Draw geographic line features (see FEATURE).
2 to 10 parameters:
- Data set reference number
- 8, 60 = Coastlines, islands and lakes
- 11, 62 = National boundaries
- 64 = State boundaries
- 66 = Rivers
- Specified format of geographic data
- 2 = World Data 22 byte format (uses databases)
- 5 = World Data 80 character format (no longer supported in MicroCAM; the lines of data following this command will generate errors; use GEOLINE instead)
- 9 = World Data direct access format (uses databases)
- [Optional] Rank/classification control parameter
- 0 = Draw all ranks
- 1 = Draw only the rank specified in parameter 6
- 2 = Draw ranks as specified in parameters 6 to 10
- 3 = Draw all ranks between parameter 6 (lower limit) and parameter 7 (upper limit)
- 4 = Using parameter 6, draw all ranks beginning with the tens value up to the tens value plus nine
- [Optional] Beginning line Segment {Ignored by MicroCAM}.
- [Optional] Ending line Segment {Ignored by MicroCAM}.
- [Optional] Rank (use determined by parameter 3)
- [Optional] Rank (use determined by parameter 3)
- [Optional] Rank (use determined by parameter 3)
- [Optional] Rank (use determined by parameter 3)
- [Optional] Rank (use determined by parameter 3)
Features in the databases are tagged as level 5 (most general) to level 1 (most detailed) with each level including all higher level features; the rank(s) from the LINEPT command are divided by 10 to determine the level used. If no rank parameter is provided, MicroCAM selects a detail level based on the map scale.
LINEPT 8.,2.
Draws coastlines, islands & lakes.