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To contribute materials, select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

I have some learning resources which may be appropriate.

I would be interested in creating some materials for the archive.







Do you know of an internet resource we should be aware of? Please notify us, using the form below. We will review it, catalog it, and add it to our learning resource archive.

When entering a URL, please follow these guidelines:

  • The URL should ALWAYS begin with http:// or other valid URL specifier.

  • When possible, the URL should end with a file name (even if that file name is the default index.html ).

  • If the URL ends in a directory, include the trailing slash. This means writing http://www.myfavoriteURL.com/ instead of http://www.myfavoriteURL.com.

URL of resource:


Copyright © 2001 by Regents of University of California, Santa Barbara
Ann Ricchiazzi
Learning Resources: Matt Rice
This page updated February 11, 2002
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