MAS/LUCC Resource Page: Research Project Details

Land Use and Carbon Sequestration in Eastern Deciduous Forests:
Institution: West Virginia University and George Mason University
Principal Investigators: Amy Hessl, Department of Geography, WVU; Richard Thomas and Bill Peterjohn, Department of Biology, WVU, and Dawn C. Parker, Departments of Geography and Environmental Science and Policy, GMU
Grant Number: National Science Foundation: Land Use and Carbon Sequestration in Eastern Deciduous Forests: Complex Interactions Between Human Activities and Ecosystem Processes (0414565)

Description: This project will couple a statistical model that links socioeconomic and biophysical drivers of hardwood timber harvest to a locally calibrated model of above-and-below ground carbon sequestration. The models will be developed for an applied to West Virginia, USA, and will use data from the WVU Fernow Experiment Station and the US Forest Inventory Analysis. The coupled models will be used to conduct scenario analysis that will examine how timber harvest and carbon sequestration might change under alternative sets of biophysical and socioeconomic conditions. More>>

Contact: Dawn C. Parker

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MAS/LUCC Resource Manager: Dawn Parker