Section 4 - Spatial dependence - Looking at causes and effects in a geographical context:

  • Spatial autocorrelation - what is it, how to measure it with a GIS.
  • The independence assumption and what it means for modeling spatial data.
  • Applying models that incorporate spatial dependence - tools and applications.
Two concepts:

Spatial dependence

  • what happens at one place depends on events in nearby places
  • all things are related but nearby things are more related than distant things (Tobler's first law of geography)
  • positive spatial dependence:
    • nearby things are more alike than things are in general
  • negative spatial dependence:
    • nearby things are less alike than things are in general
    • conceptual problems with negative spatial dependence
      • e.g. the chessboard
  • spatial autocorrelation measures spatial dependence
    • an index, rather than a parameter of a process
    • dependence between discrete objects, or dependence in a continuous field?
  • a world without positive spatial dependence would be an impossible world
    • impossible to map
    • impossible to describe, live in
    • hell is a place with no spatial dependence
Geary index:
  • compares the squared differences in value between neighboring objects with overall variance in values
Moran index:
  • calculates the product of values in neighboring objects
  • related to Geary but not in a simple algebraic sense


Calculation of the Geary index of spatial autocorrelation


a is the mean of x values

wij = 1 if i,j adjacent, else 0

c is 1 if neighbors vary as much as the sample as a whole

c < 1 if neighbors are more similar than the sample as a whole (positive dependence)

c > 1 if neighbors are less similar (negative dependence)

c = 3 x 16 / (2 x 10 x 2) = 48 / 40 = 1.2
  • i.e. neighboring values are slightly more similar than one would expect if the values were randomly allocated to the four areas
Continuous space
  • see the discussion of variograms and Kriging
  • the term geostatistics is normally associated with continuous space, spatial statistics more with discrete space
Measures of spatial dependence can be calculated in GIS:
  • Idrisi calculates autocorrelation over a raster
  • code has been written to calculate autocorrelation in ARC/INFO (see NCGIA Technical Paper 91-5)
More extensive codes have been written using the statistical packages, e.g. MINITAB, SAS
  • contact Dan Griffith, Syracuse University; Luc Anselin, University of Illinois
  • some of these fail to take advantage of GIS capabilities, for generating input data and displaying output
  • see also Spacestat
Spatial heterogeneity:
  • suppose there is a relationship between number of AIDS cases and number of people living in an area
  • the form of this relationship will vary spatially
    • in some areas the number of cases per capita will be higher than in others
    • we could map the constant of proportionality
  • spatial heterogeneity describes this geographic variation in the constants or parameters of relationships
  • when it is present, the outcome of an analysis depends on the area over which the analysis is made
    • often this area is arbitrarily determined by a map boundary or political jurisdiction

Geographically weighted regression (GWR)

fits a model such as y = a + bx
but assumes that the values of a and b will vary geographically

determines a and b at any point by weighting observations inversely by distance from that point



Geographical brushing:

  • a technique of ESA
  • a user-defined window is moved over the map
  • analysis occurs only within the window
Conventional analysis (analysis done aspatially, e.g. using a statistical package) assumes independence (no spatial dependence) and homogeneity (no spatial heterogeneity)
  • e.g. regression analysis assumes that the observations (cases) are statistically independent
  • this violates the first law of geography
  • in general, analysis in space is very different from conventional statistical analysis (although this is very often carried out on spatial data)
An example:
  • the relationship between land devoted to growing corn and rainfall in a Midwestern state like Kansas
  • rainfall available at 50 weather stations
  • percent of land growing corn available for 100 counties
  • use a method of spatial interpolation to estimate rainfall in each county from the weather station data
  • plot one variable against the other, and perhaps fit a regression equation
  • how many data points are there?
    • the more data points, the more significant the results
    • 100 (the number of counties)?
    • 50 (the real number of weather observations)?
    • something in between?
  • more data points can be invented by intensifying the sample network using spatial interpolation, but no more real data has been created by doing so
  • both variables are strongly spatially autocorrelated, violating an assumption of regression
  • the significance of the analysis is now uncertain
  • methods of spatial regression try to overcome this problem in a systematic way
    • see Spacestat

An example

Crime and income in Los Angeles
rate of car thefts (per sq km per year)

median annual income in thousands

per census tract

5,000 observations
b = increase in car thefts per sq km per thousand dollars median income
  = -0.22

R2 = percentage of variation in car thefts explained by income
   = 0.26

is this significant?

is it significant at the 95% level of confidence?

in a population of millions of census tracts, exhibiting the same range of rates of car thefts and median incomes, but no relationship between them (b = 0, R2 = 0), could a sample of 5,000 census tracts have exhibited the same
degree of apparent relationship, or more, purely by chance?

but, but, but...we don't have a random sample of a larger population
there are only 5,000 tracts in LA and we have all there is

A related issue - the MAUP

  • many statistics are reported by averaging or summing over polygons - e.g. populations of counties, average elevation
  • it is commonly necessary to interpolate such values to new polygons which do not coincide
    • e.g. from census tracts with known populations to school districts
    • source zones have known populations
    • populations of target zones are unknown
  • the best method of solving this problem is to create a continuous surface from the source data, then to integrate this surface to the new target areas
Various assumptions can be made about the underlying surface:
  • density is constant within source zones
  • density is constant within target zones
  • density is constant within some third set of control zones
  • density varies smoothly (Tobler's Pycnophylactic interpolation)
Analysis carried out on modifiable units can produce frightening results
  • e.g. Openshaw and Taylor
  • 99 counties of Iowa
  • two variables - % over 65, and % Republican
    • correlation for the counties was .3466
Results of analysis using some alternative reporting zones:
6 Republican-proposed congressional districts .4823

6 Democrat-proposed congressional districts .6274

6 existing congressional districts .2651

6 urban/rural regional types .8624

6 functional regions .7128

By regrouping the counties into larger regions, Openshaw and Taylor were able to generate a vast range of outcomes of the analysis:
  • e.g. 48 regions - correlations between -.548 and +.886
  • e.g. 12 regions - correlations between -.936 and +.996
What to do?
  • evaluate the range?
  • are we asking the right question?
    • is scale part of the question rather than a mere matter of implementation?