Metadata Details
Spatial Demography -- Disease Control Strategies
Contributed by Stuart Sweeney |
version |
Winter 2001 |
status |
Draft |
rights_restrictions |
yes |
rights_description |
For non-commercial, educational use only. Use of these materials in educational settings is conditional upon attribution to Dr. Stuart Sweeney, CSISS, ADEPT, and any other party whose materials has been used or attributed herein. |
rights_cost |
no |
resource_type |
Lecture Materials |
metametadata_contributor_role |
Creator |
metametadata_contributor_entity |
Matt Rice, rice@geog.ucsb.edu |
metametadata_contributor_date |
2001-07-07 |
location |
learning_time |
01:00:00 |
keywords |
spatial demography, disease control, immunization, vaccination, medicine, WHO, CDC |
format |
text/html |
end_user_role |
Teacher, Student |
description |
Lecture outline, Spatial Demography -- Disease Control Strategies. From Introductory Lectures in Spatial Social Science by Stuart Sweeney. This lecture outline covers disease intervention policies, control strategies, surveillance, and future issues. |
CSISS_interest_area |
Spatially Integrated Social Science |
CSISS_discipline |
Geography |
contributor_role_1 |
Author |
contributor_entity_1 |
Stuart Sweeney |
contributor_date_1 |
2001-04-17 |
aggregation_level |
1 |
Copyright © 2002-2007 by Regents of University of California, Santa Barbara
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