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1: The Society for Human Ecology
About the Society Resources Membership Info Announcements Contact Us Sitemap SHE Conference XII 2001 The Society for Human Ecology (SHE) is an international interdisciplinary professional society that promotes the use of an ecological perspective in both research and application. SHE's goals are to: Provide a forum through which scientists, scholars, educators, and practitioners may exchange ideas and information. Promote the advancement of an ecological perspective in interdisciplinary studies and practice. Identify problems, discover their origins, examine possible solutions and their implications, and then make recommendations for implementing those solutions. Look ahead to the consequences of human action on our social, natural, and built environments. Build cooperative arrangements among human ecology programs and organizations throughout the world. Facilitate the exchange of this information throughout an international network of individuals interested in human ...
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2: Bridging Human Health and Farming through Ecology
Help and Site Guide Search and Table of Contents IDRC Home Page IDRC:Research Programs: - En fran�ais Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health Home Overview Objectives Team Members Projects by stressor by region News Links Emerging concepts Case studies Publications Bridging Human Health and Farming through Ecology Craig Stephen Director, Centre for Coastal Health Assistant Professor, Health Care and Epidemiology University of British Columbia c/o Malaspina University-College, 900 5th St., Nanaimo BC V9R 5S5 Published in New Directions in Animal Production Systems. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Animal Science, July 5-8, 1998, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Edited by R. Blair, R. Rajamahendran, L.S. Stephens, M.Y. Yang Introduction Human health and well-being depends on agriculture. A safe, readily accessible food supply is the basis of security for individuals, communities and nations. Conversely, food is an effective way to exposure ...
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CSISS Search: Human Ecology CSISS

3: Natural Sciences for Students: Human Ecology
Human Ecology for Students CERES Theme: Recycling LUPIN: Sustainable Development Conservation C.A.U.Z. for Wildlife Conservation Commercially Harvested Edible Forest Mushrooms, USDA Forest Service Conservation International Conservation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Student Center Tahoe Center for a Sustainable Future The Evolution of the Conservation Movement, 1850-1920, Library of Congress American Memory Collection Waterwise and Energy Efficient Habitat Restoration Cultivated Foods for Wildlife Nut Seeding for Wildlife Integrated Waste Management Home Gardening, Waste Prevention World Home Gardening, Waste Prevention World Waste Prevention at Home, Waste Prevention World Waste Prevention at Home Recycling Department of Conservation Recycling Page Project Recycle Program, California Integrated Waste Management Board Recyclecity, EPA Recycling in California 40 Tips to Go Green, Department of Conservation Help Conserve California's Natural Resources: Recycle! ...
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CSISS Search: Human Ecology CSISS

4: Urban Ecosystem and Human Health by Trevor Hancock
Buscar Ayuda Pagina Web del CIID IDRC/CRDI: CIID-Montevideo: Conferencias Spanish Urban Ecosystems and Human Health A paper prepared for the Seminar on CIID-IDRC and urban development in Latin America Montevideo, Uruguay April 6-7, 2000 Dr Trevor Hancock Health Promotion Consultant 28 Napier Street Kleinburg, Ontario Canada L0J 1C0 (905) 893 2808 thancock@on.aibn.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Urban and Human Ecosystems 1.1 Urban settlements as human ecosystems 1.2 Public health as human ecology 1.3 Summary 2. Urban Ecosystem Health 2.1 A healthy community model 2.2 The physical environment 2.2.1 Liveable urban environments and health 2.2.2 Viable urban environments and health 2.2.3 Sustainable urban environments and health 2.3 Summary 3. Urban Ecosystem Management . As if Health Mattered 3.1 What is our purpose/end point 3.2 How do we measure it? 3.3 How is it to be achieved? 3.4 The health secyor's role 3.5 Strengthen community action 3.6 Healthy public policy 3.7 Private ...
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CSISS Search: Human Ecology CSISS

5: Quick Response Report #113 - The Mass Media, Political Fragmentation, and Environmental Injustice in Puerto Rico: A Case Study of the Floods in Barrio Tortugo
Quick Response Report #113 THE MASS MEDIA, POLITICAL FRAGMENTATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE IN PUERTO RICO: A CASE STUDY OF THE FLOODS IN BARRIO TORTUGO1 Marla Perez-Lugo Departments of Sociology and Human Ecology Rutgers The State University of New Jersey 1999 Return to Hazards Center Home Page Return to Quick Response Paper Index This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CMS-9632458. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. THE MASS MEDIA, POLITICAL FRAGMENTATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE IN PUERTO RICO: A CASE STUDY OF THE FLOODS IN BARRIO TORTUGO INTRODUCTION Experts in the field of emergency management agree that the primary source of information for the general public about natural disasters is the mass media (Fisher, 1996). It is considered that their coverage ...
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CSISS Search: Human Ecology CSISS

6: Geography Home Page
correctly? Special: Geography Quiz - Take this week's five-question quiz! More: Quizzes - A 3 1/2-year archive of weekly quizzes. Did You Know? In the 1770s, Captain James Cook indisputably determined that there was no habitable southern continent, Terra Australis Incognita, which was believed to exist at the time. Captain Cook Elsewhere in Science About.com Sites: Animals/Wildlife Anthropology Archaeology Astrology Biology Botany Chemical Engineering Chemistry Computer Science Ecology Forestry Geography Geology Geographic Info. Sys. Inventors Mathematics Nanotechnology Neurosciences Paranormal Phenomena Physics Political Science Psychology Space UFOs/Aliens Urban Legends & Folklore GO! Find: Today's Features Biology Facts Evolution Info Maps Discover: How Things Work Essentials Free Geography Newsletter Subscribe to my free weekly email Geography Newsletter to stay up-to-date about this site and for the latest geographical news from around the world. Geography Answers ...
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CSISS Search: Human Ecology CSISS

7: Untitled
Problem and Background Biology and Ecology of Schistosomiasis Schistosomiasis is considered second only to malaria in human impact among tropical diseases. It affects perhaps 200 million people in the world, virtually all of them living in developing countries (Doumenge, 1987). The two most common parasite species causing schistosomiasis in Africa, Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium, are parasitic helminths (worms) that live in the large blood vessels of the abdomen and urinary system, respectively. Schistosomiasis is transmitted by contact with water containing the infective agent, a free-swimming larvae (cercariae) that penetrates the skin and enters blood vessels. Once inside the body, the parasite matures into an adult worm. Worms mate in the body and the female releases eggs, many of which are excreted through urine (schistosomiasis haematobium) or feces (schistosomiasis mansoni). The remaining eggs lodge in the body, causing tissue and organ damage. ...
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CSISS Search: Human Ecology CSISS

8: RAMAS Ecological Software by Applied Biomathematics
been relying on RAMAS for over 15 years. RAMAS software costs $300-$1,000. It comes with Context-sensitive help Examples based on real data A range of models, from simple to comprehensive, depending on available data Here are some of our most popular software titles: RAMAS Red List Conservation Biology RAMAS Red List: Threatened Species Classifications Under Uncertainty RAMAS GIS RAMAS GIS: Linking Landscape Data with Population Viability Analysis RAMAS Ecotoxicology Ecology RAMAS Ecotoxicology: Population and Community-level Risk Assessment RAMAS Risk Calc Public Health RAMAS Risk Calc: Risk Assessment with Uncertain Numbers RAMAS EcoLab Teaching RAMAS EcoLab: Educational Software for Teaching Ecology and Conservation Biology Download a free RAMAS EcoLab update! Mac OS Click here for more information about running RAMAS programs under the Macintosh OS. Environmental-Expert.com Top of Page Software � Prices � Training � What's New � Forum Research � Support � Index � ...
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CSISS Search: Human Ecology CSISS

9: Population Index - Volume 56 - Number 4
Studies with an emphasis on locational patterns and their interpretation. C.1. General Spatial Distribution Studies of rural and urban populations considered together. Studies that are concerned primarily with the movement of population are classified under H. Migration . Studies concerned with the definition of urban or rural areas and with boundary changes are classified here or in O.1. Population Statistics, General Aspects . 56:40046 Bogue, Donald J.; Hartmann, David J. Essays in human ecology, No. 3. 1990. vi, 121 pp. Garcia-Bogue Research and Development: Chicago, Illinois. In Eng. This is the third volume in a series containing essays concerning human geography. The geographical focus is on the United States; one essay discusses international trends. Essays are included on the ethnic composition of U.S. metropolitan areas, methods of urban historical research, public policy implications of small area research, intercensal migration rates, longitudinal analysis ...
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10: Population Index - Volume 56 - Number 4
to N. Methods of Research and Analysis Including Models , as appropriate. Includes some consideration of policy aspects, but studies relating primarily to policies designed to affect migration are coded under M.3. Measures Affecting Migration . H.1. General Migration Studies that concern both international and internal migration. 56:40408 Bogue, Donald J. What survival ratios should be used to estimate net migration between 1970 and 1980 in the U.S.? A research note. In: Essays in human ecology, No. 3, edited by Donald J. Bogue and David J. Hartmann. 1990. 57-67 pp. Garcia-Bogue Research and Development: Chicago, Illinois. In Eng. "This research note reports on a small experimental exploration of [estimating census survival ratios].It produces.a set of [U.S.] census survival ratios for the 1970-1980 decade which, if used with margin for error of measurement (not more than 2 percent of the base population) can be used to uncover at least the major dimensions of net migration ...
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