Evaluate CSISS Learning Resources

In order to keep our learning resources as up-to-date and functional as possible, an on-going plan for evaluation is in place:

  • New materials for the LR archive will be kept in a private section of the website for internal review and evaluation prior to making them publicly accessible.

  • Once materials are public, comments will be solicited and reviewed on an ongoing basis by the LR team.

  • Comment from this public evaluation will be compiled and reviewed at the monthly CSISS Executive meetings.

  • General oversight and review will be provided through the annual program review process.

  • An update procedure will be put in place which will include a requirement that all contributors agree to providing ongoing oversight and update, if necessary, of their contributed materials during the life of the grant.

Please let us know if you have any comments about anything in the learning resources!




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Copyright © 2001 by Regents of University of California, Santa Barbara
Ann Ricchiazzi
Learning Resources: Matt Rice
This page updated February 11, 2002
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