Research Project Details
Immigrant Issues Along the Border
Institution: San Diego State University International Population Center
Principal Investigators: John R. Weeks
Description: John R. Weeks, Principal Investigator, "Determining the Costs of Illegal Immigrant Criminal Activity and Use of Emergency Medical Services in San Diego and Imperial Counties," Grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, through the United States/Mexico Border Counties Coalition, 2000-2001 David McIntyre and John R. Weeks, " Environmental Impacts of Illegal Immigration on the Cleveland National Forest in California." Professional Geographer, 54 (3): 392-405, 2002. Tanis Salant, Christine Brenner, Nadia Rubaii-Barrett, and John R. Weeks;Illegal Immigrants in U.S./Mexico Border Counties: The Costs of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice, and Emergency Medical Services. Final Report to the United States/Mexico Border Counties Coalition, 2001 ( John R. Weeks, Co-Investigator (Douglas Stow, PI);Spatial Decision Support for Border Security,” Grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 2003-2007
Contact: John Weeks