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GeoDa™ Software and Workbook

GeoDa is used extensively in the SPACE workshops for teaching spatial analytic methods. It has also proven itself useful in undergraduate education by providing instructors access to a free tool for exploratory data analysis in the classroom.

GeoDa consists of an interactive environment that combines maps with statistical graphics, using the technology of dynamically linked windows. Along with its mapping functionality, GeoDa contains the usual EDA graphs (histogram, box plot, scatterplot) and implements brushing for both maps and statistical plots. Maps can be constructed from points as well as polygons, and tools are provided to create one from the other (centroid computation, Thiessen polygons), as well as to construct various types of spatial weights.

GeoDa will release new versions for use with Vista OS and with Macintosh computers later in fall 2008.

The current beta release is free for non-commercial use only. Make sure to read and accept the terms of the license before installing the software.

Download GeoDa 0.9.5-i Installer

View GeoDa software download options for multiple Operating Systems.

GeoDa Homepage

Exploring Spatial Data with GeoDa: A Workbook (5.1MB), the first complete version of the GeoDa™ workbook is now available for free download. It contains 244 pages with 25 chapters of step by step guidelines and exercises to learn all the features of GeoDa, including spatial regression analysis.


Printable Version

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