Advanced Spatial Analysis

This website is preserved as an Archive for the NIH-funded GISPopSci / Advanced Spatial Analysis Training Programs (2005–2013). Current resources in support of
Spatially Integrated Social Science
are now available at the following:


Spatial Demography Links

Note: Leaders for the centers and projects linked in this area are invited to share more information about their programs by completing the 'Add New Entry' form on the Research Project Registry page. Leaders of relevant projects not listed here are also invited to add their entries in the Project Registry.

Spatial Demography Research

This is a partial listing of research projects, papers, data sources and training programs.

The Center for Social and Demographic Analysis is located at the University at Albany, State University of New York. CSDA has many researchers that employ spatial data and methods in their research (see the Research and specifically the Spatial Inequalities section of their website). CSDA collaborates with The Lewis Mumford Center for Comparative Urban and Rural Research and supports the Urban China Research Network.

Macro International's Demographic and Health Research Division is home to the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). To see how GIS data is used in DHS please see the DHS+ Dimensions Newsletter Spring 2000 (Volume 2, Number 1) .

Population Studies & Training Center at Brown University includes researchers that focus on spatial demography. Brown University also recently launched a new initiative on Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences, led by Prof. John Logan.

The Great Plains Population and Environment Project is hosted at the University of Michigan Population Studies Center.

The University of Minnesota, Minnesota Population Center is home to the National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) project. MPC is also host to IPUMS-USA and IPUMS-International data sets. The Geography Department at the University of Minnesota is one of the strongest graduate programs in the United States, and it offers an online Masters degree in GIScience.

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Carolina Population Center was the first Population Center to create a dedicated Spatial Analysis Unit. CPC houses a number of spatial demography projects including (a) Nang Rong, Thailand Project, and (b) Ecuador Project. CPC also hosts the Distance Advancement of Population Research (DAPR) that includes modules based on spatial demography.

The Pennsylvania State University, Population Research Institute created its Geographic Information Analysis Core in 1996. Much of the work using GIS and spatial analysis is with faculty in both the College of Health and Human Development and the College of the Liberal Arts. Both PRI and the Department of Geography are directly involved with the GISPopSci project. The Geography department is a leader in GIS research and instruction, see the recent online Masters in GIS.

The RAND Corporation’s Labor and Population Program is host to the Los Angeles Families and Neighborhoods (LAFANS) project, an important new longitudinal study.

University of Wisconsin’s Center for Demography and Ecology includes the Applied Population Lab. Researchers at the APL have recently completed a working Paper on The (Re-)Emergence of Spatial Demography .


Applications of Spatial Demography


  • Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety (MAPS) at the National Institute of Justice is a good starting point for applied and academic research using GIS and spatial analysis to address crime issues.
  • One of the leading researchers in spatial crime analysis is Jerry Ratcliffe. His webpage is another good starting point .
  • Center for Applied Studies of the Environment (CAPSE) at Hunter College, New York Crime Mapping and Analysis

Public Health & Epidemiology

  • The National Cancer Institute - Cancer Mortality Maps and Graphs
  • Gerald Rushton (University of Iowa) GIS and Public Health website
  • The Public Health Disparities Geocoding Project
  • World Health Organization - Public Health Mapping

Neighborhood Research

  • The Urban Institute - Neighborhood Change Database

Spatial Segregation

  • David Wong (George Mason University) Spatial Segregation Measurement Project
  • Mark Fossett (Texas A&M University) SimSeg - a computer simulation of segregation dynamics


Geospatial Data Sources

A comprehensive list of geospatial data sources can be found at PRI’s GIA Core Data Links webpage. Good places to start for U.S. data include:

  • University of Arkansas Libraries and the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies.
  • Explore the visualization over time of U.S. Census data at state, county, and tract levels (for selected cities) with SocialExplorer.


Online Conference Abstracts

online conference abstracts and occasional papers in spatial demography sessions at the PAA and the IUSSP conferences.

    IUSSP 2009
  • Session 64: Spatial approaches to understanding inequality in health and poverty.
  • Session 135: GIS: integrating spatial and social demography.
  • Session 186: Spatial demography.
  • Session 197: Mapping fertility decline.
  • Session 208: Spatial clustering of health and mortality outcomes.
    PAA 2009
  • Session 82: Population and Environmental Change.
    PAA 2008
  • Session 128: Spatial Dimensions of Local Processes.
    PAA 2007
  • Session 58: Spatial Demography.
    PAA 2006
  • Session 54: Spatial Demography: How and Why Space Matters.
    PAA 2005
  • Session 113: Confidentiality and Spatially Explicit Data.
