Hosted By: SPACE - Spatial Perspectives on Analysis for Curriculum Enhancement
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Spatial Analysis and GIS for
Undergraduate Course Enhancement in the Social Sciences

August 2-6, 2004: San Diego, CA


Jared Aldstadt
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
Email: aldstadt at rohan . sdsu . edu

Arthur Getis, Workshop Coordinator
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
Email: arthur.getis at sdsu . edu

Fiona M. Goodchild
California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), Education Director
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: fiona at cnsi . ucsb . edu

Michael F. Goodchild
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: good at geog . ucsb . edu

Piotr Jankowski
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
Email: piotr at typhoon . sdsu . edu

John R. Weeks, Workshop Coordinator
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
Email: john.weeks at sdsu . edu


Katrin Anacker
Wendy Bigler
Mark Bjelland
Timothy Bray
Randy Gainey
Sukumar Ganapati
David Guertin
Karen Hayslett-McCall
Amy Hessl
David Iaquinta

Christine Jocoy
Jani Little
Loretta Lynch
Wendy Miller
Susan Pulsipher
David Rain
Jungyul Sohn
Christopher Weiss
Eric Yamashita

Katrin Anacker
Teaching Interest: Urban and Regional Planning
The Ohio State University
anacker.2 at osu . edu

Wendy Bigler
Teaching Interest: Environmental Studies & Policy
Arizona State University
wendy.bigler at asu . edu

Mark Bjelland
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Gustavus Adolphus College
mbjellan at gustavus . edu

Timothy Bray
Teaching Interest: Criminology
University of Texas at Dallas
timothy.bray at utdallas . edu

Randy Gainey
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Old Dominion University
Rgainey at odu . edu

Sukumar Ganapati
Teaching Interest: Urban and Regional Planning
University of Southern California
gsukumar at usc . edu

David Guertin
Teaching Interest: GIS in Watershed Management and Hydrologic Modeling
University of Arizona
phil at srnr . arizona . edu

Karen Hayslett-McCall
Teaching Interest: Criminology
University of Texas at Dallas
klh024000 at utdallas . edu

Amy Hessl
Teaching Interest: Environmental Studies & Policy
West Virginia University, Geology and Geography
ahessl at geo . wvu . edu

David Iaquinta
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Nebraska Wesleyan University
dli at nebrwesleyan . edu

Christine Jocoy
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
California State University, Long Beach
clj126 at psu . edu

Jani Little
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
University of Colorado
jani.little at colorado . edu

Loretta Lynch
Teaching Interest: Economics
University of Maryland
llynch at arec . umd . edu

Wendy Miller
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
Washington College
wmiller3 at washcoll . edu

Susan Pulsipher
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
Methodist College
sue at methodist . edu

David Rain
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
George Washington University
drain at gwu . edu

Jungyul Sohn
Teaching Interest: Regional Science
University of Memphis
jsohn at memphis . edu

Christopher Weiss
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Columbia University
cw2036 at columbia . edu

Eric Yamashita
Teaching Interest: Urban and Regional Planning
University of Hawaii
ericyama at hawaii . edu


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