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CSISS Search: Metadata CSISS

1: Metadata Conversion and the Library OPAC
Metadata Conversion and the Library OPAC Amanda Xu Serials Cataloger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Room 14E-210A, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA Copyright © 1997 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved. Introduction The number of scholarly information resources offered on the Internet has grown tremendously and will increase exponentially in the future. This development has pointed up the need for applying metadata to networked information resources, as it has been widely accepted that resources with metadata attached or embedded have the potential to be more easily discovered and retrieved via the Internet. This paper examines the metadata movement on the Internet, and anticipates the need to establish a metadata repository for library collections. It suggests using the OPAC as a gateway to access the metadata repository, whether it is located on the library Website, or on the local databases mounted with specialized metadata formats. ...
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2: Annotated Bibliography on Metadata
Annotated Bibliography on Environmental Metadata Access America- Metadata . a sort of "yellow pages" to environmental data and the search tools that . providing formats for subject matter, this "metadata" standard will spell out how the . www.accessamerica.gov/docs/env.html - 22k - KEYWORDS: environmental metadata access US federal Accessing GIS over the Web . public see their own role in environmental decision making. to the decision problem - provision of detailed metadata and lineage describing the datasets, its . www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/research/papers/98-3/ - 33k - KEYWORDS: environmental metadata GIS access UK academic ACM Digital Library: Research challenges in environmental and .International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking Proceedings of the sixth annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking August 6 - 11, 2000, Boston, MA USA.Research challenges in environmental observation and forecasting systems Pages 292-299 David C. Steere,Antonio ...
http://www.inweh.unu.edu/... rches/annotatedbibliography1.htm
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3: Metadata in a Digital Special Library
Journal of Southern Academic and Special Librarianship (1999) ISSN: 1525-321X Metadata in a Digital Special Library: the Energy and Environmental Information Resources Center in Lafayette, Louisiana Dan Foley Energy and Environmental Information Resources Center University of Louisiana at Lafayette dan_foley@usgs.gov Introduction This paper discusses three kinds of metadata and how they are used in the Energy & Environmental Information Recources Center (EE-IR Center), a digital special library of text, numeric, and geospatial data, located in Lafayette, Louisiana. These metadata are Dublin Core (DC), MARC21 (formerly USMARC), and Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata. The EE-IR Center was formed as a partnership between the National Wetlands Research Center (NWRC) of the U.S. Geological Survey and the Center for Advanced Computer Studies of the University of Southwestern Louisiana (CACS/USL). Both partners are located in Lafayette, Louisiana. The EE-IR Center ...
http://southernlibrarianship.icaap.org/... n02/foley_d01.html
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CSISS Search: Metadata CSISS

4: Metadata Resources
Archaeology Conservation of Objects Preserve Your Treasures Government Records State Archives, About Us State Archives, Contact Us State Archives, Sitemap Historic Preservation Minn. Historical Orgs. Minnesota State Archives Metadata Resources DUBLIN CORE | GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) | GLOBAL INFORMATION LOCATOR SERVICE (GILS) | SELECTED PROJECTS | CONFERENCES | STANDARDS | TOOLS | SITES WITH MULTIPLE LINKS | OTHER DUBLIN CORE Dublin Core Metadata Initiative http:/dublincore.org The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative is the recently re-designed and official site for the Dublin Core (DC) project. The fifteen-element metadata standard is the product of a series of a number of workshops which began in 1995. Intended to serve international users in a flexible manner, the elements are all optional, repeatable, and labeled with descriptive names. Metadata generated from this scheme may be represented in a number of ways (e.g., HTML, RDF) for use on the Internet. The ...
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CSISS Search: Metadata CSISS

5: A Metadata Exercise
A:link { color:#0080FF;text-decoration:underline; } A:visited { color:#0080FF;text-decoration:underline;} A:hover { color:#FF00FF;text-decoration:underline; } A Metadata Exercise: Created by Hugh Phillips Wisconsin State Cartographer's Office and the University of Wisconsin-Madison General Library System for the Federal Geographic Data Committee adapted by LAGIC, August, 1999 The original exercise is available On-Line @ http:/badger.state.wi.us/agencies/wlib/sco/metex/psylabus.htm Synopsis of the Exercise Objectives when producing metadata Introduction to the CSDGM Obtaining the metadata tools and sample metadata Configure the software Use of mp Use of cns Using MetaMaker (CorpsMet95 instructions will be added soon) Produce simple metadata and validate it What you need to complete the exercise PC, DOS/Windows Web browser, mp, cns, and Metamaker 2.0 or a word processor or text editor (download instructions for these tools given later in exercise). NOTE: This exercise uses ...
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CSISS Search: Metadata CSISS

6: Metadata: Enabling the Internet
Metadata: Enabling the Internet Renato Iannella Research Data Network CRC DSTC Pty Ltd Level 7, Gehrmann Laboratories The University of Queensland, 4072, AUSTRALIA Phone: 07 3365 4310 Fax: 07 3365 4311 Email: renato@dstc.edu.au Andrew Waugh Research Data Network CRC CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences 723 Swanston Street, Carlton, 3053, AUSTRALIA Phone: 03 9282 2615 Fax: 03 9282 2600 Email: a.waugh@cmis.csiro.au Abstract Metadata is 'information about data'. That is, metadata describes some aspect of data on the Internet. There has been significant activity recently on defining the semantic and technical aspects of metadata for use on the Internet and WWW. A number of metadata sets have been proposed together with the technological framework to support the interchange of metadata. These initiatives will have a dramatic effect on how the Web is indexed and will improve the discovery of resources on the Internet by a significant factor. This paper reviews some of ...
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CSISS Search: Metadata CSISS

7: Metadata
University of South Australia University of South Australia Library Catalogue - access and information Search the Library Web site Quick links Request forms What's new Metadata Contents: What is Metadata? Dublin Core Metadata Element Set Why use Metadata? Meta Tags for Web Pages Further Information Metadata resources Related resources RDF - Resource Description Framework PICS - Platform for Internet Content Selection GILS - Global Information Locator Service/ Government Information Locator Service Australian metadata projects Articles on metadata Metadata discussion lists What is Metadata? Metadata is data which describes data Metadata gives you information about resources and can include information about the type of resource, the format, what it contains, where it is located, who created the data, and so on A range of different metadata formats exist, some are simple while others are complex A library catalogue record or the legend on a map are familiar examples of ...
http://www.library.unisa.edu.au/... net/intguide/metadata.htm
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CSISS Search: Metadata CSISS

8: Metadata In GIS
Metadata In GIS | Introduction | What Is Spatial Metadata? | Why Is Spacial Metadata Important? | Standardizing Spacial Metadata | Content Standards | How Much Is Enough? | FGDC Standard and the SDTS | International Standards | On-Line Publication | Summary and Conclusion | Suggested Reading | Introduction This paper is based on a summarized version of ESRI's white paper on metadata, combined with information derived from the USGS FGDC clearinghouse site. What Is Spatial Metadata? Examples of descriptive data contained in a typical database for a building, e.g. hotel, in a local government area are lot number, lot size, lot owner, building owner, building material, year built, assessed value, number of stories, number of guest rooms, restaurants, meeting rooms, list of staff, and so on. Metadata describe these data about the hotel in yet more general and less detailed terms. Thus, metadata are frequently referred to as data about data. Data about the hotel are then grouped ...
http://www.muni.org/... /Metadata%20Management%20in%20GIS.htm
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CSISS Search: Metadata CSISS

9: NSDI MetaData and WWW Mapping Sites
Links2Go Key Resource Geographic Information Systems MetaData and WWW Mapping Home Page You are visitor #238,848 to this page since July 1, 1995 Last revision Sept 04, 1998 Introduction Key Metadata Information USGS National Clearing House FGDC METADATA Standard Metadata Validator Compliant Metadata Examples Best Of Breed GLIS ERIN Erin Interface Pages NEONS Environmental Metadata Map Browser International Weather USGS Spatial WAIS Development USGS Water Resoures Mapper Canadian National Atlas Information Service (NAIS) NAISmap NOAA Canada Geographic Name Server xearth (version 0.92) Map Browsers Xerox Map Browser TIGER Map Browser GeoWEB Site Interactive Grass #1 Interactive Grass #2 Interactive ARC-INFO SAS Mapping Virginia On-Line Atlas Interactive Weather Map Subway Navigator EDINBURGH GIS MAPPING Build a Map Server Arc Info .gra to .gif converter EarthMap Map Server FORMS Based Query BLM SQL FORMS for Metadata Searching Master Environmental Library SEQUOIA 2000 Biofuels ...
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CSISS Search: Metadata CSISS

10: Metadata Research and Education
An Educational and Research Program in Support of the Content Standard for Digital Spatial Metadata National States Geographic Information Council Funded by the Federal Geographic Data Committee through the National Spatial Data Infrastructure 1995 Competitive Cooperative Agreements Program The National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) has been awarded a 1995 Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Competitive Grant to implement its proposal titled An Educational and Research Program in Support of Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata. NSGIC's mission is to encourage effective and efficient government through the coordinated development of geographic information and systems to ensure that information may be integrated at all levels of government. NSGIC has been active in the area of metadata research and adoption through the review of technical standards, compilation of a catalogue of metadata inventories held by states, and support of publications ...
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