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Instructional Development Award Recipients

Several undergraduate instructors who attended the 2004, 2005, 2006, or 2007 SPACE workshops were awarded funds to continue their efforts in integrating spatial analysis into their course curriculums. These pages showcase their achievements. See the full recipient list.

Heather Richards-Rissetto and Judith van der Elst

Affiliation: Anthropology, University of New Mexico
Workshop Attended: Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies for Undergraduate Curricula in the Social Sciences, OU, 2006
Spatial Analysis for the Undergraduate Social Science Curriculum, UCSB, 2005
GIS and Spatial Modeling for Use in Undergraduate Education, OSU, 2004

Accomplishment: Developed and taught new courses on GIS applications in anthropology and archaeology, promoted awareness of spatial methods for teaching and research at the University of New Mexico, organized a conference symposium on GIS in archaeology education, and developed a course in visualization in conjunction with UNM’s Art and Technology Lab.

Objective of the Course

To provide traditional students as well as non-traditional students (community members) with training in data collection by means of GPS and the integration of the data into a GIS. The geospatial training was framed within community mapping efforts. The course was designed for students with varying levels of geospatial expertise. This was based on the assumption that those students with more – technical – geospatial knowledge would complement those with more – content – knowledge regarding the acequias. The total of 12 students in the class came from mixed backgrounds and varying levels of content and technical expertise.


Mapping Acequias - a Pilot Course    (3.09 MB)

Future Participation

We plan to submit a paper to the International Journal of Heritage Studies, for a special issue on community engagement, to document our experiences to discuss our preparation, process, and preliminary results in our efforts to provide community training in geospatial technologies. In addition, several organizations have expressed interest in continuing our efforts of community training in mapping technologies, especially with respect to acequia mapping in New Mexico.

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