Mei-Po Kwan, Workshop Coordinator
Department of Geography, Professor
The Ohio State University
Email: kwan.8 at osu . edu
Alan Murray
Department of Geography, Associate Professor
The Ohio State University
Email: murray.308 at osu . edu
Morton O'Kelly
Department of Geography, Professor
The Ohio State University
Email: okelly.1 at osu . edu
Kathryn Plank
Faculty & TA Development, Associate Director
The Ohio State University
Email: ftad at osu . edu
Michael Tiefelsdorf
Department of Geography, Assistant Professor
University of Texas, Dallas
Email: mtiefels at geography.ohio-state . edu
Ningchuan Xiao
Department of Geography, Assistant Professor
The Ohio State University
Email:xiao.37 at osu . edu
Adegoke Ademiluyi
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Fayetteville State University
aademiluyi at uncfsu . edu
Samuel Adu-Prah
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
Instructor, Alcorn State University
aduprah at lorman . alcorn . edu
Nairne Cameron
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
University of Alberta
nairne.cameron at ualberta . ca
Jinmu Choi
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
Post Doctoral Researcher, CRMS, Geography, UGA
jmchoi at uga . edu
Christopher Cusack
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Keene State College
ccusack at keene . edu
Bernadette De Leon
Teaching Interest: Public Health
Indiana University
deleon at indiana . edu
Yuri Gorokhovich
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
CIESIN, Columbia University
ygorokho at ciesin . columbia . edu
Lynn Harvey
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Winston-Salem State University
harveyly at wssu . edu
Rajrani Kalra
Teaching Interest: Urban Studies
Kent State University
rkalra1 at kent . edu
Sunwoong Kim
Teaching Interest: Economics
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
kim at uwm . edu
Kevin Leander
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Vanderbilt University
kevin.leander at vanderbilt . edu
Jiyeong Lee
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
jlee68 at uncc . edu
Sun Park
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
University of Hawaii-Hilo
sunypark at hawaii . edu
Karin Pfeffer
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
University of Amsterdam
k.pfeffer at uva . nl
Clara Popa
Teaching Interest: Communication Studies
Rowan University
popa at rowan . edu
Alexander Prishchepov
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
Oklahoma State University
a.prishchepov at okstate . edu
Julio Rivera
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Carthage College
julio at carthage . edu
Shouraseni Sen Roy
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
Arizona State University
shouraseni at gmail . com
Talar Sahsuvaroglu
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
McMaster University
sahsuvt at mcmaster . ca
Jungyul Sohn
Teaching Interest: Regional Science
University of Memphis
jsohn at memphis . edu
Stephen Truhon
Teaching Interest: Psychology
Winston-Salem State University
truhons at wssu . edu
Paul Von Hippel
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Ohio State University
von-hippel.1 at osu . edu
Cecile Yancu
Teaching Interest: Public Health
Winston-Salem State University
yancuc at wssu . edu
Li Yin
Teaching Interest: Urban and Regional Planning
State University of New York at Buffalo
liyin at ap . buffalo . edu