Table of Contents | Background & Objective | Contributors
Spatially Integrated Social Science: Chapter 21
< Chapter 20
Planning Scenario Visualization and Assessment:
A Cellular Automata Based Integrated Spatial Decision Support System
Roger White, Bas Straatman, and Guy Engelen
We present two closely related models designed to support urban and regional planning and policy development. The first, consisting of a Cellular Automaton based integrated dynamic spatial simulation model, augmented with decision support tools, supports the development and assessment of policies for improving the quality of the lived environment in the Netherlands. The whole of the Netherlands is modeled. The second model was developed for the Visions project of the European Union to support the creation of consistent, integrated visions for a sustainable Europe for the years 2020 and 2050. It is derived from the first model, but differs in that user-supplied scenarios drive the spatial simulation. An important component is a set of tools that facilitates translation of qualitative "story-line" scenarios into the quantitative ones that drive the land use model. Only the Green Heart region of the Netherlands is modeled. An example of the use of the model to develop a Visions scenario is given.
Supplemental Materials