The Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (CSISS)
Institution: The Institute for Social, Behavioral and Economic Research and The National Center for Geograhic Information and Analysis at the University of California, Santa Barbara Principal Investigators: Michael F. Goodchild, PI and Director; Richard Appelbaum, co-PI; Luc Anselin, PI for Spatial Tools Development; Donald Janelle, Program Director Grant Number: National Science Foundation BCS 9978058
Description: CSISS is dedicated to building national infrastructure to support the dissemination of spatial analytic persectives in the social sciences. It provides training workshops in the use of spatial technologies and geographically referenced data; fosters collaborative interdisciplinary networks; promotes new developments in spatial social science through expert research meetings; supports the development of new open source spatial analytic software; and maintains an extensive website of learning resources and seach tools. More >>
Expected Outputs: Enhanced research expertise through training workshops, publications, and web resource development; Improved spatial analytic tools through software development initiatives; National dissemination across the social sciences through conference presentations and conference didactic workshops. See Annual reports for more information.