Metadata Details

Applied Data Analysis in Criminal Justice
Contributed by Rachel Boba
version Spring 2002 
status Final 
rights_restrictions unknown 
rights_description unknown 
rights_cost no 
resource_type Lesson Plans/ Syllabi 
metametadata_contributor_role Creator 
metametadata_contributor_entity David Fearon, 
metametadata_contributor_date 2002-07-08 
learning_time 1:00:00 
keywords crime mapping, GIS data, GIS Teaching, map information, ArcView, geocoding, spatial statistics 
format application/pdf 
end_user_role Teacher 
description The object of this class is for students to work with secondary databases, geographic information systems / GIS, and other analytical software, and to conduct a spatial analytic study of crime patterns. In a follow-up class by Dr. Boba, in Special Criminological Problems, the objective is to understand how crime analysis and crime mapping are practiced in everyday law enforcement. ArcView GIS excersizes and critique of media and crime mapping websites. 
CSISS_interest_area geographic information system / GIS,thematic mapping,map,spatial data analysis,GIS Software 
CSISS_discipline Criminology 
contributor_role_1 Author 
contributor_entity_1 Rachel Boba 
contributor_date_1 2001-09-01 
contributor_role_2 Department of Criminology and Crimin 
contributor_date_2 0000-00-00 
Copyright © 2002-2007 by Regents of University of California, Santa Barbara
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