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1: | Automated generalisation of polygonal data in thematic mapping EGIS (1994), copyright EGIS Foundation. AUTOMATED GENERALISATION OF POLYGONAL DATA IN THEMATIC MAPPING Katherine Mak European Product Coordinator, Map Scanning & Cartography Intergraph European Headquarters Hoofddorp, The Netherlands ABSTRACT The demand on thematic mapping has recently increased as government agencies are required to provide comprehensive and accurate ecologically based inventories of natural resources. As such, there is a growing desire for inventory programs to produce multiple scale thematic representations. To meet this type of need, capabilities for area cover (typical of thematic maps) generalization is required. Most research on automated generalization has focused on linear features in topographic mapping. Area information is best represented, in digital cartography and GIS, as polygons. The requirements for generalizing polygonal data in a digital environment are more demanding. This is especially true in thematic mapping whereby spatial adjacency ... http://spatialodyssey.ursus.maine.edu/... b/egis/eg94185.html |
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2: | Okefenokee Swamp vegetation mapping with LANDSAT thematic mapper data: an evaluation ASPRS/ACSM (1994), copyright ASPRS/ACSM OKEFENOKEE SWAMP VEGETATION MAPPING WITH LANDSAT THEMATIC MAPPER DATA: AN EVALUATION C. P. Lo Department of Geography University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-2502 Lee J. Watson Department of Geography and Regional Planning Salisbury State University Salisbury, Maryland 21801-6837 ABSTRACT The capability of Landsat TM data in mapping the vegetation communities of the Okefenokee Swamp was evaluated using a GIS approach. Because of the nature of the Okefenokee Swamp as a mosaic of dynamically related vegetation patches representing different stages of temporal succession, the spatial resolution of the TM data was found to be inadequate to produce a 21-class vegetation map compatible in accuracy to that of the reference map produced from large-scale color infra-red aerial photographs and field work. By aggregating the 21 classes of wetland vegetation into 6 classes of gross vegetation types, the accuracy of the map was greatly improved. ... http://spatialodyssey.ursus.maine.edu/... b/acsm/ac94041.html |
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3: | The Kansas State Land Cover Mapping Project: regional scale land use/land cover mapping using Landsat thematic mapper data THE KANSAS STATE LAND COVER MAPPING PROJECT: REGIONAL SCALE LAND USE/LAND COVER MAPPING USING LANDSAT THEMATIC MAPPER DATA Jerry L. Whistler, Stephen L. Egbert, Mark E. Jakubauskas+, Edward A. Martinko, David W. Baumgartner, and Re-Yang Lee Kansas Applied Remote Sensing (KARS) Program 2291 Irving Hill Road University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 66025-2969 ABSTRACT The Kansas Applied Remote Sensing (KARS) Program recently completed a three-year project to develop a map of land use/land cover for the State of Kansas. During the development phase of the Kansas State Geographic Information Systems Initiative, numerous state and federal agencies indicated that land use and land cover were critical to their management and planning missions. After considering several options, computer classification of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data was selected as the most cost-effective and timely approach. Five urban land cover classes were mapped: residential, commercial/industrial, open ... http://spatialodyssey.ursus.maine.edu/... acsm95/ac95149.html |
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4: | George Ch. Miliaresis papers & research interests Miliaresis George Ch. INTERESTS: a) Remote Sensing - Image Processing - Thematic Mapping (b) Geomorphometry & DEMs (c) Tectonic Geomorphology - Regional Geology (d) Image Interpretation - Terrain Analysis (e) Fuzzy Sets - Knowledge Based Expert Systems. SOCIETIES: (a) the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society ( R S P S ) , (b) the International Association for Mathematical Geology ( I A M G ) , (c ) the American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing ( A S P R S ) and (d) the International Association of Geomorphologists ( I A G ) Address: 38 Tripoleos Str., ATHENS 104-42, GREECE, Tel: +301-512.87.13, +30977-047.123 , Fax: +301-72.93.933 , Email: miliaresis@email.com Web Pages : Pathfinder or Tripod The GLOBE DEM was used for the above parametrization of earth's relief in Turkey. The Travels : "into Several Remote NATIONS of the WORLD " by Jonathan Swift. Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw. Papers Escarpments Digital Elevation Models Morphotectonic mapping Fluvial 3rd ... http://homepages.pathfinder.gr/gmiliar/_intro.htm |
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5: | Automated mapping and GIS in Florida local planning agencies mail survey gathered general information about the use of computers for planning purposes in Florida's 392 cities and 67 counties. Among local governments with planning agencies that use computers in their daily work (196), roughly half of them are using automated mapping or GIS technology for planning. This indicates a fairly high acceptance level of this technology (21% of all cities and counties in Florida). A more detailed survey looked at 96 local governments which said they use GIS, CAD, or thematic mapping software in their planning agency. The response rate for the second survey was 100%. The paper summarizes several key findings from the surveys, including: how automated mapping systems and GIS are used in local planning agencies hardware and software trends similarities and differences among cities and counties using this technology the amount of personnel and money invested in these systems organizational problems agencies have experienced with these systems ... http://spatialodyssey.ursus.maine.edu/... /urisa/ur94068.html |
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6: | Blue Marble Geographics: Main PRODUCT FINDER: APPLICATION TOOLS Geographic Calculator Geographic Tracker Geographic Transformer Geographic Translator DEVELOPMENT TOOLS GeoCalc GeoMosaic GeoObjects GeoTrack GeoTransform GeoView GeoView LT TAB Reader VertCalc EXTENSIONS CADWriter AVX Geographic Tracker AVX Geographic Transformer AVX MapInfo Raster Handler Shape Projector AVX ThemeBooks AVX FREE PRODUCTS! AutoSave AVX Country Map Data Geographic Explorer World Map Data INTERNET MAPPING BeyondGeo.com MAP DATA TIGER/Line Map Kit Request a Catalog Sell our products on your website today! Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter. Your Mail WHAT'S NEW Recent News New! Geographic Calculator 5.0 Product Reviews! Check out the latest Geographic Calculator reviews available in today's on-line industry publications. Sell Blue Marble Geographics products directly from your website today! Do you have a Web site? If so, you can sell Blue Marble Geographics products! Join our Associates Program and start earning ... http://www.bluemarblegeo.com/ |
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7: | Instructor Class Description [Student Guide] University of Washington | Search | Directories | Reference Tools Course Catalog Instructor Class Description Time Schedule: Autumn Quarter 2001 Winter Quarter 2002 Nicholas R. Chrisman chrisman@u.washington.edu GEOG 360 Seattle Campus Principles of Cartography Origins, development, and methods of cartography. Principles of data representation and map design for thematic and topographic mapping. Introduction to the use of computers as geographic information systems (GIS). Offered: ASpS. Class Description This course presents the development and methods of cartography. The focus is on principles of data representation and map design for thematic and topographic mapping. Course covers both communications view of cartography and analytical approach. Students are provided with an introduction to the use of computers for mapping. Several mapping exercises throughout the quarter using computer-oriented tools. Previous computer experience is not necessary. 3 ... http://www.washington.edu/... nts/icd/S/geog/360chrisman.html |
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8: | Advantages of the vector method Advantages of the vector method Good spatial description of real world entities Cartographic output similar to conventional analogue maps Complete description of topology Simpel data-structure Geographical data available in wide range of sources Good for thematic mapping Continuous variables well represented Good geo-statistical analysis Advantages of the raster method Disadvantages of the vector method Disadvantages of the raster method Complex data-structure Misleading precision of boundaries Overlay operations slow and complex Production of vector maps is time-consuming and expensive Requires huge computer memory for small resolutions Poor cartographical presentation Difficult establishment of networks and topology Previous slide Next slide Back to first slide View graphic version ... http://www.econ.vu.nl/... ilecture%203-b/ride19_2/tsld015.htm |
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9: | Geography 360: Principles of Cartography ; AC MW 12:30-1:20, AD TTh 9:30-10:20, AE TTh 10:30-11:20, AF TTh 11:30-12:20 Index from Here: | Full Syllabus | Lecture Schedule (follow this to find lecture notes for each lecture) | Exercises and Labs | Feedback via Umail | Follow-on Class Version of 22 March 2001 Purpose: This course provides an introduction to the art and science of cartography. It introduces the elements of graphic design, particularly as applied to thematic mapping. The survey includes general (topographic) and thematic mapping; two and three dimensional representation; the geometric and the aspatial (attribute) information portrayed with maps. It also uses computer technology to demonstrate the topics discussed. The techniques of computer programming behind digital cartography provide a new method to handle the structure of cartographic information and are worth study on their own. Students in 360 need have no prior exposure to cartography or to other mapping sciences (surveying, photogrammetry, ... http://faculty.washington.edu/chrisman/geog_360.html |
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10: | Pittsburgh analytic atlas project detailed development and documentation of tools necessary to implement the Analytic Atlas. The background for a computer based census atlas, the conceptual basis for what constitutes an Analytic Atlas, implementation details, and an evaluation of cooperative arrangement constitute the subject of this paper. HISTORIC EXAMPLES OF COMPUTER URBAN CENSUS ATLASES: In this age of desktop mapping and geographic information systems the production of maps showing census information is commonplace. Quick thematic mapping is even being added to common spreadsheet programs. The apparent ease of mapping belies the long development paths for quality mapping of census information. Space does not permit here a full examination of those developments or appropriate mention of quality census maps generated by many cities across the country. Rather two notable efforts deserve mention because of their use of computer technology in their respective eras and as benchmarks to compare and contrast ... http://spatialodyssey.ursus.maine.edu/... /urisa/ur94080.html |
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