Instructional Development Award RecipientsSeveral undergraduate instructors who attended the 2004, 2005, or 2006 SPACE workshops were awarded funds to continue their efforts in integrating spatial analysis into their course curriculums. These pages showcase their achievements. See the full recipient list. Joe D. FrancisAffiliation: Department of Sociology, Cornell University We had 22 participants in the course "Analytic Mapping and Spatial Modeling" this year, compared to 14 participants when we offered it in fall 2005. I believe this improvement in enrollment, while still small, reflects the benefits of the knowledge gained in the CSISS/SPACE workshops during the past two summers. Course MaterialsCourse Syllabi for Analytic Mapping and Spatial Modeling Future ParticipationThe course currently tries to cover both GIS and spatial statistics. I want to divide the course into two parts, with the first semester on GIS and the second on spatial statistics, an idea strongly supported by this year's students. Participation in the 2007 summer workshops on Spatial Regression, taught by Luc Anselin at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, will provide a foundation for developing the new course on spatial statistics, strengthen my knowledge of spatial statistics so that a fuller, richer course in spatial statistics can be developed. Given that our currently successful course offering is largely due to knowledge, data sets, and examples gained from the SPACE workshops over the past two summers, I am hopeful to repeat the process for the spatial statistics areas. Back to “Instructional Development Award Recipients”