Sara I. Fabrikant, Workshop Coordinator
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: sara at geog . ucsb . edu
Fiona M. Goodchild
California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), Education Director
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: fiona at cnsi . ucsb . edu
Michael F. Goodchild
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: good at geog . ucsb . edu
Don Janelle
Center for Spatially Integrated Social Sciences, Program Director
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: janelle at geog . ucsb . edu
Stuart Sweeney, Workshop Coordinator
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: sweeney at geog . ucsb . edu
Waldo Tobler
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: tobler at geog . ucsb . edu
Sarah Battersby
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: batts at geog . ucsb . edu
Kathryn Grace
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: katgrace at umail . ucsb . edu
Jeff Hemphill
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: jeff at geog . ucsb . edu
Enki Yoo
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: yoo at geog . ucsb . edu
Stacy Rebich
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: rebich at geog . ucsb . edu
Claude Barnes
Teaching Interest: Political Science
North Carolina A&T State University
cbarnes at ncat . edu
Janice Bell
Teaching Interest: Public Health
University of Washington
jfbell at u . washington . edu
Sheryl Breen
Teaching Interest: Political Science
St. Olaf College
>breens at stolaf . edu
Sung Chun
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Institute for Latino Students, University of Notre Dame
chun.1 at nd . edu
Marlese Durr
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Wright State University
Marlese.Durr at wright . edu
Owen Dwyer
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Indiana University at Indianapolis
odwyer at iupui . edu
Jennifer Earl
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Sociology, University of California-Santa Barbara
jearl at soc . ucsb . edu
Joe D. Francis
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Cornell University
jdf2 at cornell . edu
Kurt Fuellhart
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
Shippensburg University
kgfuel at ship . edu
Laurie Garo
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
lagaro at email . uncc . edu
Randolph Horn
Teaching Interest: Political Science
Samford University
rchorn at samford . edu
Mary Lou Larson
Teaching Interest: Anthropology
University of Wyoming
mlarson at uwyo . edu
Brian Lee
Teaching Interest: Landscape Architecture
University of Kentucky
blee at uky . edu
Kevin Marsh
Teaching Interest: History
Idaho State University
marskevi at isu . edu
Steven Perlmutter
Teaching Interest: Political Science
Departmen of Government, College of Wiliam and Mary
tedperlmutter at cicr . columbia . edu
Heather Richards
Teaching Interest: Archaeology
University of New Mexico
heathmr at unm . edu
Glenwood Ross
Teaching Interest: Economics
Morehouse College
gross at morehouse . edu
Diana Sinton
Teaching Interest: Geographic Information Science
National Institute for Technology & Liberal Education
dsinton at middlebury . edu
Jon Sonstelie
Teaching Interest: Economics
jon at econ . ucsb . edu
Sudhir Thakur
Teaching Interest: Human Geography
University of North Dakota
sudhir.thakur at und . nodak . edu
Judith Van der Elst
Teaching Interest: Archaeology
University of New Mexico, Dept. of Anthropology
jvdelst at unm . edu