This page provides access to presentations given at various events by CSISS personnel. The presentations are organized by speaker and provide basic information such as when, where and to whom it was given.
Geo-information for Disaster Management - First International Symposium on Geo-information for Disaster Management, Delft, The Netherlands, March 2005. PDF, 4.4 MB
Bits of Geography: Maps and Mapping in the Digital Age - Haynes Lecture, Texas A&M University, November 2004. PDF, 6.8 MB
Spatially Enabled E-Government - Keynote, 8th International Seminar on GIS, Seoul, November 2003. PDF, 3.7 MB
Digital Earth: Recent Technical Progress - Keynote Address, First Taipei International Conference on Digital Earth, November 2003. PDF, 1.2 MB
Recent Advances in GIScience - Presented at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, September 2003. PDF, 4.2 MB
GIS and Modeling - Presented at the Workshop on GIS and Modeling, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, CA, September 25, 2003. PDF, 375 kb
The GIScience Research Agenda: Inventory and Prospect - Presented at the Royal Geographical Society / Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, September 5, 2003. PDF, 180 kb
SDI and Science - Presented at Vespucci Summer Institute, Florence, Italy, August 4, 2003. PDF, 740 kb
The Spatial Web - Presented at Vespucci Summer Institute, Florence, Italy, August 2, 2003. PDF, 2.8 MB
The Fundamental Laws of GIScience - Keynote, Annual Assembly of the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science, Monterey, CA, June 19, 2003. PDF, 400 kb
Finding the Mainstream - Keynote, 2003 Scandinavian GIS Conference (ScanGIS 2003), Helsinki, June 4, 2003. PDF, 1.9 MB
Bits of Geography - Presented at the 48th Annual Faculty Research Lecture, UCSB, April 30, 2003. PDF, 3.3 MB
Models for Uncertainty in Area-Class Maps - Presented at the National Science Foundation, January 13, 2003. PDF, 922 kb
Linking Science to Practice in Landscape Change - Presented at the Second International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality, Hong Kong, March 19-20, 2003. PDF, 922 kb
Data Access and Data Warehousing - Keynote presented at GeoHealth 2002, Victoria University, Wellington, December 2002. PDF, 1.9 MB
Finding the Mainstream - Keynote presented at Joint AURISA and ISA Conference, Adelaide, November 2002. PDF, 1.9 MB
Thinking Spatially - Presented at Brown University, October 2002. PDF, 2.2 MB
GIS and Spatial Statistics: One World View or Two? - Presented at Spatial Statistics: Integrating Statistics, GIS, and Statistical Graphics, University of Washington, October 2002. PDF, 1.6 MB
What's Special about Spatial? - Presented at Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences, UCSB, October 2002. PDF, 2.6 MB
Accession and Sharing of Geographic Information - Presented at CODATA, Montreal, October 2002. PDF, 3.8 MB
Augmenting Geographic Reality - Presented at the University of Colorado, September 2002. PDF, 3.8 MB
What's Special about Spatial? - Presented at the University of California, Irvine, September 2002. PDF, 2.6 MB
The Nature and Value of Geographic Information - Presented at the Association for Geographic Information, London, May 2002. PDF, 615 Kb
Spatial Literacy, Geographical Information Technologies, and Solutions to Societal Problems , D Janelle, V Noronha, R Church, and J Sopher - UCSB, 4, October 2008. PDF, 7.6 MB
Spatial Concepts and Spatial Reasoning in the Social Sciences , D Janelle - International Workshop on Spatial Cognition and Learning Freiburg, Germany, 13‐14, September 2008. PDF, 275 kb
The Case for Space in the Social Sciences , D Janelle - Pontifica Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais Universidade Católica de Salvador, August 2007. PDF, 3 MB
SPACE poster for 2008 Course Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement Conference - Washington, DC 14-15, August 2008. PDF, 6.3 MB
Resources for Spatial Thinking and Analysis - Presented at the Workshop on Spatial Analysis in Anthropology, New Orleans. November 21, 2002. PDF, 3.4 MB
Embedding Time in Accessibility Analysis - Presented at the CSISS Workshop on Accessibility in Time and Space, Ohio State University. July 22, 2002. PDF, 2.1 MB
Space-Time Adjustments to Transportation, Communication, and Information Technologies - Presented at the University of Southern California. March 6, 2002. PDF, 3.5 MB
Time-Space Convergence and Changing Accessibility Patterns for Cities and Regions - Presented at the UCSB Geography Colloquium, Santa Barbara. October 25, 2001. PDF, 888 Kb