
- GIS for Health and Human Services
- "Most problems facing the world and health today--environmental, economic, political, social--exist in a geographic context and any analysis must consider that. Understanding issues ranging from epidemiology to access to healthcare providers requires understanding the geographic context of these issues." - ESRI
- Great Britain Historical GIS Project
- A unique digital collection of information about Britain's localities as they have changed over time. Information comes from census reports, historical gazetteers, travellers' tales and historic maps, assembled into a whole that is much more than the sum of its parts.
- Harvard-MIT Data Center
- The Data Center is Harvard's and MIT's principal repository for computer data files, and accompanying documentation, in the social sciences. It serves as the Universities' official representatives to the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).
- IGU Commission on the Geography of Information Society
- The commission provides an international forum for the study of geographical aspects of emerging information societies.
- International Association for Social Science Information Service & Technology
- Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety (MAPS)
- Established in 1997, the goal of the center is the promotion, research, evaluation, development, and dissemination of GIS (geographic information systems) technology and the spatial analysis of crime.
- Mapping Census Data
- Harvard Graduate School of Design - Mapping Census Data
- Mapping Crime in Principle and Practice
- Crime Mapping Research Center has created this on-line journal of mapping crime in principle and practice.
- National Center for Education Statistics
- National Centre for e-Social Science ( NCeSS)
- The National Centre for e-Social Science. NCeSS is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to "investigate and promote the use of e-science to benefit social science research". The overall goal of NCeSS is to stimulate the uptake and use of emerging e-science technologies within the social sciences.
- National Historical Geographic Information System
- NHGIS is a project to create and freely disseminate a database incorporating all available aggregate census information for the United States between 1790 and 2000.
- NetEC
- Projects that are sponsored by NetEc are RePEc, a large distributed catalogue of economics papers, and HoPEc, a service to register and search for authors within RePEc. This server is located at the Department of Economics at Washington University in St. Louis.
- New York State Department of Health
- Access to comprehensive health information for New York State.
- Office of Population Research at Princeton University
- Access to Population Index and data resources.
- Online Data Archive at UW
- An extensive online data archive hosted by the Data and Program Library Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Political Methodology Society of the APSA
- This is the entry to the Political Methodology Society, Political Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association, and the central web site for the political methodology community. The primary purpose of this site is to serve as the gateway to the Electronic Paper Archive.
- Population Reference Bureau
- The Population Reference Bureau is the leader in providing timely and objective information on U.S. and international population trends and their implications. PRB informs policymakers, educators, the media, and concerned citizens working in the public interest around the world through a broad range of activities, including publications, information services, seminars and workshops, and technical support.
- Population Studies Center
- Established in 1961, the Center has a rich history as the main work place for an interdisciplinary community of scholars in the field of population studies.
- Public Health Disparities Geocoding Project Monograph
- A free on-line monograph sharing the concepts, methods, and US census tract poverty data for improving monitoring of - and research on - social disparities in health.
- Regional Science Association International
- Maintains links to regional data sources.
- SANET: Spatial Analysis on a Network
- SANET: Spatial Analysis on a Network (Version 2) SANET is a software package for spatial analysis on a network, developed by Professor Atsyuki Okabe and colleagues at the Center for Spatial Information Science, University of Tokyo.
- SimSeg
- A computer simulation of segregation dynamics by Mark Fossett of Texas A&M University.
- Social Explorer
- Social Explorer provides easy access to demographic information about the United States, from 1790 to 2000.
- Social Science Data Analysis Network
- "The Social Science Data Analysis Network makes the latest US census surveys and demographic trends accessible to educators, policymakers, the media, and students at all levels. SSDAN is a university based project located at Center for Social and Demographic Analysis, SUNY - Albany and the Population Studies Center, University of Michigan."
- Social Sciences Directories and Data Archives
- SocioWeb
- An independent guide to sociological resources on the internet.
- The Urban Institute
- "The Urban Institute is a nonprofit policy research organization established in Washington, D.C., in 1968. The Institute's goals are to sharpen thinking about society's problems and efforts to solve them, improve government decisions and their implementation, and increase citizens' awareness about important public choices.
- TimeMap Project®
- The TimeMap Project® employs an explicit methodological approach to recording cultural data in time and space. This site also provides background information on the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI).
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Urban and Regional Information Systems Association
- This is the website of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, with extensive online journal holdings.
- Using The Web for Social Research
- Website to accompany the text "Using The Web for Social Research" by Craig McKie, Carleton University, . McKie's book and this website have extensive information about web-based resources in 20 social science disciplines and research areas. This domain name used to host the Universal Codex for the Social Sciences.