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Globalization in the World-System: Mapping Change Over Time - Agenda

Saturday, February 7, 2004:
7:30 am

Vans depart from Mission Inn

8:00 am

Continental Breakfast and Meeting Registration at Institute for Research on World-Systems, College Building South, College Place, UCR

8:30 - 9:45 am

Opening Session: Anderson Graduate School of Management, Room 118.
Welcome: UCR Chancellor France Cordova
Keynote address: Michael Goodchild, Spatial Perspectives for the Globe 1MB

10:00 - 11:45 pm

Session 1: Commodity Chains and Labor in the World Economy

Place: Entomology Building, Room 161, Large Conference Room
Presider: Helen Couclelis

Richard Appelbaum: Commodity Chains and Economic Development 140kb
Jennifer Bair
Beverly Silver

Discussants: Thomas Reifer and David Smith

11:45 - 12:30 pm

Box Lunch, Entomology Building Foyer

12:30 - 1:30 pm

Session 2: Presentations on GIS and Network Analysis

Presenters (Entomology Building):

12:30 - 1:00 > Stuart Sweeney: Spatial Analysis 6.3MB (Room 161)
21:00 - 1:30 > Harvey Miller: Geographical Information Systems (Room 161)
21:00 - 1:30 > Robert Hanneman and Douglas White: Quantitative Network Analysis (Rm 181)
1:45 - 3:15 pm

Session 3: Global Business Networks

Place: Entomology Building, Room 161, Large Conference Room
Presider: Christopher Chase-Dunn

William Carroll: Representing Spatiality in theTransnational Corporate Network 117k
Jeffrey Kentor and Harvey Miller

Discussants: Douglas White and Edward Malecki

3:30 - 5:15 pm

Session 4: The Global City System

Place: Entomology Building, Room 161, Large Conference Room
Presider: Richard Appelbaum

Saskia Sassen
David Smith
John Weeks and Chris Chase-Dunn: The System of World Cities: Studying Suburbanization Since 1970 Satellite Imagery 1.5MB

Discussants: Jeffrey Kentor and Stanley Brunn

5:30 pm

Vans depart to Reception

6:00 - 8:00 pm


8:00 pm

Vans Return to Mission Inn

Sunday, February 8, 2004:
8:30 am

Vans depart from Mission Inn

9:00 - 9:30 am

Continental Breakfast at Institute for Research on World-Systems

9:30- 11:30 am

Session 5: Hegemony and Power Configurations in Interstate Systems

Place: Entomology Building, Room 161, Large Conference Room
Presider: Thomas Reifer

Giovanni Arrighi
David Wilkinson
Zhiqian Yu

Discussants: Robert Hanneman

11:30 - 12:15 pm

Box Lunch, College Building South

12:15 - 2:00 pm

Session 6: Global Transportation and Communications Networks

Place: Entomology Building, Room 161, Large Conference Room
Presider: Michael Goodchild

Edna Bonacich
Miguel Centeno
Peter Hugill
Matthew Zook and Stanley Brunn

Discussants: Don Janelle and Giovanni Arrighi

2:15 - 4:00 pm

Session 7: Roundtable Discussion of New Research Projects

Place: Entomology Building, Room 161, Large Conference Room
Presider: Beverly Silver
Five-Minute Summary Presentations:

Richard Appelbaum
Christopher Chase-Dunn
Helen Couclelis
Michael Goodchild

Group Discussion

4:00 pm


4:15 pm

Vans Return to Mission Inn; Dinner on own


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