Application for Specialist Meeting on Location-Based Services

The application period closes on 15 September 2001. The final participant list will be selected by the Steering Committee; applicants will be notified of decisions by 30 September 2001.

First Name:

Last Name:











Curriculum Vitae
Provide a short CV/ resumé (no more than 2 pages) that confirms your background in the area of Location-Based Services.

I am entering my CV in the text box provided below, or
I prefer to send a formatted CV by email attachment to .


Two-page Position Paper
Summarize your views on one or more of the issues outlined for discussion in the Specialist Meeting on Location-Based Services:

  • the use of LBS to support primary data capture in the social sciences,
    with emphasis on spatial and temporal components
  • requirements for new representations, and for analytic tools to visualize
    and investigate such data
  • privacy and related issues associated with LBS data
  • new forms of social behavior enabled by LBS
  • new technologies that extend current concepts of LBS
  • needs for learning materials, examples, and other resources that could
    help to facilitate social science research related to LBS
  • the use of LBS-derived data for modeling in the social sciences

If you are selected to participate in the meeting, your statement will be made available over the web at

I am entering my Postion Paper in the text box provided below, or
I prefer to send a formatted Position Paper by email attachment to .


Copyright © 2001 by Regents of University of California, Santa Barbara
Ann Ricchiazzi  
This page updated February 11, 2002
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