Metadata Details
Spatial Data Analysis for Social Scientists
Contributed by Paul Voss |
version |
Spring 2001 |
status |
Final |
rights_restrictions |
unknown |
rights_description |
unknown |
rights_cost |
no |
resource_type |
Lesson Plans/ Syllabi |
metametadata_contributor_role |
Creator |
metametadata_contributor_entity |
David Fearon, fear@umail.ucsb.edu |
metametadata_contributor_date |
2002-07-25 |
location |
learning_time |
1:00:00 |
keywords |
GIS Instruction, ArcView, gravity model, spatial interaction, autocorrelation, point pattern analysis, spatial data analysis, spatially continuous data |
format |
application/pdf |
end_user_role |
Teacher |
description |
Over the course of the semester, we will examine the characteristics of spatially referenced data (i.e., quantitative observations associated with fixed points or areas on a map) and will focus on methods of exploring and modeling such data. We will examine such issues as: the place of spatial data analysis as part of general multivariate data analysis (which requires remaining vigilant to the special difficulties that spatial data may create); the tools available for exploratory analyses of spatially referenced data; the variety of models for representing spatial variation; and learning to strike a balance between theoretical approaches to spatial data and permitting the data \\\'to speak for themselves\\\' Course topics, each with a reading list, include: Computers and Spatial Data Analysis. Analysis of Point Patterns. Analysis of Spatially Continuous Data. Analysis of area data. Methods for spatial interaction data. |
CSISS_interest_area |
geographic information system / GIS,spatial data analysis,gravity model |
CSISS_discipline |
Urban Studies |
contributor_role_1 |
Author |
contributor_entity_1 |
Paul Voss |
contributor_date_1 |
2001-01-10 |
aggregation_level |
1 |
Copyright © 2002-2007 by Regents of University of California, Santa Barbara
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