Journal Name
Availability / Content / Format
Access Magazine
Full text & graphics, pdf format, 2003 - present
Applied Geography
Full text & graphics, pdf format, 1995 - present
Australian geographical studies
Title, author, and keywords only - from MAGS, 1997 - present
Economic geography
Title, author, and keywords & full text for many articles - from MAGS, 1988 - present
Full text & graphics, html and pdf formats, 1995 - present
Geographical journal
Title, author, abstract, keywords, and full text for many articles - from MAGS, 1988 - present
Geographical review
Title, author, abstract, keywords, and full text for some articles - from MAGS, 1988 - 1999
Html title/author/abstracts + full text & graphics in pdf format, 1997 - present
Full text & graphics, html and pdf formats, 1995 - present
Journal of Geographical Systems [UC Trial Access]
Full text & graphics, pdf format, 1999, 2000
Journal of Historical Geography
Full text & graphics, pdf format, 1993 - present
Journal of Transport Geography
Full text & graphics, html and pdf formats, 1995 - present
Natural Hazards
Html title/author/abstracts + full text & graphics in pdf format, 1995 - present
Political Geography
Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Html titles and abstracts, pdf text & graphics, 1995 - present
Annals of Regional Science
Html titles and abstracts, pdf text & graphics, 1995 (abstracts only), 1996-present
Papers in Regional Science
Html titles and abstracts, pdf text & graphics, 1999 - present
Regional Science and Urban Economics
Html titles and abstracts, pdf text & graphics, 1995 - present
International journal of urban and regional research
Title, author, keywords from MAGS, 1992 - present
Journal of Quantitative Criminology
Html titles and abstracts, pdf text & graphics, 1999 - present
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
Html titles and abstracts, pdf text & graphics, 1995 - present
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Html titles and abstracts, pdf text & graphics, 1995 - present
Social Science & Medicine
Html titles and abstracts, pdf text & graphics, 1995 - present
American Society for Information Science Bulletin
Text titles and abstracts with some linked articles, from ABI / Inform, 1994 - present
Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science
Text titles and abstracts with some linked articles, from ABI / Inform, 1974 - present
Journal of the American Society for Information Science
Html titles and abstracts, pdf text & graphics, 1986 - present
International Journal on Digital Libraries
Html titles and abstracts, pdf text & graphics, 1997 - present (most issues)