Research Project Details
Texas Higher Education Opportunity Project
Institution: Princeton University The Office of Population Research at Princeton University
Principal Investigators: Marta Tienda – PI, Teresa Sullivan
Description: The Texas Higher Education Opportunity Project i(THEOP) is a multi-year study that began in fall, 2000, which investigates college planning and enrollment behavior under a policy that guarantees admission to any Texas public college or university to high school seniors who graduate in the top decile of their class. The investigators have collected administrative data from 10 colleges and universities in Texas that differ in the selectivity of their admissions. The centerpiece of the study is a two-cohort longitudinal survey of sophomores and seniors who were enrolled in Texas public schools as of spring, 2002.
Related Publications: Published Tienda, Marta. 2001. "College Admission Policies and the Educational Pipeline: Implications for Medical and Health Professions." Pp. 117-142 in Smedley, Brian D., Adrienne Y. Stith, Lois Colburn, and Clyde H. Evans (Eds.), The Right Thing to Do, the Smart Thing to Do: Enhancing Diversity in Health Professions. Washington, DC: National Academy Press for the Institute of Medicine. Lloyd, Kim, Marta Tienda and Anna Zajacova. 2001. "Trends in Educational Achievement of Minority Students Since Brown v. Board of Education." Pp. 149-182 in Timothy Ready, Christopher Edley, and Catherine Snow (eds.), Achieving High Educational Standards for All: Conference Summary, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. National Research Council. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Forthcoming Tienda, Marta and Sunny Niu. forthcoming. “Capitalizing on Segregation, Pretending Neutrality: College Admissions and the Texas Top 10% Law.” American Law and Economics Review. Niu, Sunny; Marta Tienda; and Kalena Cortes. forthcoming. “College Selectivity and the Texas Top 10% Law: How Constrained are the Options?” Economics of Education Review. Kleykamp, Meredith A. forthcoming. “Military Enlistment Decision Making Among Youth: The Influence of Educational Goals, Military Institutional Presence and Family Background.” Social Science Quarterly. Tienda, Marta and Sunny Niu. forthcoming. “Flagships, Feeders, and the Texas Top 10% Plan.” Journal of Higher Education. Working Papers Tienda, Marta; Kalena Cortes; and Sunny Niu. 2003. “College Attendance and the Texas Top 10 Percent Law: Permanent Contagion or Transitory Promise?” Paper presented at the Conference on Expanding Opportunity in Higher Education, Sponsored by the Harvard Civil Rights Project, Sacramento, CA, October 23-25, 2003. Frost, Michelle Bellessa. 2004. “High School Students’ Educational Expectations and Race: How Does Racial Composition Matter?” Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation Chapter, OPR, Princeton University. Opinion-Editorials Tienda, Marta. 2004. “Focus on Higher Education upgrades in Texas; Get past debate over top 10% law, make plan better.” The Houston Chronicle. Op-Ed Section, July 18. Tienda, Marta and Sunny Niu. 2004. “Texas’ 10-Percent Plan: the Truth Behind Numbers.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, 50(20): B10. Tienda, Marta. 2003. “Texas’ Top 10 Percent Policy Hurts Minorities’ Chances for College.” Detroit Free Press, March 26.
Contact: Marta Tienda