Metadata Details
Spatial Analysis-- Anselin -- Lab 6: Suitability Analysis
Contributed by Luc Anselin |
version |
Fall 2001 |
status |
Final |
rights_restrictions |
yes |
rights_description |
copyright � 1999-2001, Luc Anselin All Rights Reserved |
rights_cost |
no |
resource_type |
Lecture Materials |
metametadata_contributor_role |
Creator |
metametadata_contributor_entity |
David Fearon, fear@umail.ucsb.edu |
metametadata_contributor_date |
2002-08-01 |
location |
http://geog55.gis.uiuc.edu/sa/lab6.html |
learning_time |
1:00:00 |
keywords |
spatial analysis, lab, ArcView, geographic information system / GIS, GIS data, GIS software, spatial data analysis, maps, geostatistics, ArcGIS, suitability analysis, density mapping, distance calculation |
format |
application/pdf |
end_user_role |
Teacher / Student |
description |
Class lecture notes Luc Anselin Spatial Analysis : class lab instructions and exercise: Suitability Analysis The purpose of this lab is to illustrate the use of the Spatial Analyst extension to ArcGIS to locate facilities based on suitability analysis. In the process, various functions will be used, such as density mapping, distance calculation and the application of the raster calculator. |
CSISS_interest_area |
geographic information system / GIS,spatial data analysis,GIS Software |
CSISS_discipline |
Geography,Urban Studies |
contributor_role_1 |
Author |
contributor_entity_1 |
Luc Anselin |
contributor_date_1 |
2001-11-28 |
contributor_role_2 |
Department of Agricultural and Consu |
contributor_entity_2 |
contributor_date_2 |
0000-00-00 |
aggregation_level |
1 |
Copyright © 2002-2007 by Regents of University of California, Santa Barbara
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