Survey Research Center

University of California, Berkeley

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Social Science In Place

 GIS, Spatial Concepts and Applied Social Science Seminar

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Spring 2007 Schedule


Previous Schedule [Fall 2006]


 Date & Time Venue Presenter(s) Title
Jan 30 (Tues) Noon SRC Conference Room Fredric Gey

UCDATA, Survey Research Center

Statistics, Text, Time and Geography [Abstract]
Feb 13 (Tues) Noon SRC Conference Room Jeanette Zerneke

International & Area Studies, UC Berkeley

Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative: Dynamic Cultural Atlases  [Abstract]
Feb 20 (Tues) Noon SRC Conference Room Mei-Po Kwan

Dept of Geography, Ohio State University

Individuals Accessibility in Space-Time: Geocomputation
and Geovisualization Approaches [Abstract]
Feb 27 (Tues) Noon SRC Conference Room Robert Huckfeldt

Dept of Political Science, UC Davis

Unanimity, Discord, and the Communication of Public Opinion [Abstract]
March 6 (Tues) Noon SRC Conference Room Arthur Getis

Dept of Geography, San Diego State University

March 20 (Tues) Noon SRC Conference Room Michael Jerrett

School of Public Health, UC Berkeley

April 3 (Tues) Noon SRC Conference Room TBA  
April 17 (Tues) Noon SRC Conference Room Jed Kolko & Ingrid Lefebvre-Hoang

Public Policy Institute of California

May 1 (Tues) Noon SRC Conference Room Karin MacDonald

Director, Statewide Database, UC Berkeley

May 15 (Tues) Noon SRC Conference Room Weimin Li

Dept of Landscape & Architecture, UC Berkeley




Date, Time & Venue

Jan 30, 2007. (Tuesday) Noon.

Survey Research Center Conference Room. [Direction.]



Statistics, Text, Time and Geography



Fredric Gey, UCDATA, Survey Research Center



Official government statistics are usually identified by time and geography and hence amenable to display by GIS.  Less obvious is the connection of textual documents to time and space, however, news stories usually are about a specific event in a specific place (such as an earthquake in Hawaii or a shark attack off California).  In addition, books cataloged in the UC MELVYL catalog are sometimes identified by place which is the subject of the book (i.e. a history of Tulare County California).   This talk with discuss projects the speaker is working on to present a unified search portal for census data coupled with finding books about the geographic place being searched for.  We have constructed a demonstration system upon the historical census from 1790-1960 for USA
counties which also searches for books in the University catalog. [Demonstration Link]


The second part of the talk will concern itself with the problems of evaluating geographic search upon text, specifically news stories.   How does geographic search differ from ordinary search?  I.e. how to search for queries like:  

  • Find stories about cities along the Rhine and Danube rivers.

  • Find stories about wine regions along rivers in Europe

  • Find stories about places within 100 kilometers of Frankfurt Germany

The speaker has organized evaluation of geographic text search in European languages (English, German, Portuguese and Spanish) as part of a European digital library initiative to objectively evaluate search and will discuss the role of gazetteers in geographic search.

Date, Time & Venue

Feb 13,  2007. (Tuesday) Noon.

Survey Research Center Conference Room. [Direction.]



ECAI Dynamic Cultural Atlases



Jeanette Zerneke, University of California, Berkeley, USA



ECAI is a global consortium working to develop the genre of cultural atlases.  This presentation will discuss the methods used by ECAI affiliates to create Cultural Atlases, highlight some our current projects, and give an overview of the kinds of the resources available for scholars and students.

Scholars associated with ECAI are working on a variety of digital cultural atlases, including development of those that are local, regional, and global in focus.  These projects in turn are linked in a growing web of interactive dynamic atlases.  The ECAI infrastructure for linking these atlases will be demonstrated.  Projects highlighted will include: Ivories of Begram, Afghanistan; ECAI Iraq; Batanes Islands Cultural Atlas; and the North American Missions electronic publication.

ECAI has accomplished many of the goals it envisioned at its inception in 1997. However, we now have a greater understanding of the challenges facing implementation of global infrastructure and standards for interoperative cultural atlases.  Work on Metadata standards and resource linkage in collaboration with the Information School will be briefly demonstrated.

Tools used to create dynamic cultural atlases are developing rapidly and the resources available to include in them are increasing. The presentation will include a short overview of some of the types of resources available; such as gazetteers, historic maps, and satellite imagery.





Date, Time & Venue

Feb 20, 2007. (Tuesday) Noon.

Survey Research Center Conference Room. [Direction.]



Individual Accessibility in Space-Time: Geocomputation and Geovisualization Approaches



Mei-Po Kwan

Distinguished Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Dr. Martha L. Corry Faculty Fellow

Department of Geography, Ohio State University



Conventional accessibility measures based on the notion of locational proximity ignore the role of complex travel behavior and space-time constraints in individual accessibility. As these factors are especially significant in the everyday lives of many individuals, conventional measures may not reveal important differences among individuals. In this presentation, I discuss a conceptualization that conceives individual accessibility as space-time feasibility and describe several formulations of space-time accessibility measures. I describe the implementation of several space-time accessibility measures with a network-based GIS algorithm. Geovisualization using 3D GIS methods will also be used to analyze the activity patterns of human behavior. Implications of this conceptualization of accessibility for social science research will be discussed.




Date, Time & Venue

Feb 27, 2007. (Tuesday) Noon.

Survey Research Center Conference Room. [Direction.]



Unanimity, Discord, and the Communication of Public Opinion


Prof. Robert Huckfeldt
Department of Political Science. University of California, Davis


This paper is concerned with the political communication of opinion that occurs through networks of associated citizens.  Its primary attention focuses on opinion variance within populations and networks, and how such variance affects communication among and between individuals. Particularly in the context of ambiguous or infrequent communication, people may experience difficulty in forming judgments regarding the opinions of others.  In such situations, environmental priors become useful devices for reaching these judgments, but a problem arises related to the utility of these environmental priors when discord rather than unanimity characterizes the contextual distribution of opinion. The paper’s argument is that dyadic discussions between two citizens are most enlightening, and environmental priors least enlightening, when surrounding opinion is marked by higher levels of disagreement.  The analyses are based on data taken from the 1996 Indianapolis - St. Louis study.