Metadata Details

Activities and Readings in the Geography of the United States
Contributed by Phil Gersmehl, U. of Minnesota Geog.
version CD-ROM, 1999 
status Final 
rights_restrictions yes 
rights_description For non-profit, academic, personal use only. Contact Osa Brand or Laura Culp at the AAG for more information: , , 212-234-1450. 
resource_type Animations/ Video/ Applets 
metametadata_contributor_role Creator 
metametadata_contributor_entity Matt Rice, 
metametadata_contributor_date 2001-12-06 
keywords geography, readings, United States, geographic perspective, spatial models, AAG, ARGUS 
format Unknown 
end_user_role teacher 
description Large CD-ROM collection or interactive education materials. ARGUS began in 1991 with the signing of an international agreement to develop and exchange accurate and up-to-date high-school geography teaching materials. In the following years, hundreds of individual contributors produced material for the ARGUS project in a variety of areas, resulting in a printed 88-page text, 35 classroom activities, 264 transparency masters, comprehensive teacher\\\'s guide, and lesson outlines. This CD-ROM version contains most of the original material. The ARGUS CD-ROM materials are in Macromedia Director Shockwave format, readable with a common web browser plug-in. The ARGUS materials can be taught by teachers with little or no geographic training. The ARGUS materials meet nearly every skill and content standard in the US National Geography Standards.  
CSISS_interest_area Spatially Integrated Social Science 
CSISS_discipline Geography 
contributor_role_1 supervising editor 
contributor_entity_1 Phil Gersmehl, U. of Minnesota Geog. 
contributor_date_1 2001-06-01 
contributor_role_2 administrative contact 
contributor_entity_2 Osa Brand, 
contributor_date_2 2001-06-01 
Copyright © 2002-2007 by Regents of University of California, Santa Barbara
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