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GIS and Spatial Modeling for the Undergraduate Social Science Curriculum

June 18-23, 2006: Columbus, OH

This workshop focuses on spatial thinking, spatial analytic methods and their applications suited for undergraduate social science courses. These methods include cartographic visualization, space-time modeling of individual behavior, spatial interaction models, spatial point pattern analysis and spatial optimization methods. The workshop will also cover curriculum development, pedagogy and student learning assessment. Workshop participants will consider how to integrate these methods into instructional modules, exercises, and learning assessment approaches. Requirements to benefit from this workshop include prior experience with computer file and data management in applications of quantitative analysis and/or GIS in the social sciences.

Instructors: Mei-Po Kwan (coordinator), Ola Ahlqvist, Darla Munroe, Alan Murray, Morton O'Kelly, Kathryn Plank, and Ningchuan Xiao (all of The Ohio State University), Jiyeong Lee (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), and Sara McLafferty (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).

Co-sponsor with CSISS and host institution: Department of Geography, The Ohio State University.

Laptop Requirement

Individuals selected to participate in the Ohio State University must bring a laptop computer for use in the workshop. The minimum specifications are as follows: Windows XP/2000/NT(SP6a), 512 MB RAM, 1.0 GHz Processor, Web Browser, CD-ROM, USB, and a Wireless card. Minimum free disk space is 1.0 GB (1,000 MB). See requirements for all ESRI software.

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