Participants should arrive in Santa Barbara on Saturday, July 14th. The first class is in Ellison Hall, Room 2620 at 9:15am on Sunday, July 15th. [Campus Map][Graphic Agenda]
Meals |
Breakfast (July 15-21) - Carrillo Dining Commons
Sunday 8:00-9:00am
Monday 7:00-8:15am
Tuesday 7:15-8:30am
Wednesday 8:00-9:00am
Thursday 8:00-9:00am
Friday 7:15-8:30am
Saturday 8:00-9:00am
11:30-1:30pm |
Lunch (July 14-20) - De La Guerra Dining Commons (DLG)
(except Saturday, July 14 @ DLG, 11:30-12:30pm)
Dinner (July 14-20) - Carrillo Dining Commons
(except Monday and Thursday, 5:00-6:00pm)
Sunday, July 15: Introduction, Motivation, and Project Planning |
9:15 |
Welcome and Introductions
Don Janelle
10:15 |
Integrating Spatial Perspectives into Undergraduate Social Science Education
Stuart Sweeney
11:15 |
Project Planning and Student Assessment
Background Reading (password protected):
Analyzing Heritage Landscapes with Historical GIS: contributions from problem-based inquiry and constructivist pedagogy (1.75MB)
SPACE Curriculum Design project (99kb)
Fiona Goodchild
Stacy Rebich Hespanha
Stuart Sweeney
Lunch with Instructors
The Challenge of Spatial Social Science
Background Reading (password protected):
The Challenge of Spatial Social Science (9.5MB)
Institutional Opportunities and Constraints (4.6MB)
- GIS methods in social science research and education.
- Thinking spatially in the social sciences.
- Discussion
Mike Goodchild
Introducing GIS and Peer Interaction
Background Reading (password protected):
Data Classification (2.1MB)
Introduction to ArcGIS
Kirk Goldsberry
Jeff Howarth
Workshop Dinner with Instructors (Carrillo Dining Hall)
Reception and Poster Session *
(West Campus Commons)
Monday, July 16: Spatial Social Science and GIScience |
9:15 |
Geographic Information Systems/Science: Basic Concepts of GIS (3.4MB)
- Nature of spatial processes and their representation in GIS
Background Reading (password protected):
Representing geography (12.7MB) The nature of geographic data (19.3MB) Georeferencing (11MB) Uncertainty (8.9MB)
Query, measurement, and transformation (14MB)
Descriptive summary, design, and inference (14MB)
Spatial modeling with GIS (8MB)
Mike Goodchild
10:30 |
10:45 |
Learning and Assessing Spatial Thinking (5. 7MB)
Background Reading (password protected):
Problem-Solving in a Case-Based Course: Strategies for Facilitating Coached Expertise (1.9MB) Problem-Based Learning in Geography: Towards a Critical Assessment of its Purposes, Benefits, and Risks (1MB)
Activities to Develop a Spatial Perspective among Students in Introductory Geography Courses (866kb)
Integrating GIS into the Undergraduate Learning Environment (922kb)
Spatial Thinking and Problem-based Learning (745kb)
Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism: Comparing Critical Features from an Instructional Design Perspective (392kb)
Fiona Goodchild
Stacy Rebich Hespanha
Computer Lab (laptop software checks, data checks, lab logistics)
Structured Lab:ArcGIS I: Data Structures / Data Sources / Mapmaking
Kirk Goldsberry
Jeff Howarth
Parallel Electives *
Open Computer Lab
Staffed by:
Kirk Goldsberry
Jeff Howarth
Choropleth Maps with ArcGIS
8:00pm |
Open Discussion - location to be determined
Tuesday, July 17: Spatial Analytic Methods in Social Science Instruction |
6:00am |
Hike with Mike - Foothills of Santa Ynez Mountains
9:15 |
Spatial Analytic Methods (exploratory / descriptive / inferential)
- Point data: SS methods / applications
- Area data: SS methods / applications
- Interaction data: SS methods / applications
Background Reading (password protected):
GeoDa: An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis (524kb) Under the Hood. Issues in the Specification and Interpretation of Spatial Regression Models (172kb)
Materials (password protected):
Animations (5.2MB)
Stuart Sweeney
10:30 |
10:45 |
Spatial Analytic Methods (exploratory / descriptive / inferential)
- Spatial analytic methods in social science research and education.
- Added-value from spatial analytic methods
- Spatial autocorrelation and relation to social science theories
- Classroom demos versus student assignments / labs
- Discussion
Stuart Sweeney
Lunch with Instructors
Structured Lab: GeoDa: Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis
- Reading ESRI Shape files and variable construction
- EDA and ESDA utility and interpretation
- Inferential pattern analysis / spatial autocorrelation.
Stuart Sweeney
Kathryn Grace
David Folch
Parallel Electives *
Open Computer Lab
staffed by:
Kirk Goldsberry
Jeff Howarth
R Language and STARS (space-time analysis of regional systems)
Background Reading (password protected):
Spatial Dependence in Linear Regression Models (2.1MB)
- Spatial econometric theory; Spatial error and spatial lag models
- Specification tests and model interpretation
- GeoDa application: Hedonic real estate model
Stuart Sweeney
Kathryn Grace
David Folch
Workshop Debriefing
Wednesday, July 18: Cartography / Visualization in Social Science Instruction |
6:00am |
Surf with Stuart
9:15 |
Cartographic Visualization in Social Science Instruction
Symbolizing point, line, and area features
Background Reading (password protected):
Sample evaluation criteria for maps (20kb)
The Selection of Class Intervals (1.5MB)
On Grouping for Maximum Homogeneity (593kb)
Map Making for Social Scientists (9.1MB)
Choropleth Maps with Class Intervals (241kb)
Kirk Goldsberry
10:45 |
Structured Lab: ArcGIS II: Topics in Cartographic Communication
- Classification
Data Sources:
US Census FactFinder (census data)
ESRI Census Watch (census data portal and information)
ESRI Geography Network (tiger line data and tons of other spatial data)
Exercise Material:
Example table
Selecting good color schemes for maps
cart/viz links by Slocum et al. (2004)
Mapping Exercises (password protected):
Downloading map data, processing and classifying (68kb)
Choropleth mapping with GIS (207kb)
Kirk Goldsberry
Jeff Howarth
Afternoon |
Free Time in Santa Barbara (options depending on interest; consult with Stacy Rebich Hespanha)
Open Computer Lab
Limited Staff Support
Consultation with Faculty
To be arranged
8:00pm |
Open Discussion - Location to be determined
Thursday, July 19: Spatial Interaction, Pedagogy, and Project Development |
9:15 |
Issues in Teaching and Learning
Chair: Fiona Goodchild
Panel: Stuart Sweeney, and three workshop participants
10:45 |
11:00 |
Movement and Flows
- Flow representation and mapping
- Discussion
Background Reading (password protected):
Tobler's Reprinted Articles on Migration
Waldo Tobler
Lunch with Instructors
Introducing Spatial Perspectives in Undergraduate Teaching: Institutional Opportunities and Constraints
Discussion with
Mike Goodchild
Parallel Electives *
Open Computer Lab
Kathryn Grace
David Folch
Kirk Goldsberry
Jeff Howarth
Flow Mapper Implementation
Background Reading (password protected):
Tobler's Space Talk
Waldo Tobler
Consultations with Instructors
F. Goodchild
M. Goodchild
S. Sweeney
W. Tobler
Friday, July 20: Project Presentations / Closing Session |
9:15 |
Participant Presentations and Peer Feedback
- 8 minute presentation, 4 minute discussion
(maximum of 10 PowerPoint slides)
- Peer review for each participant
Participant Presentations and Peer Feedback
- 8 minute presentation, 4 minute discussion.
- Peer review for each participant
Participant Presentations and Peer Feedback
- 8 minute presentation, 4 minute discussion.
- Peer review for each participant
Participant Presentations
The following presentations are password protected
Historical Fisheries - Sean Anderson
Problems in Teaching Spatial Social Science - Wesley Bernardini and Steve Wuhs
Spatial Interplay of Two Key Indicators of Sustainability Among Mäori of New Zealand - Kevin Byrne
Ranking Florida Counties Infested with Major Invasive Species - Valentina David
Senior Seminar Spatial Econonmics - Alex De Pinto
Filling in the Blanks in Patchwork Nation - Joshua Dyck
Mapping Inequality - Jill Grigsby
Spatial Analysis for Transportation and Land Use Planning
in the DAFT context, using GeoDa and FlowMap - Hiroyuki Iseki
From Ancient Waters Flow Life and Knowledge - Esther John
Demonstration of Spatial Auto-Correlation - Rajrani Kalra and Li Yin
Minds On GIS: Encouraging Spatial Thinking in an
Introductory GIS Lab - Sharla Lair
Roots and Routes - Lillian Larsen
Visualizing College Freshmen Migration Patterns Using Flow Mapper - Allan Joseph Medwick
Identifying Ethnic Communities with Spatial Analysis - Sookhee Oh
Demographics and Detritus - Jen Petersen
Spatial Analysis and Spatial Statistics - Ana Simão
Population Profile in Selected Counties of Virginia - Shoba Sriharan
Patterning and Process in the Material Record:
Thinking spatially about protohistoric landscapes - Jun Sunseri
Satellite Imagery of Menominee Indian Reservation - William Van Lopik
Closing Comments
Don Janelle
Stuart Sweeney
Fiona Goodchild
BBQ Dinner and Workshop Certificates (Location to be arranged)
Saturday, July 21: Participants Depart Santa Barbara |