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Profile for reifm
Username reifm 
Registered: 9/21/02 (0 messages per day)
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Last active: 9-21-2002 at 12:43 AM
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
Birthday: November 9, 1973
Bio: A second-year doctoral student in political science at the University of Michigan, Ms. Reif is interested in applying spatial analysis to the study of the interaction of proximity, organizational competition, and government regulation in the activities of religiopolitical groups and non-state actors, particularly in South Asia and North Africa. She is currently studying geostatistics and also hopes to complete UM�s interdisciplinary certificate in Spatial Analysis/Geographic Information Systems.

In 1996, Ms. Reif earned her bachelor�s degree in politics from Wake Forest University. While at Wake Forest, she conducted field research on the South Asian Diaspora in London and on women�s activism in Lahore. Ms. Reif spent the 1996-97 academic year as a Fulbright Scholar in Pakistan, where she researched the Taliban movement, humanitarian aid, and Pakistan's policy in Afghanistan. In March and July 1997, she traveled to Kabul, Kandahar, and Mazar-i-Sharif to interview Taliban leaders. During 1998-1999, she worked for the Afghanistan Foundation, a non-profit organization in Washington, DC chaired by former congressman Don Ritter (R-PA, 1978-1993) and dedicated to working with Afghan leaders to promote the Intra-Afghan Dialogue process among U.S. policymakers. Working with The Carter Center�s public health programs in 1999-2001, she became interested in the application of epidemiological diffusion and contagion models to the study of extremist movements. Ms. Reif is a Jacob K. Javits Fellow and Truman Scholar.
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