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Written by Dr. Scott A. Loomer (Colonel, US Army, Retired) MicroCAM for Windows is a microcomputer based program designed for use in the instruction of computer-assisted cartography. With MicroCAM, a student can experiment with more than twenty map projections and a wide variety of mapping parameters, all on an easily accessible microcomputer. It is an ideal tool for the cartography instructor, allowing for use both in a laboratory setting and in evaluation of student work.

Originally modeled on the Cartographic Automatic Mapping (CAM) program, MicroCAM retains the basic features of CAM, a mainframe-hosted program, but adapts them for use on microcomputers. (The CAM program and its associated databases of the world were developed by the Central Intelligence Agency). Both MicroCAM and CAM are designed to generate reference maps of any region of the world to a users specifications.

Unlike the CAM program, which is batchmode oriented and provides output only to pen plotters, MicroCAM is interactive and its results are quickly displayed in high resolution video graphics on the microcomputers display. Under the Windows environment, MicroCAM can create hardcopy output on any installed printer or plotter. Maps can be exported as Windows bitmaps or in industry-standard exchange formats. Using external programs such as commercial computer-aided drafting programs, MicroCAM maps can be enhanced to create publication quality maps.

The program can be installed on a local-area network with student files in a separate directory or drive providing flexibility in laboratory use.

MicroCAM offers the computer-assisted cartography student and instructor the opportunity to create maps with the flexibility and ease of use inherent in an interactive microcomputer system.

[Contents] [Introduction] [License]
[Program Operation] [Database Files] [Export File Formats]
[Map Design] [Mapping Commands] [References] [Links]
[Mapping Data] [.CAM Files] [MicroCAM Graphics]