Hosted By: SPACE - Spatial Perspectives on Analysis for Curriculum Enhancement
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Instructional Development Award Recipients

Several undergraduate instructors who attended the 2004, 2005, or 2006 SPACE workshops were awarded funds to continue their efforts in integrating spatial analysis into their course curriculums. These pages showcase their achievements. See the full recipient list.

Iheanyi N. Osondu

Affiliation: Department of History, Geography, and Political Science, Fort Valley State University
Workshop Attended: Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies for Undergraduate Curricula in the Social Sciences, University of Oklahoma
Accomplishment: Developed a new certificate course in GIS to be offered in Fall 2007. This will support the only other course on GIS (Introduction to GIS) that has suffered low enrollment because the university and its community are unaware of the benefits of spatial analysis in undergraduate education.

I was inspired after the workshop to press on with further development of GIS/spatial analysis in the University and its environs.
Iheanyi N. Osondu

Future Participation

I will organize a campus event that will include agencies and planning authorities in the Middle Georgia area to highlight the value of spatial thinking and analysis throughout the region. This one-day enlightenment event will include a hands-on exercise in the use of GIS and will focus on the need and importance for other departments, professors, and students to include spatial analysis and GIS in their curriculum.

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