Hosted By: SPACE - Spatial Perspectives on Analysis for Curriculum Enhancement
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GIS and Spatial Modeling for the Undergraduate Social Science Curriculum

July 10-15, 2005: Columbus, OH


Mei-Po Kwan, Workshop Coordinator
Department of Geography, Professor
The Ohio State University
Email: kwan.8 at osu . edu

Alan Murray
Department of Geography, Associate Professor
The Ohio State University
Email: murray.308 at osu . edu

Morton O'Kelly
Department of Geography, Professor
The Ohio State University
Email: okelly.1 at osu . edu

Kathryn Plank
Faculty & TA Development, Associate Director
The Ohio State University
Email: ftad at osu . edu

Michael Tiefelsdorf
Department of Geography, Assistant Professor
University of Texas, Dallas
Email: mtiefels at geography.ohio-state . edu

Ningchuan Xiao
Department of Geography, Assistant Professor
The Ohio State University
Email:xiao.37 at osu . edu

Guest Lecturers

Sara McLafferty
Department of Geography, Professor
University of Illinois
Email: smclaff at uiuc . edu

Shih-Lung Shaw
Department of Geography, Professor
University of Tennessee
Email: sshaw at utk . edu


Adegoke Ademiluyi
Samuel Adu-Prah
Nairne Cameron
Jinmu Choi
Christopher Cusack
Bernadette De Leon
Yuri Gorokhovich
Lynn Harvey
Rajrani Kalra
Sunwoong Kim
Kevin Leander
Jiyeong Lee

Sun Park
Karin Pfeffer
Clara Popa
Alexander Prishchepov
Julio Rivera
Shouraseni Sen Roy
Talar Sahsuvaroglu
Jungyul Sohn
Stephen Truhon
Paul Von Hippel
Cecile Yancu
Li Yin

Adegoke Ademiluyi
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Fayetteville State University
aademiluyi at uncfsu . edu

Samuel Adu-Prah
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
Instructor, Alcorn State University
aduprah at lorman . alcorn . edu

Nairne Cameron
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
University of Alberta
nairne.cameron at ualberta . ca

Jinmu Choi
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
Post Doctoral Researcher, CRMS, Geography, UGA
jmchoi at uga . edu

Christopher Cusack
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Keene State College
ccusack at keene . edu

Bernadette De Leon
Teaching Interest: Public Health
Indiana University
deleon at indiana . edu

Yuri Gorokhovich
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
CIESIN, Columbia University
ygorokho at ciesin . columbia . edu

Lynn Harvey
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Winston-Salem State University
harveyly at wssu . edu

Rajrani Kalra
Teaching Interest: Urban Studies
Kent State University
rkalra1 at kent . edu

Sunwoong Kim
Teaching Interest: Economics
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
kim at uwm . edu

Kevin Leander
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Vanderbilt University
kevin.leander at vanderbilt . edu

Jiyeong Lee
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
jlee68 at uncc . edu

Sun Park
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
University of Hawaii-Hilo
sunypark at hawaii . edu

Karin Pfeffer
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
University of Amsterdam
k.pfeffer at uva . nl

Clara Popa
Teaching Interest: Communication Studies
Rowan University
popa at rowan . edu

Alexander Prishchepov
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
Oklahoma State University
a.prishchepov at okstate . edu

Julio Rivera
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Carthage College
julio at carthage . edu

Shouraseni Sen Roy
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
Arizona State University
shouraseni at gmail . com

Talar Sahsuvaroglu
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
McMaster University
sahsuvt at mcmaster . ca

Jungyul Sohn
Teaching Interest: Regional Science
University of Memphis
jsohn at memphis . edu

Stephen Truhon
Teaching Interest: Psychology
Winston-Salem State University
truhons at wssu . edu

Paul Von Hippel
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Ohio State University
von-hippel.1 at osu . edu

Cecile Yancu
Teaching Interest: Public Health
Winston-Salem State University
yancuc at wssu . edu

Li Yin
Teaching Interest: Urban and Regional Planning
State University of New York at Buffalo
liyin at ap . buffalo . edu



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