Metadata Details

Hans Kurath: Linguistic Atlas of the United States
Contributed by Nina Brown
version final 
status Final 
rights_restrictions yes 
rights_description Copyright � 2001 by Regents of University of California, Santa Barbara  
rights_cost no 
resource_type Narrative Text 
metametadata_contributor_role Creator 
metametadata_contributor_entity David Fearon, 
metametadata_contributor_date 2002-09-12 
learning_time 1:00:00 
keywords classic, geographical historical linguistics, dialect areas, regional dialects, human settlements, trade, qualitative survey fieldwork, isoglosses, population movements, urbanization, cultural geography, population patterns 
format text/html 
end_user_role teacher; student 
description Classic: Hans Kurath�s survey of development and spatial distribution of American English dialects and vocabulary across regions of the Eastern United States. Survey fieldwork produced maps of linguistic boundaries tied to history of settlement patterns. 
CSISS_interest_area map,locational analysis,spatial diffusion 
CSISS_discipline Anthropology and Archaeology,Demography,Linguistics 
contributor_role_1 Author 
contributor_entity_1 Nina Brown 
contributor_date_1 2001-07-19 
Copyright © 2002-2007 by Regents of University of California, Santa Barbara
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