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1: Untitled
GIS `95 (Ninth Annual Symposium on Geographic Information Systems in Natural Resources Management) Article Citations March 27-30, 1995 (Listed in order of appearance in proceedings) KEYNOTE PAPERS Keynote Session 1 Rapport, David J., W. G. Whitford, and K. Korporal. "Evaluating Ecosystem Health: Opportunities for GIS." GIS `95 Conference Proceedings. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1995. 1:3-8. Haines-Young, Roy. "Accounting for the Environment." GIS `95 Conference Proceedings. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1995. 1:9-11. Chrisman, Nicholas. "Living with Error in Geographic Data-Truth and Responsibility." GIS `95 Conference Proceedings. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1995. 1:12-17. Keynote Session 2 Ripple, William J. "Dynamic Forest Patterns: Perspectives on Scale and Time for Ecosystem Management." GIS `95 Conference Proceedings. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1995. 1:18-19. Johnston, Ray. "U.S. Forest Service Applications of GIS." GIS `95 Conference Proceedings. Fort ...
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2: GIS 1997
GIS `97 (Eleventh Annual Symposium on Geographic Information Systems: Integrating Spatial Information Technologies for Tomorrow) Article Citations February 17-20, 1997 (Listed in order of appearance in the proceedings) Intelligent Agents in Natural Resources Planning Anderson, John. "Supporting Intelligent Agents in Individual-Based Ecosystem Models." GIS `97 Conference Proceedings. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1997. 3-6. Deadman, Peter, and Edella Schlager. "Modeling Common Pool Natural Resource Management Institutions with Intelligent Agents." GIS `97 Conference Proceedings. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1997. 7-10. Cartography Lassonde B./Sc., A. Francois. "The New Cartography for Today's GIS." GIS `97 Conference Proceedings. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1997. 13-15. Morin, Patrick, Diane Dubrule, and Jorg-Rudiger Sack Ph.D. "A Parallel Cartographic Modeling System: Design, Implementation and Performance." GIS `97 Conference Proceedings. Fort Collins: GIS World, ...
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3: GIS PLANET 1998 Annual Conference Proceedings
GIS PLANET 1998 Annual Conference Proceedings Lisbon, Portugal, September 1998 Aalders, H. 1998. The Nominal Ground in GIS. GIS PLANET 1998 Annual Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1998, CD-Rom. Abrahart, R. 1998. Neural Network Mapping Revisited. Some Experiences Related to Terrain-Based Modelling of Daily Rainfall for Switzerland Using a Backpropagation Neural Network. GIS PLANET 1998 Annual Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1998, CD-Rom. Abrantes, G. and M. Gomes. 1998. GEO-OMT. An Object-Oriented Method Supporting the Development of Facilities Management Systems. GIS PLANET 1998 Annual Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1998, CD-Rom. Abreu, J., J. Bonn, H. Scholten, P. Cabrita, T. Fonseca, and A. Camara. 1998. ESMI - The European Spatial Metadata Infrastructure. GIS PLANET 1998 Annual Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1998, CD-Rom. Afonso, P.H. and M.R. Gomes. 1998. Geo-Fuzzy-Decision Support System. ...
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4: GIS organization and staffing
URISA (1994), p41-52, copyright Urban and Regional Information Association Rebecca Somers Somers-St.Claire, GIS Management Consultants 3157 Babashaw Court Fairfax, Virginia 22031 GIS ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING Abstract: The key to success in a GIS often lies in the organization and roles of the individuals involved in the effort. Staffing the GIS team is particularly important. To further confuse the issue, tactics that are successful in one organizational setting may not work in another. Through the experience of many organizations, however, some successful models for organizing and staffing GIS efforts have emerged. This paper discusses approaches for organizing GIS participants and staff. Staffing issues related to job descriptions and qualifications are also be discussed. To illustrate the models and alternatives, examples are drawn from operational GISs. Various GIS organization and staffing models are discussed and compared, and strategies for devising an organization ...
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5: GIS and Environmental Modeling: Progress and Research Issues
GIS and Environmental Modeling: Progress and Research Issues Michael F. Goodchild, Louis T. Steyaert, Bradley O. Parks, Carol Johnston, David Maidment, Michael Crane, and Sandi Glendinning, Eds. Article Citations 1996 (Listed in order of appearance in compendium) Part I. ENVIRONMENTAL DATABASES AND MAPPING Bretherton, Francis. "Why Bother?" GIS and Environmental Modeling: Progress and Research Issues. Eds. Michael F. Goodchild, Louis T. Steyaert, Bradley O. Parks, Carol Johnston, David Maidment, Michael Crane, and Sandi Glendinning. Boulder: GIS World Books, 1996. 3-6. Miller, Roberta Balstad. "Information Technology for Public Policy." GIS and Environmental Modeling: Progress and Research Issues. Eds. Michael F. Goodchild, Louis T. Steyaert, Bradley O. Parks, Carol Johnston, David Maidment, Michael Crane, and Sandi Glendinning. Boulder: GIS World Books, 1996. 7-10. Goodchild, Michael. "The Spatial Data Infrastructure of Environmental Modeling." GIS and Environmental ...
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6: GIS '96 Conference Proceedings
GIS `96 (Tenth Annual Symposium on Geographic Information Systems for Natural Resources, Environment and Land Information Management) Article Citations March 18-21, 1996 (Listed in order of appearance in proceedings) SPECIAL SESSIONS Grant, Chris. "Developing a Vision for the Implementation of Corporate GIS." GIS `96 Conference Proceedings. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1996. SS-1. Cooney, Gary. "BC Environment's Corporate Implementation of GIS." GIS `96 Conference Proceedings. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1996. SS-2. Mackenzie, Bruce. "Technical Infrastructure for GIS at BC Environment." GIS `96 Conference Proceedings. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1996. SS-3. Hawthorn, Stuart R. "Data Delivery." GIS `96 Conference Proceedings. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1996. SS-4. Narver, Debbie. "BC Environment-Implementing Corporate GIS in Regional Offices." GIS `96 Conference Proceedings. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1996. SS-5. Erickson, Sharon. "BC Environment-Regional ...
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7: Untitled
GIS/LIS `95 Annual Conference & Exposition Article Citations 1995 (Listed in order of appearance in proceedings) Volume I Arctur, David, Eman Anwar, Maria Cobb, Miyi Chung, Kevin Shaw, John F. Alexander, and Sharma Chakravarthy. "Implementation of a Rule-Based Framework for Managing Updates in an Object-Oriented VPF Database." GIS/LIS `95 Proceedings. Bethesda: ACSM/ASPRS, AAG, URISA, AM/FM, 1995. 1:1-10. Armstrong, Marc P., and Paul J. Densham. "GIS and Group Decision-Making: A Look at the Dark Side." GIS/LIS `95 Proceedings. Bethesda: ACSM/ASPRS, AAG, URISA, AM/FM, 1995. 1:11-19. Arthur, Robert M., and Nigel Waters. "GIS to Maximize Photo Radar Deployment Effectiveness." GIS/LIS `95 Proceedings. Bethesda: ACSM/ASPRS, AAG, URISA, AM/FM, 1995. 1:20-28. Badruddin, Abu, and Lee P. Herrington. "Effects of Land Use Data Quality in Resource Analysis." GIS/LIS `95 Proceedings. Bethesda: ACSM/ASPRS, AAG, URISA, AM/FM, 1995. 1:29-38. Barlaz, Eugene. "Industry Standards: Defining ...
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8: GIS/LIS '96
GIS/LIS `96 Annual Conference and Exposition Article Citations November 19-21, 1996 (Listed in order of appearance in the proceedings) Hipple, James D. "Habitat Fragmentation Dynamics Assessed Through V-I-S in Urban Residential Environments." GIS/LIS `96 Proceedings. Bethesda: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1996. 1-9. Hirono, Kiichi, Yutaka Imai, Yuriko Yaoita, Katuji Adachi, Masami Sugiura. "Seismic Damage Assessment by Using GIS." GIS/LIS `96 Proceedings. Bethesda: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1996. 10-16. Nilsson, Ingela. "GIS Makes Environmental Supervision More Efficient." GIS/LIS `96 Proceedings. Bethesda: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1996. 17-21. Liu, Guchuan, Tommy L. Coleman, and Wubishet Tadesse. "Integration of GPS, GIS and Windows Technology for Water Quality Study in North Alabama." GIS/LIS `96 Proceedings. Bethesda: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1996. ...
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9: Untitled
GIS/LIS '91 Article Citations 1991 (Listed in order of appearance in the proceedings) Volume 1 Maggio, Robert C., and David W. Long. Developing Thematic Maps From Point Sampling Using Thiessen Polygon Analysis. GIS/LIS '91 Proceedings. Atlanta: ACSM-ASPRS-URISA-AM/FM, 1991. 1: 1-10. Miller, David, and Jane Morrice. An Expert System and GIS Approach to Predicting Changes in the Upland Vegetation of Scotland. GIS/LIS '91 Proceedings. Atlanta: ACSM-ASPRS-URISA-AM/FM, 1991. 1: 11-20. Moreno, Daniel D., and Luke A. Heyerdahl. GIS Tools for Contaminated Site Remediation: The Bunker Hill Superfund Site. GIS/LIS '91 Proceedings. Atlanta: ACSM-ASPRS-URISA-AM/FM, 1991. 1: 21-30 . Hines, James F. Cannons to the Left, Cannons to the Right: Pitfalls of a Multi-Participant GIS Implementation for a Local Government. GIS/LIS '91 Proceedings. Atlanta: ACSM-ASPRS-URISA-AM/FM, 1991. 1: 31-39. Goodchild, Michael F. Spatial Analysis With GIS: Problems and Prospects. GIS/LIS '91 Proceedings. ...
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10: GIS Applications in Natural Resources 2
GIS Applications in Natural Resources Heit, Parker, Shortreid, Eds Article Citations 1996 (Listed in order of appearance in compendium) Part 1 Issues within Organizations Faber, Brenda G., Ray Watts, Jacob E. Hautaluoma, Jef Knutson, William W. Wallace, and Lyle Wallace. "A Groupware-Enabled GIS." GIS Applications in Natural Resources 2. Eds. Heit, Parker, Shortreid. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1996. 3-13. Greenwood, Graeme N. "Multipurpose Natural Resource GIS Databases-Altruism or Synergy? A Perspective from Arid Australia." GIS Applications in Natural Resources 2. Eds. Heit, Parker, Shortreid. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1996. 14-24. Marozas, Bryan A. "Strategies for the Implementation of Geographic Information Systems in Indian Country." GIS Applications in Natural Resources 2. Eds. Heit, Parker, Shortreid. Fort Collins: GIS World, Inc., 1996. 25-35. Sondheim, Mark, Evert Kenk, Michael Ross, and Brendan Feary. "Developing Land Information Infrastructures: The ...
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