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Instructional Development Award Recipients

Several undergraduate instructors who attended the 2004, 2005, 2006, or 2007 SPACE workshops were awarded funds to continue their efforts in integrating spatial analysis into their course curriculums. These pages showcase their achievements. See the full recipient list.

J. Kevin Byrne

Affiliation: Visualization and Sustainable Design Program, Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Workshop Attended: Spatial Analysis in the Social Science Curriculum: Enhancing Undergraduate Learning, UCSB, 2007
Accomplishment: Developed a one-month module on exploratory spatial data analysis for a 2nd-/3rd-year course on Visual Thinking and developed a proposal for a new course on Introduction to Geovisualization that will introduce students to uses of ArcGIS, GeoDa, and various Web resources.

Notable Achievements in His Own Words

I took an immediate and strong liking to Parallel Coordinate Plot (PCP) theory and practice at SPACE 2007, eventually using it with GeoDa software as a methodological centerpiece to my final presentation there. After the workshop, I continued my work with PCP by retrieving Dr. Sweeney's Guns vs. Crime challenge and dataset from SPACE 2007 and testing some basic PCP techniques on it. I am pleased that a Macintosh OS version for GeoDa is being released. This is important since my plan is to use it in my teaching later this year. In addition I have explored the history of PCP. Learning about its 30th anniversary fueled my interest, and as an extention of this interest I designed a mini-workshop covering the history of the application, a brief overview, a case study, and a data processing exercise.


GIS Workshop Program   (126kb)

Acknowledging 30 Years of GeoDa – a mini-workshop   (1.7MB)

Geovisualizing Indicators of Sustainability: Three New-Media Traverses from Global to Neighborhood Scales   (707kb)

Future Participation

I have Introduction to Geovisualization under proposal for Spring 2009. The course will cover GIS and spatial analysis using a combination of ESRI’s ArcExplorer, GeoDa, Columbia/Yale's ESI ArcIMS-portal, and possibly ESRI's ArcGIS Desktop (depending on budget approval).

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