Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (CSISS)
Department of Geography / NCGIA
University of California
Santa Barbara CA 93106-4060
Office: (805) 893-5267
Home: (805) 967-1717
Email: janelle@geog.ucsb.edu
Web: www.spatial.ucsb.edu or www.csiss.org/janelle
- Ph.D. (1966) Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Thesis Advisor: Julian Wolpert (currently at Princeton University)
- M.A. (1965) Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Thesis Advisor: Allen K. Philbrick (deceased)
- B.A. (1963) University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette (now University of Louisiana, Lafayette)
Research-Institute Participant
- 1974 Universitat Karlsruhe, FRG. Third Advanced Study Institute in Regional Science
- 1971 Ohio State University, NSF Institute on Urban Social Patterns and Processes
- 1969 Ohio State University, NSF Institute on Quantitative Methods in Geography
1967 Northwestern University, NSF Institute in Transportation Research
University of California, Santa Barbara
- July 2010– Researcher VIII (Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research / Geography)
- Jan. 2000–June 2010 Researcher V/VI/VII (Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research / Geography)
- July 2007– Program Director, Center for Spatial Studies (spatial@ucsb)
- Jan. 2000– Program Director, Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science
University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
- Sept. 1998–April 2000 Assistant Vice Provost (Faculty Affairs)
- July 1997– Professor Emeritus
- July 1991–June 1996 Chair, Department of Geography
- July 1983–June 1997 Professor
- July 1971–June 1983 Associate Professor
- July 1971–June 1973 Coordinator of Geography Graduate Studies in Geography
- Jan. 1970–June 1971 Assistant Professor (Geography)
St. Mary's University, Halifax, NS
- May–June 1975; 1979 Visiting Professor of Geography
Sabbatical Leaves:
- July 1989–June 1990; July 1996–June 1997 University of Western Ontario
- Sept. 1982–Aug. 1983 University of Maine, Orono, ME, Visiting Fellow of Canadian Studies and Visiting Associate Professor of Anthropology
- May–Aug. 1982 Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, Visiting Professor of Geography
- 1975–1976 Free University, Faculty of Economics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
U.S. Air Force Academy, CO, Geography, July 1966–Dec. 1969
- Jan.–Dec. 1969 Associate Professor / Captain
- July 1966–Dec. 1968 Assistant Professor / 1st Lieutenant
Michigan State University
- Sept. 1963–June 1966 Geography, Teaching Assistant
- Urban Geography
- Locational Conflict Behavior
- Urban-Regional Spatial Systems Development
- Transportation Geography (Concepts of Relative Space)
- Time Geography and Human Activity Patterns
- Geographies of Telecommunication and Information Technologies
- 2009 Ronald F. Abler Honors for Distinguished Service, Association of American Geographers
- 2001 Nominee for Vice President, Association of American Geographers
- 2000 Edward L. Ullman Award for Outstanding Career Contributions to Transportation Geography, Association of American Geographers
- 1985, 1989 Outstanding Service Award, Association of American Geographers, East Lakes Division
- 1965 Phi Kappa Phi, Michigan State University
- 1963 Outstanding Geography Graduate Award, National Council for Geographic Education
1984–1988 Editor, The Canadian Geographer
Editorial Boards:
- 2012– Spatial Demography, www.spatialdemography.org
- 2009 Movement-aware Applications for Sustainable Mobility (Information Review Reference)
- 2007–2009 Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences
- 1988–1993 Annals of the Association of American Geographers
- 1985–1988 East Lakes Geographer
- 1982–1984 The Professional Geographer
- 1978–1985 The Canadian Journal of Regional Science
- 2009–2011 Chair, Membership Committee, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science
- 2002–2005 Co-Leader (with Andrew Gillespie) STELLA (Sustainable Transport in Europe and Links and Liaisons with America) Focus Group on ICT, Innovation and the Transport System.
- 1997–2004 Co-Chair (with Stanley Brunn), Centennial Coordinating Committee, Association of American Geographers.
- 1994–1996 1996 Honors Committee, Association of American Geographers.
- 1993–1997 Ad Hoc Centennial Plan Committee (AAG 2004), Association of American Geographers.
- 1990–1993 Adjudication Committee, Canada-United States Fulbright Program.
- 1988–1993 Board of Directors, International Geographical Congress 1992.
- 1988–1993 Chair, Publications, International Geographical Congress 1992.
- 1988–1991 Councillor, Association of American Geographers.
- 1988–1991 Chair, Publications Committee, Association of American Geographers.
- 1986–1988 Publications Committee, Association of American Geographers.
- 1985 Chair, Program Committee, Annual National Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Detroit, MI.
- 1984–1988 Executive Committee (ex-officio) Canadian Association of Geographers.
- 1983–1985 Past Chair, Association of American Geographers, East Lakes Division.
- 1981–1983 Chair, Association of American Geographers, East Lakes Division.
- 1980 Co-Chair, Annual Meeting, Ontario Division, Canadian Association of Geographers, and East Lakes Division, Association of American Geographers.
- 1978–1980 Councillor at Large, Canadian Regional Science Association.
- 2010–2011 National Science Foundation (NSDL DUE), PI (with Karl Grossner) $149,859. TeachSpatial: A Portal to Instructional Resources on Spatial Concepts for STEM Education.
- 2008–2012 National Institutes of Health (NICHD R25) UCSB PI on subcontract with Stephen Matthews (PI), Pennsylvania State University, and Michael Goodchild (co-PI). Advanced Spatial Analysis Training for Population Scientists, $478,000.
- 2005–2006 National Institutes of Health (NICHD R25) Co-PI with PI Stephen Matthews, Pennsylvania State University, and Michael Goodchild. GIS Training for Population Scientists, $469,000.
- 2003–2006 National Science Foundation (NCLI-ND) PI. Spatial Perspectives on Analysis for Curriculum Enhancement, $1,398,600; 2007–2008 supplement of $45,433.
- 1999–2000 NCGIA Varenius Seed Grant (with Andrew Harvey and Pip Forer), International Time-space Budget Survey Design, $3,300.
- 1996–1997 Social Science and Humanities Research Council, SSHRC-UWO General Grant, Transport Culture and the Economy of Speed, $3,500.
- 1994–1995 Academic Development Fund, University of Western Ontario, Project Director for Digital Spatial Data Library, $60,177.
- 1989–1990 Social Science and Humanities Research Council, SSHRC-UWO General Grant, Transport Culture and the Economy of Speed, $3,500.
- 1988–1989 Social Science and Humanities Research Council, SSHRC-UWO General Grant, The Time Geography of a Canadian City, $2,000.
- 1983–1986 Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), The Time Geography of a Canadian City, with M.F. Goodchild, $40,000.
- 1982–1983 Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), The Time Geography of a Canadian City, with M.F. Goodchild, $20,000.
- 1982 Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Research Workshops in Spatial Analysis and Transportation Geography, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (May–Aug).
- 1975–1976 Canada Council Research Grant for Sabbatical Leave, Locational Conflict.
- 1975–1976 Canada Council Sabbatical Leave Fellowship.
- 1974–1975 Canada Council Research Grant, Intra-urban Patterns of Locational Conflict, $11,000.
- 1972–1973 University Research Council, University of Western Ontario, Spatial Aspects of Locational Conflict Behaviour in London, Ontario.
- 1970–1971 Canadian National Advisory Committee on Geographic Research, A Comparative Study of Urban Land Use Change in Ontario Cities.
- 1971 NSF Institute on Models of Urban Spatial Structure, Participant, Ohio State University.
- 1970 Canada Council Conference Grant, Geography of the Future, University of Western Ontario.
- 1970–1996 Dean's Grant, Social Science Faculty, University of Western Ontario, annually.
- 1967 NSF Research Participant, Transportation Center, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
- 1966 US National Institute of Health, Research Fellowship, Space-time Patterns of Health Care Facilities.
Unpublished Theses
- 1966 Spatial Reorganization and Time-Space Convergence. Ph.D., Geography, Michigan State University
- 1965 Geographical Appraisal of the Bridge. M.A., Michigan State University
Books, Monographs, and Edited Journals
- Goodchild, M.F. and D.G. Janelle, editors (2004) Spatially Integrated Social Science. Oxford University Press.
- Janelle, D.G., B. Warf, and K. Hansen, editors (2004) WorldMinds: Geographical Perspectives on 100 Problems. Kluwer Academic, 636 pages.
- Janelle, D.G. and D.C. Hodge, editors (2000) Information, Place, and Cyberspace: Issues in Accessibility. Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 382 pages.
- Janelle, D.G., editor (1992) Geographical Snapshots of North America. NY: Guilford Press, 464 pp.
- Janelle, D.G., editor (1985–1988) The Canadian Geographer, Vols 29–32. Quarterly refereed journal of the Canadian Association of Geographers, 384 pages per volume.
- Abler, R., D.G. Janelle, A. Philbrick and J. Sommer, editors (1975) Human Geography in a Shrinking World. N Scituate, MA: Duxbury Press.
- Belanger, M. and D.G. Janelle, editors (1975) Building Regions of the Future. Notes et Documents de Recherche 6. Québec: Département de géographie, Université Laval, 167 pages (Dec.).
Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Goodchild, M.F., D.G. Janelle, and K.E. Grossner (2012, in press) Critical Spatial Thinking. In R.J. Stimson, ed., Handbook in Spatially Integrated Social Science Research Methods. Edward Elgar.
- Janelle, D.G., and M.F. Goodchild (2011) Concepts, Principles, Tools, and Challenges in Spatially Integrated Social Science, in T.L. Nyerges, R. McMaster, and H. Couclelis, eds. The SAGE Handbook of GIS and Society. SAGE Publications, pp. 27–45.
- Janelle, D.G. (2010, in press) Varenius. In B. Warf, ed. The Encyclopedia of Geography. Sage Publications.
- Goodchild, M.F. and D.G. Janelle (2010) Toward Critical Spatial Thinking in the Social Sciences and Humanities. GeoJournal 75(1): 3–13; online at DOI 10.1007/s10708-010-9340-3.
- Janelle, D.G., S.R. Hespanha, F. Goodchild, and M.F. Goodchild (2009) Workshops and National Dissemination of Geographic Analysis in the Social Sciences: The CSISS Experience in the U.S.A. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 33: 88–103; supplement 1.
- Hespanha, S.R., F. Goodchild, and D.G. Janelle (2009) Spatial Thinking and Technologies in the Undergraduate Social Science Classroom, Journal of Geography in Higher Education 33: 17–27; supplement 1.
- Janelle, D.G., and M.F. Goodchild (2009) Location across disciplines, Reflections on the CSISS Experience. In H.J. Scholten, R. van de Velde and N. van Manen, eds. Geo-ICT and the Role of Location within Science. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
- Janelle, D.G., S.R. Hespanha, F. Goodchild, and M.F. Goodchild (2009) Workshops and National Dissemination of Geographic Analysis in the Social Sciences: The CSISS Experience in the U.S.A. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 33: 88–103; supplement 1.
- Janelle, D.G. (2008) Spatial Reorganization: A Model and Concept. In S. Hanson and M.-P. Kwan, eds. Transport: Critical Essays in Human Geography. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Reprinted from 1969, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 59: pp. 348–364.
- Janelle, D.G. (2007) Expanding the Social Sciences with Mapping and GIS. In D.S. Sinton and J.J. Lund, eds, Understanding Place: GIS and Mapping across the Curriculum. Redlands, CA: ESRI Press, pp. 77–82
- Janelle, D.G., and M.F. Goodchild (2006) Spatially Integrated Social Science. In B. Warf, ed. Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, pp. 455–457.
- Janelle, D.G. (2005) Transportation. In B. Feintuch and D. Watters, eds. Encyclopedia of New England Culture. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 550–551.
- Goodchild, M.F. and D.G. Janelle (2004) Thinking Spatially in the Social Sciences. In M. Goodchild and D.G. Janelle, eds. Spatially Integrated Social Science. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 3–17.
- Janelle, D.G. (2004) Time-Space Modeling. In Kimberley Kempf-Leonard, ed. Encyclopedia of Social Measurement. San Diego, Academic Press, pp. 851–856.
- Janelle, D.G. (2004) Impact of Information Technologies. In S. Hanson and G. Giuliano, eds. The Geography of Urban Transportation, 3rd Edition. New York: Guilford Press, pp. 86–112.
- Janelle, D.G. (2004) Looking Back and Looking Forward from “The Geography of the United States in the Year 2000" to the Geography of the United States in 2030. The Professional Geographer 56: 81–84.
- Janelle, D.G., and A. Gillespie (2004) Space-time Constructs for Linking Information and Communication Technologies with Issues in Sustainable Transportation. Transport Reviews 24(6): 665–677.
- Warf, B., D.G. Janelle, and K. Hansen (2004) Introducing WorldMinds. In D.G. Janelle, B. Warf, and K. Hansen, eds., WorldMinds: Geographical Perspectives on 100 Problems. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. xvii–xxii.
- Kwan, M.-P., D.G. Janelle, and M.F. Goodchild (2003) Accessibility in Space and Time: A Theme in Spatially Integrated Social Science. Journal of Geographical Systems 5: 1–3.
- Janelle, D.G. (2002) Transport Culture and the Economy of Speed: Speed Limits and Changing Patterns of Accessibility in the United States. In W.R. Black and P. Nijkamp, eds. Social Change and Sustainable Transport. Bloomington IN: Indiana University Press, pp. 251–258.
- Janelle, D.G. and M. Beuthe (2002) Globalization and Transportation: Contradictions and Challenges. In W.R. Black and P. Nijkamp, eds. Social Change and Sustainable Transport. Bloomington IN: Indiana University Press, pp. 49–53.
- Janelle, D.G. (2001) Time-space. In Geography. In N.J. Smelser and P.B. Baltes, eds. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Amsterdam: Pergamon-Elsevier Science, pp. 15746–15749.
- Janelle, D.G. (2001) Globalization, the Internet Economy, and Canada. The Canadian Geographer 45: 92–97.
- Janelle, D.G. (2000) William Warntz, 1922–1988. In P.H. Armstrong and G.J. Martin, eds. Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies, Vol 19. Commission on the History of Geographical Thought of the International Geographical Union and the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science. London and New York: Mansell, pp. 102–118.
- Janelle, D.G., M.F. Goodchild, and B. Klinkenberg (1998) The Temporal Ordering of Urban Space and Daily Activity Patterns for Population Role Groups. In: R. G. Golledge and M. Egenhofer, eds. GIS and Disaggregate Behavioral Travel Modeling, Special Issue, Geographical Systems: The International Journal of Geographical Information, Analysis, Theory and Decision 5(1–2): 117–137.
- Janelle, D.G. (1997) Alienation and Globalisation. In T. Schrecker, ed, Surviving Globalism: The Social, and Environmental Challenges. London: Macmillan/St. Martin's, pp. 38–50.
- Janelle, D.G. (1997) Sustainable Transportation and Information Technology: Suggested Research Issues. Journal of Transport Geography 5: 39–40 (March) . (2003) Reprinted in:Transportation and Information Systems. R. Stough, Y. Higano, K. Button, and P. Nijkamp, eds. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Chapter 6, 3 pages.
- Janelle, D.G. and M. Beuthe (1997) Globalization and Research Issues in Transportation. Journal of Transport Geography 5: 199–206 (Sept.).
- Janelle, D.G. (1995) Metropolitan Expansion, Telecommuting, and Transportation. In S. Hanson, ed. The Geography of Urban Transportation, second edition. New York: Guilford Press, pp. 407–434.
- Goodchild, M.F., B. Klinkenberg, and D.G. Janelle (1993) A Factorial Model of Aggregate Spatio-Temporal Behavior: Application to the Diurnal Cycle. Geographical Analysis 5: 277–294 (Oct.).
- Janelle, D.G. (1993) Urban Social Behavior in Time and Space. In L.S. Bourne and D. Ley, eds. Social Geography of Canadian Cities. McGill-Queens Press and the Canadian Association of Geographers, pp. 103–118.
- Janelle, D.G. (1992) The Peopling of American Geography. In R. Abler, M. Marcus and J. Olson, eds. Geography's Inner World: Pervasive Themes in Contemporary American Geography. Washington, DC: Assoc. of American Geographers and Rutgers University Press, pp. 363–390.
- Janelle, D.G. (1991) The Maine Connection: Quebec to New Brunswick. In R. Lecker, ed. The Borderlands Anthology. Toronto: ECW Press, pp. 113–126.
- Janelle, D.G. (1991) Global Interdependence and Its Consequences. In T. Leinbach and S.D. Brunn, eds. Collapsing Space and Time. Unwin-Hyman, pp. 49–81.
- Janelle, D.G. ed. of paper by W. Warntz (1989) Newton, the Newtonians and the Geographia Generalis Varenii. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 79(2): 165–191.
- Goodchild, M.F. and D.G. Janelle (1988) Specialization in the Structure and Organization of Geography. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 78(1): 1–28.
- Janelle, D.G., and M.F. Goodchild (1988) Questions Regarding "Specialization in the Structure and Organization of Geography. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 78(3): 547–550.
- Janelle, D.G., M.F. Goodchild, and B. Klinkenberg (1988) Space-Time Diaries and Travel Characteristics for Different Levels of Respondent Aggregation. Environment and Planning A 20: 891–906.
- Janelle, D.G., and B. Janelle (1988) Patterns of Contact and Influence in the Life of a Spatial Scientist: William Warntz. In W. Coffey, Jr., ed, Geographical Systems and Systems of Geography: Essays in Honour of William Warntz. Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario, pp. 189–202.
- Janelle, D.G., and M.F. Goodchild (1987) The Home-work Relationship and Urban Ecological Structure. In O. Verkoren and J. van Wessep, eds. Spatial Mobility and Urban Change, Nederlandse Geografische Studies. Royal Dutch Geographical Society 37, pp. 39–50.
- Janelle, D.G. (1986) Metropolitan Expansion and the Communications-Transportation Tradeoff. In S. Hanson, ed. The Geography of Urban Transportation. New York: Guilford Press, pp. 357–385.
- Janelle, D.G. (1986) Ecological and Behavioural Dimensions of Locational Conflict: A Conceptual Model. Ohio Geographers 14: 135–146.
- Goodchild, M.F. and D.G. Janelle (1984) The City Around the Clock: Space-Time Patterns of Urban Ecological Structure. Environment and Planning A 16: 807–820.
- Janelle, D.G. and M.F. Goodchild (1983) Transportation Indicators of Space-Time Autonomy. Urban Geography 4: 317–337 (Oct.–Dec.).
- Janelle, D.G. and M.F. Goodchild (1983) Diurnal Patterns of Social Group Distributions in a Canadian City. Economic Geography 59: 403–425 (Oct.).
- Janelle, D.G., D.C. Bowman, and M.J. Fox (1981) The Time Allocation Game: Experiments in Time Geography. The East Lakes Geographer 16: 26–38 (June).
- Janelle, D.G. (1979) Correlates of Locational Conflict. The Canadian Journal of Regional Science 11: 41–58 (Autumn).
- Janelle, D.G. (1978) Prospects for Future Urban Settlement and Land Use. In Sourcebook on the Environment: A Guide to the Literature, K.A. Hammond, G. Macinko, and W.B. Fairchild, eds. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, pp. 123–162.
- Janelle, D.G., (1977) Structural Dimensions in the Geography of Locational Conflicts. The Canadian Geographer 21(4): 311–328.
- Janelle, D.G. (1977) Stage Coach Operations in Maine, 1826–1829. Proceedings of the New England St. Lawrence Valley Geographical Society 6: 15–18 (July).
- Janelle, D.G. (1976) Temporal and Spatial Coordination of Stage Coach Service in Maine: 1826–1829. Proceedings of the International Geographical Congress, Historical and Paleogeography Section. Moscow, U.S.S.R., pp. 56–59; (translated into French and Russian).
- Janelle, D.G., and H.A. Millward (1976) Locational Conflict Patterns and Urban Ecological Structure. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 67(2): 102–113; (1982) reprinted in Internal Structure of the City, Second Edition, L.S. Bourne, ed. London: Oxford University Press, pp. 209–221.
- Janelle, D.G. (1975) Problems on the Frontier of Regional Science. Papers of the Regional Science Association, 34: 184–186.
- Janelle, D.G. (1975) From Spatial Bureaucracy to Spatial Adhocracy. In M. Belanger and D.G. Janelle, eds, Building Regions of the Future. Notes et Documents de Recherche 6: 25–31. Québec: Departément de géographie, Université Laval (Dec.).
- Janelle, D.G. (1975) Spatial Aspects of Alienation and the Phasing Out of Bureaucracy. In R. Abler, D.G. Janelle, A. Philbrick, and J. Sommer, eds. Human Geography in a Shrinking World. N Scituate, MA: Duxbury Press, pp. 99–107.
- Janelle, D.G. (1975) Prediction and Spatial Change. In R. Abler, D.G. Janelle, A. Philbrick, and J. Sommer, eds. Human Geography in a Shrinking World. N Scituate, MA: Duxbury Press, pp. 206–216.
- Janelle, D.G. (1975) Urban Geography in Preparation for Life. Ontario Geography 9: 73–82.
- Janelle, D.G. (1975) Time Space Convergence and Urban Transportation Issues. In Systems Thinking and the Quality of Life. C.K. Blong, ed. Washington, DC: The Society for General Systems Research, pp. 594–600.
- Janelle, D.G. (1974) Transportation Innovation and the Reinforcement of Urban Hierarchies. High Speed Ground Transportation Journal 8: 261–269 (Fall); (1975) Reprinted in: Proceedings, International Conference on High Speed Ground Transportation, edited by The College of Engineering Sciences. Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University, pp. 261–269 (Jan.).
- Janelle, D.G., and H.A. Millward (1974) The Intraurban Pattern of Locational Conflict. Proceedings, Association of American Geographers 6.
- Janelle, D.G. (1973) Measuring Human Extensibility in a Shrinking World. Journal of Geography 72: 8–15 (May).
- Janelle, D.G. (1972) Scale Components in the Descriptive Analysis of Urban Land Use Change: London, Ontario, 1850–1960. Ontario Geography 7: 66–86.
- Janelle, D.G. (1971) Surface Motions: A Key to Isolating Changes in Urban Land Use. Proceedings, Association of American Geographers 3: 86–90.
- Janelle, D.G. (1969) Spatial Reorganization: A Model and Concept. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 59: 348–364 (June).
Reprinted in:
- (1970) Ekistics 28: 39–46 (Jan.).
- (1972) Human Identity in the Urban Environment, G. Bell and J. Tyrwhitt, eds. London: Penguin Books, Ltd. pp. 483–498.
- (1973) Transportation Geography: Comments and Readings, M.E. Hurst, ed. Toronto: McGraw Hill, Ryerson, Ltd., pp. 358–377.
- (1976) Readings in New Geography. Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan University Press, pp. 119–145 (in Japanese).
- (2008) Transport: Critical Essays in Human Geography, Contemporary Foundations of Space and Place. S. Hanson and M.-P. Kwan, eds. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, pp. 77–94.
- Janelle, D.G. (1968) Central Place Development in a Time-Space Framework. The Professional Geographer 20: 5–10 (Jan.).
Non-Refereed Publications
- Grossner, K., D.R. Montello, and D.G. Janelle (2011) Finding the Spatial in Text Corpora , Position paper forWorkshop on Ontology of Spatial Thinking and Reasoning, Conference on Spatial Information Theory, pp. 23–27 (Sept).
- Janelle, D.G. and M.F. Goodchild (2010) Clickstream mapping of scientific activity—Opportunity and caution. Footnotes 38(1) (Jan.); invited article for the online American Sociological Association newsletter, http://www.asanet.org/footnotes/jan10/clickstream_0110.html.
- Goulias, K. and D.G. Janelle, compilers (2006) GPS Tracking and Time-Geography: Applications for Activity Modeling and Microsimulation, Final Report for FHWA-sponsored Peer Exchange and CSISS Specialist Meeting. Santa Barbara: Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science, University of California, 29 pages.
See http://www.csiss.org/events/meetings/time-geography/
- Janelle, D.G. (2004) Spatial Social Science. Santa Barbara: Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, 16 pages.
- Janelle, D.G. (2002) Embedding Time in Maps of the New Metropolis. Milan, Italy: Mo.Ve International, non-governmental, permanent observation on Sustainable Mobility, 16 pages.
- Janelle, D.G. (2002) Reflections on Space, Technologies, and Populations in the New Metropolis. Milan, Italy: Mo.Ve International, non-governmental, permanent observatory on Sustainable Mobility, 6 pages.
- Janelle, D.G. and D. Hodge, eds. (1999) Measuring and Representing Accessibility in the Information Age. NCGIA Varenius Report (Santa Barbara: National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, 61 pages (March).
- Janelle, D.G. (1997) In Memoriam: William Warntz 1922–1988. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 87: 723–731 (Dec.).
- Janelle, D.G. (1996) Space-Time Properties of Urban Life and Urban Structure: Discontinuities, Distortions, and Distance. In H. Couclelis, ed. Spatial Technologies, Geographic Information, and the City: Research Conference Report. NCGIA Technical Report 96–10: 156–160. Santa Barbara: National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (Dec.).
- Janelle, D.G. (1990) William Warntz 1922–1988. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Series VI(I): 600–603.
- Janelle, D.G. (1986) Space-Time Diaries and Travel Characteristics for Different Levels of Respondent Aggregation. In J. Gonzalez, L. A. Gonzalez Polledo, and L. Lipez Trigal, eds, Actas de la Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo, Geografia del Transporte León, Spain: Departamento de Geografia, Universidad de León, for International Geographical Union Regional Conference on Mediterranean Countries, pp. 33–51.
- Abler, R.F. and D.G. Janelle (1985) Communication. In Geographical Bibliography for American Libraries. C.D. Harris, ed. Washington: Association of American Geographers and National Geographic Society, pp. 176–177.
- Janelle, D.G., M.F. Goodchild, S. Hives, B. Klinkenberg, D. McCann, and B. Smale (1983) The Time Geography of a Canadian City Project: Technical Supplement. Geographical Papers 50. Department of Geography, The University of Western Ontario, 63 pages (June).
- Janelle, D.G., D. Fesenmaier, and P. Forster, eds. (1979) The Bicycle as an Element in Urban Transportation. Geographical Papers 43. Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario, 45 pages.
Invited Book Reviews and Reports:
- King, L.J. ed. (2010) North American Explorations: The Memoirs of Ten Geographers from Down Under. Victoria BC: Trafford Press, 2008. In Annals of the Association of American Geographers, pp. 705–707.
- Button, K. and R. Stough, with M. Bragg and S. Taylor (2008) Telecommunications, Transportation and Location. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishers (2006). In Journal of Regional Science 48: 272–274.
- Beuthe, M., V. Himanen, A. Reggiani, and L. Zamparini, eds. (2006) Transport Developments and Innovations in an Evolving World. Berlin: Springer (2004). In Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy 37(1): 129–131.
- Cairncross, F. (1998) The Death of Distance: How the Communications Revolution will Change Our Lives. Boston: Harvard University Press (1997). In Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy 29: 483–486.
- Hanson, S. ed. (1998) 10 Geographic Ideas that Changed the World. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press (1997). In The Canadian Geographer 310–311.
- Graham, S. and S. Marvin (1997) Telecommunication and the City: Electronic Spaces, Urban Places. London: Routledge (1996). In Journal of Regional Science 37: 155–157.
- Audrey, J. ed. (1996) Transport Planning and Policy Issues: Geographical Perspectives. Waterloo: Geography Pub. Ser. 45, University of Waterloo (1995). In Environments 24: 70–72.
- Hepworth, M. and K. Ducatel (1994) Transport in the Information Age: Wheels and Wires. London: Belhaven Press (1992). In Economic Geography 70: 79–81.
- Carnoy, M., M. Castells, S.S. Cohen, and F.H. Cardoso (1994) The New Global Economy in the Information Age: Reflections on our Changing World. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press (1993). In Environment and Planning A 26: 1481–1483.
- Kellerman, A., Telecommunications and Geography (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1993). In Environment and Planning A 26 (1994) 1643–1645.
- Thord, R., ed. (1993) The Future of Transportation and Communications: Visions and Perspectives from Europe, Japan and the U.S.A. Berlin: Springer-Verlag (1993). In Canadian Journal of Regional Science 16(1): 143–145.
- Doorn, P.K. (1991) Social Structure and Spatial Mobility: Composition and Dynamics of the Dutch Labour Force. Amsterdam: Royal Dutch Geographical Society, Netherlands Geographical Studies (1989). In Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 82: 64–65.
- Young, M. (1990) The Metronomic Society: Natural Rhythms and Human Timetables. Thames and Hudson (1988). In Environment and Planning A 22: 836–837.
- Golledge, R.G. and R.J. Stimson (1989) Analytical Behavioural Geography. London: Croom Helm (1987). In Annals of the Association of American Geographers 79: 470–471.
- Hitchcock, J.R. and A. McMaster, eds. (1988) The Metropolis: Proceedings of a Conference in Honour of Hans Blumenfeld. Department of Geography and Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto (1985). In Environments 19(2): 69–70.
- Goldberg, M.A. and J. Mercer (1988) The Myth of the North American City. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press (1986) and G.A. Stelter and A.F.J. Artibise, eds, Power and Place: Canadian Urban Development in the North American Context. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. In Urban Geography 9: 546–548.
- Gappert, G. and R.V. Knight, eds. (1984) Cities in the 21st Century. Urban Affairs Annual Reviews, 23. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications (1982). In Urban Geography 5(1): 92–94.
- Lonsdale, R.E. and J.H. Holmes, eds. (1981) Settlement Systems in Sparsely Populated Regions. New York: Pergamon Press (1983). In Economic Geography 59(1): 94–95.
- (1983) A report on the International Geographical Union, Latin American Regional Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 9–21 Aug., 1982. In The Professional Geographer 35: 95–96 (Feb).
- Adams, J. (1983) Transport Planning, Vision and Practice. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul (1981). In Journal of Regional Science 23: 421–422 (Aug).
- Chisholm, M. (1983) Modern World Development: A Geographical Perspective. Totowa, NJ: Barnes and Noble Books (1982). In The Professional Geographer 35: 366 (Aug).
- (1983) Ontario Economic Council Research Studies 1982. In The American Review of Canadian Studies 13: 276–277 (Autumn).
- Burns, L.D. (1981) Transportation, Temporal, and Spatial Components of Accessibility. Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company (1979). In The Annals of Regional Science, 15: 129–130 (July).
- Hall,P., ed. (1979) Europe 2000. Duckworth (1977). In Environment and Planning A 11: 352–353 (March).
- de Sola Pool, I., ed. (1978) The Social Impact of the Telephone. The MIT Press (1977). In The Professional Geographer 30: 431–432 (Nov.).
- Yeates, M. (1975) Main Street, Windsor to Quebec City. Toronto: The Macmillan Co. Ltd. (1976). In Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 67( 5): 307–308.
- Pred, A.R. (1974) Urban Growth and the Circulation of Information: The United States System of Cities, 1790–1840. Harvard University Press (1973). In The Professional Geographer 26: 464–465 (Nov).
- with Thompson, B. (1972) A review of the National Science Foundation Short Course on Models of Urban Spatial Structure and Ecology, June 29–July 16, 1971, The Professional Geographer 24: 43–44 (Feb).
- (1970) Report and Summary, Conference on the Geography of the Future. London, ON: Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario, 14 pages.
- 2011, 12 September Affinity among Disciplines and Perspectives on Spatial Thinking, Workshop on Ontology of Spatial Thinking and Reasoning: Multi-disciplinary Reconciliation. COSIT (Conference on Spatial Information Theory), Belfast, ME.
- 2011, April TeachSpatial: A Portal to Instructional Resources on Spatial Concepts, Session on Educating a Workforce Literate in Cyberinfrastructure. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
- 2010, 11 November Spatial data visualization in the social science classroom, ICPSR (Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research). Virtual Social Science Data Fair (Webinar presentation).
- 2010, 9 September When can I get there from here? Early 19th Century Stagecoach Networks and Settlement Development in Maine.
- 2010, 14 April Infusion of Spatial Methodologies into the Social Sciences (instructor presentation), Teaching with Data Workshop. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- 2010, 14 April Initiatives in Spatial Thinking at UCSB, panel on Diverse Approaches and Strategies for Spatial Thinking, Geography Education Specialty Group. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- 2010, 5 February The Education Challenge for Building a Nation of Spatial Thinkers, Workforce Panel. University Consortium for Geographic Information Science, UCGIS Winter Meeting, Washington, DC.
- 2009, 7–9 October Spatio-Temporal Approaches to Understanding Human Behaviour and Social Organization. GIS in the Humanities and Social Sciences International Conference 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 2009, 22–27 March Spatial Perspectives on Analysis for Curriculum Enhancement in the Social Sciences, Special Session on Spatially Integrated Social Science. Association of American Geographers, Los Vegas, NV.
- 2009, 21–23 February Perspectives on Time Geography and Space-time Tracking at Individual and Ecological Levels, The Three G’s (GPS, GIS and Genes). Environment Interaction Research Workshop, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA.
- 2009, 8–18 February Three presentations: (1) Spatio-temporal approaches in the social and behavioral sciences, (2) Perspectives on time-space convergence, (3) Spatial concepts and spatial reasoning in the social sciences. Australian Research Council Research Network on Spatially Integrated Social Science (ARCRNSISS), Summer School for Research Higher Degree Students. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
- 2008, 15–16 December With Karl Grossner, spatial@ucsb and spatial concepts in undergraduate education. Specialist Meeting on Spatial Concepts in GIS and Design, Santa Barbara, CA.
- 2008, 29 October With Michael Goodchild, A Spatial Literacy Initiative for Undergraduate Education at UCSB. ThinkSpatial Brown-bag Forum, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA.
- 2008, 4 October With V. Noronha, R. Church, and J. Sopher, Spatial Literacy, Geographical Information Technologies, and Solutions to Societal Problems. Board of Directors of UCSB Alumni Association, Santa Barbara, CA.
- 2008, 13–14 September Spatial Concepts and Spatial Reasoning in the Social Sciences. International Workshop on Spatial Cognition and Learning, Freiburg, Germany.
- 2008, 13–15 August SPACE (Spatial Perspectives on Analysis for Curriculum Enhancement) Poster, 2008 Course Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI). PI Conference, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Washington, DC.
- 2007, 26 September Location across Disciplines: Reflections on the CSISS Experience. Symposium on Geo-ICT and Location within Science, Vrij Universiteit, Amsterdam.
- 2007, 23 August Perspectives on the Time Geography of Cities. The Catholic University of Salvador, Salvador, Brazil.
- 2007, 23 August Spatially Integrated Social Science. The Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil.
- 2007, 20 August Perspectives on Time-space Convergence. The Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Belo-Horizonte, Brazil.
- 2006, 26–30 April with S. Rebich, and F. Goodchild, Spatial Thinking and Technologies in the Undergraduate Social Science Classroom. Society for American Archaeology 71st Annual Meeting, San Juan, PR.
- 2006, 11 March Cultural Context and Transportation Geography, Transportation Specialty Group Panel on Transportation Geography: Identifying Emerging Trends and New Directions in the Subdiscipline. Association of American Geographers, Chicago IL.
- 2006, 11 March SPLINT SPACE NITLE, Session on Interdisciplinary Spatial Analysis Programs for Undergraduate and Graduate Education (organizer, chair, and presenter). Association of American Geographers, Chicago IL.
- 2006, 8 March Frontiers in Human-Environment Geography: Knowledge Management and Cyber-infrastructure for Human-Environment Collaboration (chair of session). Association of American Geographers, Chicago IL.
- 2006, 24 February GIScience, Learning, and Knowledge Transfer in the United States, Symposium on Spatial Literacy in Teaching, Communicating GIScience. Royal Geographical Society, London, UK.
- 2006, 24 January Discontinuities in Space and Time Meshing Activities, Information, Trips, and Talks, International panel on Cybermobility, Telecommunications and Travel Behavior Committee. Transportation Research Board, Washington DC.
- 2005, 28–29 October Panel on Geography at MSU. Geography’s 50th Celebration. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
- 2005, 24–25 October Halifax Space-Time Activity Research (STAR) Project. Survey Design Workshop Agenda, Halifax NS, Canada.
2005, 10–11 October Synoptic Analysis of Space-time Activity Patterns. FHWA-sponsored Peer Exchange and CSISS Specialist Meeting on GPS Tracking and Time-Geography: Applications for Activity Modeling and Microsimulation, Santa Barbara CA. See http://www.csiss.org/events/meetings/time-geography/participants.html
- 2005, 5–9 April Time Geography and the Behavioral Ecology of Cities. Association of American Geographers, Denver, Colorado.
- 2004, 21–22 October Time and the City: Synoptic Analysis of Space-time Activity Systems. Mo.Ve International Forum on Sustainable Mobility in European Metropolitan Areas, Venice, Italy.
- 2004, 8–9, October with A. Gillespie, STELLA, Synthesis Notes on ICT, Innovation, and the Transport System, Topical Users Meeting, Bologna, Italy.
- 2004, 23 April with A. Gillespie, Synthesis on ICT and Transportation Research, STELLA Transatlantic Thematic Network Focus Group Workshop on ICT, Innovation and the Transport System, Budapest, Hungary.
- 2003, 23–24 October Comments on the Role of Space-time Activity Data for Sustainable Transportation. Mo.Ve International Forum on Sustainable Mobility in European Metropolitan Areas, Verona, Italy.
- 2003, 17 August CSISS Resources for Research and Teaching. American Sociological Association, Atlanta, Georgia.
- 2003, 26 July CSISS Resources for Research and Teaching. Rural Sociological Society, American Agricultural Economics Association, Montreal, Quebec.
- 2003, 8 July Issues in Space-Time Accessibility. CSISS Workshop on Accessibility in Space and Time, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
- 2003, 19 June with A. Gillespie, Policy issues on Transportation, Information, and Communication Technologies. STELLA Transatlantic Thematic Network Policy Issues Forum, Brussels Belgium.
- 2003, 8–10 May with A. Gillespie, Social Science Perspectives on Transportation, Information, and Communication Technologies. STELLA Transatlantic Thematic Network Focus Group Workshop on ICT, Innovation and the Transport System, Lumley Castle Hotel, Newcastle, UK.
- 2003, 19–20 March Research Issues Regarding Information Technology and Transportation. Next Generation Conference for STAR/STELLA, Montreal, Quebec.
- 2002, 20–24 November Resources for Spatial Thinking and Analysis. American Anthropological Association, New Orleans.
- 2002, 22 July Issues in Space-Time Accessibility. CSISS Workshop on Accessibility in Space and Time, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
- 2002, 25–26 June Embedding Time in Maps of the New Metropolis, and Reflections on “Space, Technologies, and Populations in the New Metropolis.” Mobility Forum Scientific Workshop, Milan, Italy.
- 2002, 3–7 June Time Politics, Foresight and Transport Panel, Foresight for Transport, “Sustainable Mobility and Intermodality” of the Fifth Framework Programme. European Commission, Semmering, Austria.
- 2002, 4 April The Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science—An Overview of Objectives and Programmes. GIS Research UK 2002, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
- 2002, 2 April Collaborations in Spatial Social Science. Department of Geography, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
- 2002, 22 March Web-based Infrastructure for Spatially Integrated Social Science. Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA.
- 2002, 21 March Comments on B.J.L. Berry’s “The Geography of the United States in the Year 2000.” Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA.
- 2002, 4 March Space-Time Adjustments to Transportation, Communication, and Information Technologies—Social Consequences and Policy Issues. ICE Research Seminar, The Institute for Civic Enterprise, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
- 2002, 8–9 February with A. Gillespie, Research Issues on IC, Innovation and Transportation. STELLA Genesis Meeting, Amsterdam.
- 2002, 15–17 January with A. Gillespie, Social Science Perspectives on Transportation, Information, and Communication Technologies. STELLA Transatlantic Thematic Network Focus Group Workshop on ICT, Innovation and the Transport System, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.
- 2001, 15–17 November Building National Infrastructure for Enhancing Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences. Social Science History Association, Chicago, IL.
- 2001, 4–7 November Human-Regional Systems and the Transformational Consequences of a Digital World. Conference on Digital Communities 2001, Chicago, IL.
- 2001, 25 October Time-Space Convergence and Changing Accessibility Patterns for Cities and Regions. Department of Geography Colloquium, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara.
- 2001, 15 September Building Infrastructure for Spatial Social Science. Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Santa Barbara, CA.
- 2001, 20 August Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science—Programs. American Sociological Association, Anaheim CA.
- 2001, 7–8 June Threats to Regional Social Capital and to Entrepreneurial Development in The New Economy. Workshop on Entrepreneurship, Information Technology and Regional Development Policy; Common Lessons, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- 2001, 31 May–3 June Building Infrastructure to Enhance Spatial-Temporal Analysis in the Social Sciences. Canadian Association of Geographers, Montreal.
- 2001, 5 March Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science, Workshop on Political Processes and Spatial Analysis. Florida International University, Miami, FL.
- 2001, 15 February Thinking Spatially in the Social Sciences. California Polytechnic University. San Luis Obispo, CA.
- 2000, November CSISS Programs. American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.
- 2000, April Issues in Accessibility in the Information Age, Social Science E*Space. Forum on “Bits and Places: Investigating the Geography of the Information Age.” Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
- 2000, April The Internet Threat to Local Social Capital and Regional Development. Association of American Geographers, Pittsburgh, PA.
- 1999, July The Internet Threat to Local and Regional Development, E*Space V. Conference on Digital Development: Assessing the Promise of Information Technology. Cape Town, South Africa.
- 1999, March Globalization and Transport, Plenary Session. Conference on Social Change and Sustainable Transport, (sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the European Science Foundation). University of California at Berkeley, CA.
- 1999, March Sustainable Transport and the Economy of Speed. Conference on Social Change and Sustainable Transport, (sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the European Science Foundation). University of California at Berkeley, CA.
- 1999, March Reflections on “Mobility in Development Context: Changing Perspectives, New Interpretations and the Real Issues.” The 1999 Douglas K. Fleming Memorial Lecture (by T.R. Leinbach, sponsored by the University of Washington). Association of American Geographers, Honolulu, HI.
- 1998, March Distance, Transportation, Speed, and Society: The Douglas K. Fleming Memorial Lecture. Transportation Geography (sponsored by the University of Washington). Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA.
- 1997, May Communication/Information Technologies and Diurnal Change in the Social Geographies of Cities: The Case for Periodic Space-Time Surveys on Uses of Telecommunications, E*Space III. Conference on Digital Cities / Analog Worlds, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- 1997, April Globalization and Research Issues in Transportation. Association of American Geographers, Forth Worth, TX.
- 1997, April Transport Culture and the Geography of Speed: A Geographer’s View. Gamma Theta Upsilon, Department of Geography, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
- 1997, April Globalization and Transport. Department of Geography Seminar, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
- 1997, April The Temporal Ordering of Urban Space, Research Seminar to the Social, Economic, and Behavioral Sciences Division. National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.
- 1997, February The Need for a National Periodic Survey on the Applications of Communication/Information Technologies in Everyday Life. Workshop on Geographies of the Information Society, sponsored by the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA), Santa Barbara, CA.
- 1997, January The Globalization of Transportation. Transport Research Board, Washington DC.
- 1996, October with M. Beuthe, Globalization and Research Issues in Transportation. European Science Foundation-National Science Foundation Workshop on Transportation Research, ESF Headquarters, Strasbourg, France.
- 1996, October Social Speed and Metropolitan Transportation. George Mason University, Virginia Center for Technological Innovation, Washington, DC.
- 1996, September Space-Time Properties of Urban Life and Urban Structure: Discontinuities, Distortions, and Distance, Spatial Technologies, Geographic Information, and the City: A Research Conference. Sponsored by the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA), Baltimore, MD.
- 1996, June Urban Space-time Ecological Structure and Variance in the Daily Travel/Activity Patterns Among Role Groups, Symposium on the Relationship between GIS and Disaggregate Individual and Behavioral Transportation Modeling. Sponsored by the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA), Santa Barbara, CA.
- 1996, June Sustainable Transportation and Information Technology: Suggested Research Issues. National Science Foundation-European Science Foundation Workshop on Transportation Research, NSF Headquarters, Arlington, VA.
- 1996, May The Synergistic Linkage of Telecommunications and Transportation: The Impact of Telecommuting on Metropolitan Development. Research Symposium on Exploring Electronic Space: Economic, Policy, and Social Dimensions of Information Technology, Hikone, Japan.
- 1996, April with D Scott, The Journey to Work: Gender Differences in the Greater Toronto Area, 1986 to 1991. Association of American Geographers, Charlotte, NC.
- 1996, April The Culture of Transport and the Economy of Speed. Association of American Geographers, Charlotte, North Carolina.
- 1995, May Alienation and Globalization, Conference on Surviving Globalization: Economic, Social and Environmental Dimensions. Westminster Institute for Ethics and Human Values, London, ON.
- 1993, November A Time-Geography Interpretation of City Structure. Department of Geography Speaker Series, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON.
- 1992, October Information Technologies and the Spatial Restructuring of Cities. Department of Geography, McGill University, Montreal, PQ.
- 1992, August Alienation and Global Communication, session on Is the Earth Shrinking? Perspectives on Global Communication. International Geographical Congress, Washington, DC.
- 1992, August Organizer of Special Sessions (based on Geographical Snapshots of North America): Environmental Change in the Louisiana Coastal Region, Icons and Places of North America, Patterns of Change in America’s Cities and Border Regions, and Documenting Environmental Change in North America. International Geographical Congress, Washington, DC.
- 1992, August Plenary Session Moderator, Living Together as Neighbors: Canada and the United States, (speakers: E. Dowdeswell, H. Swain, V. Konrad). International Geographical Congress, Washington, DC.
- 1992, February Fulbright Roundtable participant, The World Impact of American Culture: Global Curse or Global Village, sponsored by the US-Canada Fulbright Program. Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, ON.
- 1991, April On the Likelihood of Being a Geographer. Association of American Geographers, Miami.
- 1990, October with M.F. Goodchild and B. Klinkenberg, Interpreting Individual Behavior According to Space-time Models in a GIS: Halifax, 1971. Social Science History Association, MN.
- 1990, May The Peopling of American Geography, Authors’ Symposium and Workshop: Geography’s Inner World, sponsored by the Association of American Geographers. The Headlands Environmental Institute, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, CA.
- 1990, April with M.F. Goodchild, Space-Time Diaries and Temporal Patterns of Urban Ecological Structure. Association of American Geographers, Toronto, ON.
- 1990, April The Changing Role of Geography in Academia and in Society, A panelist in a discussion before the Phoenix Group of Young Geographers. Association of American Geographers, Toronto, ON.
- 1990, April The Time Geography of a Canadian City Project. Department of Geography, Syracuse University.
- 1990, March Behavioural and Ecological Linkages in the Time Geography of a Canadian City. Department of Geography, McMaster University.
- 1990, March Alienation, Specialization, and the Size of Control Organizations. Symposium on Futurescapes: Prospecting for Liberty in the 21st Century, Otter Rock, OR.
- 1989, May The Maine Connection: Quebec to New Brunswick. Canadian Association of Geographers, Chicoutimi, PQ.
- 1988, November The Maine Connection: Quebec to New Brunswick. Keynote address to the Joint Transportation Planning Conference for Maine, New Brunswick and Quebec, co-sponsored by the Western Maine Mountain Alliance and the University of Maine, Canadian-American Center.
- 1988, June with M.F. Goodchild, The City in Space and Time; A Daily Time Geography of Halifax. Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS.
- 1988, April Recent Developments with AAG Publications. Association of American Geographers, Phoenix, AZ.
- 1988, March with B. Janelle, Patterns of Contact and Influence in the Life of a Spatial Scientist: William Warntz, Warntz Day Seminar. Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario, London, ON.
- 1987, November The Structure of Specialization in Geography and the Position of Transportation Research. University of Minnesota Geography Coffee Hour presentation and the International Geographical Union Working Group on Transport Geography, Minneapolis, MN.
- 1987, June Meet the Editor. Canadian Association of Geographers, Hamilton, ON.
- 1987, April with M.F. Goodchild, Revealed Specialization within American Geography. Association of American Geographers, Portland, OR.
- 1987, March Current Research in Time Geography, and Publishing in The Canadian Geographer, Department of Geography, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON.
- 1986, October with M.F. Goodchild, The Cores and Peripheries of Specialization in American Geography, East Lakes Division. Association of American Geographers, East Lansing, MI.
- 1986, August Household workplace Patterns and the Entrainment of Diurnal Rhythms in Urban Ecological Structure. Department of Geography, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- 1986, August Role Group Definitions and Accessibility Indexes. Working Group on Transport Geography, International Geographical Union, University of León, León, Spain.
- 1986, March Time-Space Patterns of Urban Demographics. Demographics Colloquium, Department of Sociology, University of Western Ontario.
- 1985, March Visiting Speaker in Human Geography, Temporal Patterns in Human Spatial Behaviour and Time Geography Perspectives on Urban Social Ecology. Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan.
- 1984, May with M.F. Goodchild, Toward an Explanatory Model of Individual Behaviour and Urban Ecological Structure. Canadian Association of Geographers, Nanaimo, BC.
- 1984, April with M.F. Goodchild, Diurnal Variations in Urban Ecology. Association of American Geographers, Washington, DC.
- 1983, November with M.F. Goodchild, The Time Geography of a Canadian City, East Lakes Division. Association of American Geographers, Cincinnati, OH.
- 1983, November with M.F. Goodchild, A Review of the Time Geography Project. Geograd Forum, Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada.
- 1983, April The Locational Conflict Theme in Geography. Department of Geography, Plymouth State College of the University of New Hampshire, Plymouth, NH.
- 1983, August Temporal Patterns in Urban Ecological Structure. Department of Geography, The University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
- 1983, April Diurnal Patterns of Urban Demographics. Department of Geography, Plymouth State College of the University of New Hampshire, Plymouth, NH.
- 1983, April Perspectives on the Daily Life Geography of Halifax. The Canadian American Center, University of Maine at Orono.
- 1983, April with M.F. Goodchild, Transport Indicators of Space Time Autonomy. Association of American Geographers, Denver, CO.
- 1982, November and 1983, February Lectures and Seminars on the Urban and Transportation Geography of Canada. Department of Anthropology, University of Maine at Orono.
- 1982, November A Cross Boundary Similarity Analysis of Employment Structure in Brazil. Association of American Geographers, East Lakes Division, Kalamazoo, MI.
- 1982, November with M.F. Goodchild, Diurnal Patterns of Social Group Distributions in a Canadian City. Regional Science Association, North American Meetings, Pittsburgh, PA.
- 1982, May–July Lectures and Workshops on Spatial Analysis in Human Geography. Department of Geography, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil,.
- 1982, February The Time-Space Ecological Structure of Halifax. Department of Geography, State University of New York at Buffalo.
- 1981, November with M.F. Goodchild, The Time Geography of an Urban Area. Association of American Geographers, East Lakes Division, Bowling Green, OH.
- 1980, November with DC Bowman and MJ Fox, The Time Allocation Game: Experiments in Time Geography. Canadian Association of Geography, Ontario Division, and Association of American Geographers, East Lakes Division, London, ON.
- 1979, March Probing the Intensity Surface of Locational Conflicts. Department of Geography, University of Oklahoma.
- 1978, April Locational Conflicts in the City: Structural Dimensions and Ecological Correlates. Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, LA.
- 1978, October Empirical Analysis of Urban Conflict Patterns. Department of Geography, York University, Downsview, ON.
- 1977, January Time Space Convergence. Keynote Address, Atlantic Provinces Association of Geography Students Conference, Halifax, NS.
- 1976, October The Development of Stage Coach Service in Maine—Early Nineteenth Century, New England and St. Lawrence Valley Division. Association of American Geographers, Salem, MA.
- 1976, July Temporal and Spatial Coordination of Stage Coach Service in Maine: 1826–1829. Historical Geography Section, International Geographical Congress, Moscow, USSR.
- 1976, May Spatial Reorganization and Time Space Convergence. Institut fur Regionalwissenschaft, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, West Germany.
- 1976, April Locational Conflict as a Theme in Urban Analysis. Department of Economics, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
- 1976, February Ecological Patterns of Locational Conflict. Department of Geography, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales.
- 1976, February Urban Locational Conflict. Department of Geography, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland.
- 1976, February Spacing Behaviour in Campgrounds, and Urban Locational Conflict. Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- 1976, February Ecological Patterns of Locational Conflict. Department of Geography, University of Bristol, Bristol, England.
- 1976, February Time Space Convergence. Department of Geography, Queen Mary College, University of London, London, England.
- 1976, February Spatial Reorganization and Urban Locational Conflict Patterns. Department of Geography, Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
- 1975, November Space Time Perspectives on Regional Development. Faculty of Economics, The Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- 1975, May Locational Conflict Studies in Geography. Department of Geography, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.
- 1975, January Transportation Innovation and the Reinforcement of Urban Hierarchies. International Conference on High Speed Ground Transportation, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
- 1974, August Locational Conflict Patterns and Urban Ecological Structure. Third Advanced Studies Institute in Regional Science, Frontiers of Regional Science: Theory Problems Planning; Institut fur Regionalwissenschaft, Universitat Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- 1974, May Movement: A Basic Concept in Geography. Department of Geography, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.
- 1974, April The Periodic Connectivity of Transport Networks: The Case of Stage Coach Service in Maine. Special Session on Theory Synthesis for Periodic Space Time Phenomena. Association of American Geographers, Seattle, WA.
- 1974, April with H Millward, The Intra urban Pattern of Locational Conflict. Association of American Geographers, Seattle, WA.
- 1974, April The Ecological Basis of Locational Conflict Patterns. Department of Geography, University of Alberta.
- 1974, March with H Millward, Locational Conflict in London. Department of Geography. The University of Western Ontario, London, ON.
- 1972, October Measuring Human Extensibility in a Shrinking World. National Council for Geographic Education, Milwaukee, WI.
- 1972, August Constraints on Building Regions of the Future. International Geographical Congress, Montreal, PQ.
- 1972, February Spatial Implications of Alienation and the Phasing Out of Bureaucracy. Conference on Building Regions of the Future, The Université de Montréal, PQ.
- 1971, June Recent Developments Concerning the Geography of the Future. Canadian Association of Geographers, Waterloo, ON.
- 1971, April Surface Motions: A Key to Isolating Changes in Urban Land Use. Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA.
- 1970, October The Mass Movement of Land Use Surfaces in London, Ontario: A Conceptual Approach for Isolating Basic Changes in Urban Land Use. Conference on the Geography of the Future, Bayfield, ON.
- 1969, May Transport Innovations and the Growth of Wholesale Activity in Michigan Cities: 1919–1965. Great Plains Rocky Mountains Division of the Association of American Geographers, Lubbock, TX.
- 1968, May Transportation Innovation in Southern Michigan. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
- 1968, April Spatial Reorganization and Time Space Convergence. Department of Geography, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY.
- 1967, May Central Place Development in a Time Space Framework. Great Plains Rocky Mountains Division of the Association of American Geographers, US Air Force Academy, CO.
- 1967, August Transport Innovations and Central Place Systems. National Science Foundation Research Seminar in Transportation Research, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
- 1965, October The Time Space Convergence of Settlements; A Theory of Evolving Settlement Patterns. East Lakes Division, Association of American Geographers, Pittsburgh, PA.
- 1994 Donald G. Janelle, Geographers on Film. Editor M.W. Dow.
- 1991 Interviewer of Michael F. Goodchild, Geographers on Film.
- 1990, 15 Apri l Uma entrevista com Donald Janelle, by Sylvio C. Bandeira de Mello Silva. Geografia, pp. 119–123. Associacao de Geografia Teoretica, Rio Claro, Brasil.
- 1989, March Filmed as a panelist, Meet the Editors. Association of American Geographers, Geographers on Film series, Baltimore, MD.
- 1986, October with Brian P. Holly, Ask the Geographer, 2 hours, CKAR PBS. East Lansing, MI.
- 1984 Meet Don Janelle, The New Editor of The Canadian Geographer. In Mid-Career Profile, The Operational Geographer 5: 4–6.
- 1981, January Transportation Futures, 1 hour, on Foresight, hosted by Sharon Costello, 6X FM Radio Fanshawe. London, ON.
- 1977 Interviewer of William Bunge, Geographers on Film. Editor M.W. Dow.
- 1971, January The Quality of Urban Life, ½-hour interview, At Random, CFPL Television. London, ON.
- 2011, 12–13 December Co-organizer (with M. Goodchild and S. Matthews), Specialist Meeting, Future Directions in Spatial Demography, Santa Barbara, CA.
- 2011, 12 September Co-leader (with K. Grossner and D. Montello), Workshop on Ontology of Spatial Thinking and Reasoning: Multi-disciplinary Reconciliation. COSIT (Conference on Spatial Information Theory) 2011, Belfast, ME.
- 2011, 2–3 March Co-leader (with K. Grossner), Developing Spatial Literacy Benchmarks. A National Science Digital Library Specialist Workshop, Santa Barbara, CA.
- 2009, 3 November Program Committee, 3rd Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation: Studying Moving Objects in a Three-Dimensional World. GeoInfo3D, Ghent, Belgium.
- 2005, 10–11 October Co-leader (with K. Goulias), FHWA-sponsored Peer Exchange and CSISS Specialist Meeting on GPS Tracking and Time-Geography: Applications for Activity Modeling and Microsimulation. Santa Barbara CA
- 2004, 22–23 April Co-leader (with A. Gillespie), STELLA Transatlantic Thematic Network Focus Group Workshop on ICT, Innovation and the Transport System. Budapest, Hungary.
- 2003, 8–10 May Co-leader (with A. Gillespie), STELLA Transatlantic Thematic Network Focus Group Workshop on ICT, Innovation and the Transport System. Lumley Castle, Newcastle, U.K.
- 2002, 15–17 January Co-leader (with A. Gillespie), STELLA Transatlantic Thematic Network Focus Group Workshop on ICT, Innovation and the Transport System. National Science Foundation, Arlington VA.
- 1998, November Co-leader (with D. Hodge), Research Symposium on Measuring and Representing Accessibility in the Information Age. NCGIA Varenius Project Initiative. Funded by the National Science Foundation.
- 1992, August Board of Directors, Organizing Committee, International Geographical Congress 1992. Washington, DC.
- 1985, April Chair, Program Committee, Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers. Detroit, MI.
- 1980, November Co-organizer with R. McDaniel, Canadian Association of Geographers, Ontario and Association of American Geographers, East Lakes Division. Univ. of Western Ontario, London, ON.
- 1972, February Co-organizer with M. Belanger, Conference on Building Regions of the Future, Montreal, sponsored by Canada Council, Department of the Secretary of State (Canada), Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs (Quebec), and University of Montreal, PQ.
- 1970, October Co-Organizer with R. Abler and J. Sommer, Conference on the Geography of the Future, sponsored by Canada Council and University of Western Ontario. Bayfield, ON.
- 1967, May Co-Organizer with D. Anderson, Great Plains Rocky Mountains Division, Association of American Geographers. US Air Force Academy, CO.
CSISS National Workshops (5 days each)
Organized logistical support / advertising, and applicant review with primary workshop coordinators (in parentheses).
- 2004, July Geographically Weighted Regression and Associated Statistics, UCSB (Stewart Fotheringham) D. Janelle, coordinator
- 2004, June Introduction to Spatial Pattern Analysis in a GIS Environment, UCSB (Arthur Getis)
- 2003, July Geographically Weighted Regression and Associated Statistics, UCSB (Stewart Fotheringham)
- 2003, July Introduction to Spatial Pattern Analysis in a GIS Environment, UCSB (Arthur Getis)
- 2003, July Accessibility in Space and Time: A GIS Approach, Ohio State University (Mei-Po Kwan)
- 2003, May Population Science and GIS, Pennsylvania State University (Stephen Matthews)
- 2002, July Introduction to Spatial Pattern Analysis in a GIS Environment, UCSB (Arthur Getis)
- 2002, July Accessibility in Space and Time: A GIS Approach, Ohio State University (Mei-Po Kwan)
- 2002, July Map Making and Visualization of Spatial Data in the Social Sciences, UCSB (Sara Fabrikant)
- 2002, June Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis, UCSB. Hosted for Interuniversity Consortium on Political & Social Research Luc Anselin)
- 2001, August Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis in the Social Sciences, Co-sponsored with Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (Susan Wachter, Michael Goodchild, Luc Anselin)
- 2001, August Introduction to Spatial Pattern Analysis in a GIS Environment, UCSB (Arthur Getis)
- 2001, July Accessibility in Space and Time: A GIS Approach, Ohio State University (Mei-Po Kwan)
- 2001, July Map Making and Visualization of Spatial Data in the Social Sciences, UCSB (Sara Fabrikant)
- 2001, July Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis, UCSB), Co-sponsored with Interuniversity Consortium on Political & Social Research (Luc Anselin)
- 2000, August Introduction to Spatial Pattern Analysis in a GIS Environment, UCSB (Arthur Getis)
- 2000, July Spatial Perspectives in the Social Sciences, University of Washington (Michael Ward)
- 2000, June Agent Based Spatial Modeling, UCLA (Nicholas Gessler, workshop coordinator)
NICHD R25 GIS Training Program for Population Scientists (Co-PI and workshop coordinator for UCSB 2-week-long workshops):
- 2006, July (12 days) GIS and Population Science Workshop, UCSB
- 2005, July (12 days) GIS and Population Science Workshop, UCSB
SPACE (Spatial Perspectives on Analysis for Curriculum Enhancement) Workshops
Principal Investigator for NSF program, offering the following workshops.
- 2007, July (6 days) Spatial Analysis in the Social Science Curriculum: Enhancing Undergraduate Learning. UCSB (Stuart Sweeney)
- 2007, June (6 days) GIS and Spatial Modeling for the Undergraduate Social Science Curriculum. Ohio State University (Mei-Po Kwan)
- 2006, August (6 days) Spatial Analysis in the Social Science Curriculum: Enhancing Undergraduate Learning. UCSB (Stuart Sweeney)
- 2006, July (6 days) Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies for Undergraduate Curricula in the Social Sciences. University of Oklahoma (Tarek Rashed)
- 2006, June (6 days) GIS and Spatial Modeling for Use in Undergraduate Education. Ohio State University (Mei-Po Kwan)
- 2005, December (2 days) SPACE Planning Meeting. Santa Barbara (Donald Janelle)
- 2005, August (6 days) Spatial Analysis and GIS for Undergraduate Course Enhancement in the Social Sciences. San Francisco State University (Richard LeGates)
- 2005, July (6 days) Spatial Analysis in the Social Science Curriculum: Enhancing Undergraduate Learning. UCSB (Stuart Sweeney)
- 2005, June (6 days) GIS and Spatial Modeling for the Undergraduate Social Science Curriculum. Ohio State University (Mei-Po Kwan)
- 2004, December (2 days) SPACE Planning Meeting. Santa Barbara (Donald Janelle)
- 2004, August (5 days) Spatial Analysis and GIS for Undergraduate Course Enhancement in the Social Sciences. San Diego State University (Arthur Getis and John Weeks)
- 2004, July (10 days) Spatial Analysis for the Undergraduate Social Science Curriculum. UCSB (Stuart Sweeney)
- 2004, June (5 days) GIS and Spatial Modeling for Use in Undergraduate Education. Ohio State University (Mei-Po Kwan)
- 2003, Decembe (2 days) SPACE Planning Meeting. Santa Barbara (Donald Janelle)
NICHD R25 Advanced Spatial Analysis Training Program for Population Scientists (PI and workshop coordinator for UCSB week-long workshops):
- 2011, July (5 days) Multilevel Modeling. UCSB (Kelvyn Jones and SV Subramanian)
- 2010, July (5 days) Spatial Pattern Analysis. UCSB (Jared Aldstadt, Arthur Getis, Stephen Matthews, and John Weeks)
- 2010, July (5 days) Geographically Weighted Regression. UCSB (A. Stewart Fotheringham, Chris Brunsdon, and Martin Charlton)
- 2009, July (5 days) Spatial Regression Modeling. UCSB (Kathryn Curtis and Paul Voss)
- 2008, July (5 days) Spatial Pattern Analysis. UCSB (Jared Aldstadt, Arthur Getis, John Weeks)
CSISS Specialist Research Meetings
Provided logistical, publication, and Web support for primary coordinators (in parentheses) of 2-day meetings.
- 2005, October FHWA-sponsored Peer Exchange on GPS Tracking and Time-Geography: Applications for Activity Modeling and Microsimulation, Santa Barbara, CA (K Goulias and D.G. Janelle). See http://www.csiss.org/events/meetings/time-geography.
- 2004, February Time-mapping Globalization in the World-System, Riverside, CA (Richard Appelbaum and Chris-Chase Dunn)
- 2000, November Inequality and Equity, Santa Barbara, CA (Richard Appelbaum, Coordinator)
- 2003, October Spatial Analysis of Health Risk Perception, Santa Barbara, CA (Barbara Herr-Harthorn)
- 2001, January Spatial Externalities, Santa Barbara, CA (Luc Anselin)
- 2003, April Spatial and Social Interactions in Economics, Santa Barbara, CA (Peter Kuhn)
- 2002, May Spatial Data Analysis Software Tools, Santa Barbara, CA (Luc Anselin)
- 2001, December Location-Based Services, Santa Barbara, CA (Michael Goodchild and Gerard Rushton)
Academic Conference Sessions on Spatial Social Science
Organized or helped organize sessions and participated as a presenter (primary organizer in parentheses).
- 2003, August American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA (Richard Appelbaum and Donald Janelle)
- 2003, July American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting and the Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting Workshop: Spatial Analysis for Rural Sociology and Agricultural Economics, Montreal (Michael Goodchild, Don Janelle, Paul Voss, and Gerry Nelson), Montreal, Quebec
- 2002, November American Anthropological Association, Workshop on Spatial Analysis in Anthropology (Barbara Herr-Harthorn)
- 2002, March Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA (Donald Janelle)
- 2001, November Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, IL (Donald Janelle)
- 2000, November American Society of Criminology Conference, San Francisco, CA, (Nancy LaVigne)
- 2001, November Digital Communities: Cities in the Information Society, Chicago, Illinois (Mark Wilson)
- 2001, August American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA (Richard Appelbaum)
Referee for Scholarly Journals
- Annals of the Association of American Geographers
- Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy
- Cahiers de géographie
- Canadian Journal of Transportation
- The Canadian Geographer
- The Canadian Journal of Regional Science
- Cartographica
- Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
- Economic Geography
- Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
- Environment and Planning A
- Environment and Planning B
- Environment and Planning D
- Environments
- Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography
- Geographical Analysis
- Geography Compass
- GeoJournal
- The Great Lakes Geographer
- Growth and Change
- Information Policy Research—Harvard University
- International Journal of Biometeorology
- International Journal of Geographical Information Science
- International Journal of Public Sector Decision Making
- International Research Journal of Management and Business Studies
- Journal of the American Planning Association
- Journal of Consumer Policy
- Journal of Environmental Management
- Journal of Geographical Systems
- The Journal of Geography
- Journal of Historical Geography
- Journal of Planning Literature
- Journal of Transport Geography
- Journal of Urban Technology
- Occasional Papers of CAG Western Division
- Ontario Geography
- The Professional Geographer
- Progress in Human Geography
- Regional Science International
- Southeastern Geographer
- Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie/Journal of Economic and Social Geography
- Transactions in GIS
- Transportation Research Board
- Transportation Research Record
- Transport Reviews
- Transportation
- Urban Geography
Referee for Research Grants
- Canada Council
- Calgary Institute for the Humanities, University of Calgary
- Canada Network of Centres of Excellence Centre (GEOIDE/ Geomatics for Informed Decisions)
- ESRC NCeSS (United Kingdom)
- Formation de Chercheurs et L'aide a la Recherché, journal grant, Province of Quebec
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- National Science Foundation (including infrastructure grants and center grants
- National Science Foundation (panels for national dissemination projects, Division of Undergraduate Education)
- National Institutes of Health, Scientific Review Committee, Social Sciences and Population Studies (SPSS) Study Section
- National Institutes of Health, Review Committee, Health of the Population SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research)
- Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation (NSHRF)
- Rockefeller Foundation's Bellagio Center, Italy
- Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (including strategic grants, centre grants)
- University of Toronto/York University Joint Program in Transportation
- University of Western Ontario, SSHRC General Research
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Panel member for STAR and GRO Graduate Research Fellowships
Manuscript Review for Publishers
- Ashgate Publishing, 2001
- Equinox, Oxford University Press, 1987–1989
- ESRI Press, 2010
- Guilford Press, 1989, 1990
- Harper and Row, Publishers, 1979, 1981
- Information Science Reference, Editorial Advisory Board, Movement-aware Applications for Sustainable Mobility, an imprint of IGI Global, 2009
- John Wiley and Sons, 1983, 1999, 2000
- Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1998
- Springer, 2005, 2006, 2010
- University of Illinois Press, 2005
External Examiner of Ph.D. Dissertations
- McGill University (Geography), 1992
- University of Alberta (Geography), 1974, 1993
- University of Toronto (Geography), 1973, 1979, 1994
- University of Utrecht (Geography), 2006
- University of Waterloo (Geography), 1985
- University of Western Ontario (Business), 1982, 1984; (Economics), 1987
- York University (Geography), 1995
Promotion and Tenure Assessments
- Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, 1974
- Indiana University at Indianapolis, 1993
- McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, 1997, 2001
- Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland, 1990
- Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, 1987
- Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, 1992, 1997
- University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, 1989
- University of Southern Maine, Gorham, ME, 2011
- University of Maine, Orono, ME, 2006
- University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2003
- University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, 1987, 1998
- University of Regina, Regina, SK, 2005
- University of Saskatchewan, 2005
- University of Toronto, 2011
- University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, 1995, 1995
- York University, Downsview, ON, 1993, 1995
External Program Assessments
- 2010, 18–19 October W.E. Upjohn Center for the Study of Geographical Change, Strategic Planning Conference. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo.
- 1994 Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, (with Gordon Nelson, Sherry Olson, and John Shaw).
- 1994 Department of Geography, York University, Arts Faculty and Atkinson College, Downsview, ON (with Brian Osborne and Glen MacDonald).
- 1994 Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, (with Wayne Rouse).
- 1991 Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, (with Derek Ford and Allen Scott).
- 1987 Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC.
- 1986 Department of Geography, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, (with Peter Johnson).
- 1980 Proposed Graduate Program in Regional Science, Public Affairs Institute, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS.
- 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Transportation Research Board, TRB Committee on Transportation Behavior and Values, paper assessment for TRB meetings.
- 2005—continuing Halifax Space-Time Activity Research (STAR) Project, St. Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, Canada.
- Mo.Ve International Mobility Forum, Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, Automobile Club d’Italia, and the Università degli Stuid di Milano-Bicocca. Workshop panel on Mobility in Metropolitan Areas, Milan, Italy, 25–26 June 2002; Venice, Italy 24–25 October 2002; Verona, Italy 21–23 October 2003; Venice, Italy 2–22 October 2004; Venice, Italy 29–30 September 2005.
- 2002–2005 Member of Scientific Advisory Board, Mo.Ve International non-governmental permanent observatory on sustainable mobility, Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, Automobile Club d’Italiz, and the Università degli Stuid di Milano-Bicocca.
- 2005, 15–16 March NSF Workshop on Cyberinfrastructure and the Social Sciences (Social, Behavioral and Economic (SBE) Sciences / Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), Airlie Conference Center, Warrenton VA.
- 2004, 30 Nov–1 Dec. NSF Workshop on Cyberlearning (Computing Research Association (www.cra.org) and the International Society of the Learning Sciences (www.isls.org) Arlington VA.
- 2002, 3–7 June Time Politics, Foresight and Transport Panel, Foresight for Transport, “Sustainable Mobility and Intermodality” of the Fifth Framework Programme, European Commission, Semmering, Austria.
- 1996–1997 Member, Advisory Committee to the US National Science Foundation on directions in transportation research, in collaboration with the European Science Foundation.
- 1989–present Board of Directors, Time-Space Research, Inc., Halifax, NS.
- 1989 CAG/AAG Liaison Committee on Policy for Associate Membership.
- 1982, May–July CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) and CNPQ (Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development)—Consultant to the Federal University of Bahia.
Principal Supervisor for:
- 1997 S. Smeltzer, M.A. Constraints on Elderly Daily Travel Behaviour: London, Ontario.
- 1994 D.M. Scott, M.A. Work-Residence Relations and Urban Spatial Structure: A Case Study of the Greater Toronto Area, 1986 to 1991.
- 1992 W. Liu, M.A. Accessibility Patterns and the Social Evaluation of Urban Structure: A Case Study of London, Ontario.
- 1989 E.M. Keuper, M.A. Locational Conflict and Areas of Student Housing in London, Ontario 1977–1988.
- 1986 T. Van Kessel, M.A. Probabilistic Model for Locating Emergency Services.
- 1986 Susan Kular, Ph.D. Consumer Store Choices and Spatial Behaviour Patterns: Food and Grocery Shopping in London, Canada.
- 1984 D. McCann, M.A. The Impacts of Areal Aggregation on Empirical Analysis in Geography.
- 1982 D.C. Bowman, M.A. Behavioural Effects of Flexible Working Hours: A Time Geography Approach.
- 1979 R. Emmerson, M.A. The Changing Occupation Structures of Major Urban Settlements in Canada, 1951–1971.
- 1975 G. Owens, M.A. Evaluating a Highway Locational Model: The London 402 Controversy.
- 1975 H. Millward, Ph.D. The Convergence of Urban Plan Features: A Comparative Examination of Trends in Canada and England.
- 1974 W. Coffey, M.A. The Spatial Configuration of Social Economic Integration: Metropolitan Boston.
- 1973 R. Flaman, M.A. A Path Analytic Model of Urban Land Use Structures.
- 1972 H. Millward, M.A. Simulation of Urban Spatial Growth.
- 1972 J. Western, M.A. Social Groups and Activity Patterns; Houma, Louisiana.
Advisory Committees for 33 Ph.D. candidates (28 completed) and 37 M.A. candidates (31 completed).
Thesis Examination Committees for 34 Ph.D. candidates and 40 M.A. candidates.
Principal Supervisor for 39 B.A. Honors Theses.
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- The American Geographical Society
- Association of American Geographers: Chair, East Lakes Division, 1981–1983; ELDAAG Executive Committee, 1983, 1985; Chair, Program Committee, 1985; Program Committee, 2002; Publications Committee, 1986, 1989; Chair, Publications Committee, 1988–1991; Councillor, 1988–1991; Ad Hoc AAG 2004 Centennial Planning Committee, 1993–1997; 1996 Honors Committee, 1994–1996; Co-chair, Centennial Coordinating Committee, 1997–2004; Nominee for Vice President, 2001
- Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Program Committee 2001
- The Canadian Association of Geographers: Editor, The Canadian Geographer, 1984–1988; Executive Committee (ex officio), 1984–1988
- Canadian Association of University Teachers.
- Canadian Regional Science Association: Councillor at Large, 1978–1980
- The National Geographic Society
- Regional Science Association International
- The Royal Canadian Geographical Society
- Social Science History Association
- University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (Chair of Membership Committee, 2009–2011)
Revised Nov. 2011