All events are in IST 203 unless otherwise stated.
All morning sessions will begin promptly at 9.00am
All afternoon sessions will begin promptly at 1.30pm (unless otherwise stated).
Week One
Sunday, June 4
Arrival Day/Weekend
Morning: 10:00am - 4:30pm
Various Meet attendees at Airport and Bus Station throughout the day
Evening 5:00
Informal Meeting at the Residence Inn (1555 University Drive)
Evening 5:30
Informal dinner at the Ruby Tuesday's restaurant
across Atherton Street from the Residence Inn (5 mins walk)
Monday, June 5
9:00 - Official Welcome and Introductions - Stephen Matthews
10:30 - Break
10:45 - Spatial Demography - Stephen Matthews
Spatial Demography: Methods, Applications, and Resources
Spatial Demography References
Background Reading(password protected):
GIS and Spatial Demography - Stephen Matthews (33kb)
Comparison of a spatial approach with the multilevel approach for investigating place effects on health: (531kb) the example of healthcare utilisation in France - Basile Chaix, Juan Merlo, and Pierre Chauvin
Spatial Demography(101kb) - Kenneth W. Wachter
The Examination of Neigborhood Effects on Health: (252kb) Conceptual and Methodological Issues Related to the Presence of Multiple Levels of Organization
Demography as a Spatial Social Science(253kb) - Paul R. Voss
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) recently had a special issue on "Spatial Demography" -- (Microsoft Word Document) (19kb)
12:00 - Lunch
2:00 - Visit by Tina Enderline - (GIS Officer for Penn State)
2:15 - GIS, Spatially Explicit Data, and Privacy - Stephen A. Matthews
Background Reading(password protected):
The Segregation Profile: Investigating How Metropolitan Racial Segregation Varies by Spatial Scale(2MB) By: Sean F. Reardon, Stephen A. Matthews, David O'Sullivan, Barrett A. Lee, Glenn Firebaugh and Chad R. Farrell
"Measures of Multigroup Segregation" (Reardon & Firebaugh, 2002) (153kb)
"Measures of Spatial Segregation" (Reardon & O'Sullivan, 2004) (260kb)
Errata to: (41kb)
"Measures of Multigroup Segregation" (Reardon & Firebaugh, 2002)
"Measures of Spatial Segregation" (Reardon & O'Sullivan, 2004)
Beyond the Census Tract: Patterns and Determinants of
Racial Residential Segregation at Multiple Scales (391kb)
12:00 - Lunch
2:00 - Geovisualization of demographic and health data
- Etien Koua - Guest Speaker, (Walker Building)
Background Reading(password protected):
Koua E. L., MacEachren A. & Kraak, M.J. (2006). Evaluating the usability of visualization methods in an exploratory geovisualization environment (494kb) International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Volume 20, Number 4 / April 2006.
Koua E. L. and Kraak, M. J. (2004). Geovisualization to support the exploration of large health and demographic survey data(1.5MB) International Journal of Health Geographics 2004, 3:12 (4 Jun 2004).
Koua, E. L. and Kraak, M. J.(2004). Integrating computational and visual analysis for the exploration of health statistics(348kb) In: SDH 2004: Proceedings of the 11th international symposium on spatial data handling: advances in spatial data handling II. : 23-25 August 2004, University of Leichester. / ed. by P.F. Fisher. - Berlin etc.: Springer, 2004. pp. 653-664.
Robinson, A., Chen, J., Lengerich, E., Meyer, H. and MacEachren, A. (2005). Combining Usability Techniques to Design Geovisualization (993kb) Tools for Epidemiology Cartography and Geographic Information Science. Vol. 32, 243-255
2:45 - Break
3:00 - GeoVISTA Lab, based on ESTAT - Etien Koua, Jin Chien, Adrienne Gruver (2nd Floor Walker Building)
Background Reading(password protected):
ESTAT Tutorial (1.6MBb)
5:00 - End of GeoVISTA
7:00p - Spatial Analysis - a roadmap - David O'Sullivan - Invited Guest Speaker (Residence Inn)
Background Reading(password protected):
Spatial Analysis: a roadmap (Powerpoint Presentation)(2.2MB)
Bibliography for 'Spatial Analysis: a primer' (89kb)
Interactive techniques and exploratory spatial data analysis (587kb)
Spatial analysis: retrospect and prospect (135kb)
Spatial statistics (134kb)
9:00 - End of Day
Tuesday, June 13, Multilevel Modeling (LAFANS)
9:00 - Defining Neighborhoods, Collecting Data, and Studying Neighborhood
Effects in Los Angeles - Narayan Sastry, - Guest Speaker
Background Reading(password protected):
Neigborhood Definitions and the Spatial Dimension of Daily Life in Los Angeles (154kb)
The design of a multilevel survey of children, families, and communities:
The Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood survey (299kb)
Neighborhood and School Effects on Children's Development and Well-Being (103kb)
Family and Neighborhood Sources of Socioeconomic Inequality
in Children's Achievement (175kb)
Defining Neighborhoods, Collecting Data, and Studying Neighborhood Effects
in Los Angeles (Powerpoint Presentation) (903kb)
10:15 - Break
10:30 - Open Lab - Time for own projects
(opportunities to meet with Narayan Sastry)
12:00 - Lunch (opportunities to meet with Narayan Sastry)
2:00 - Open Lab - Time for your own projects
3:15 - Break (approximate)
3:30 - Open Lab - Time for your own projects
5:00 - End of Day
7:00 - Evening consultation at the Residence Inn (time approximate)
Wednesday, June 14, Health and Environment Issues and Geostatistics
9:00 - Health and Environment - Marcia Castro, - Guest Speaker
Background Reading(password protected):
Castro MC, Monte-Mor, RL, Sawyer, DO, Singer, BH. 2006 "Malaria risk on the Amazon Frontier"(1.1MB) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,103(7): 2452-2457.
Castro MC, Singer BH. 2006. "A new approach to account for multiple and dependent tests in local statistics of spatial association: controlling the false discovery rate". (401kb) Geographical Analysis, 38(2): 180-208.
Castro MC, Sawyer, DO, Singer, BH. 2006. "Spatial patterns of malaria in the Amazon:
implications for surveillance and targeted interventions"(805kb) In press, Health and Place.
Singer BH, Castro MC. 2001. "Agricultural Colonization and Malaria on the Amazon Frontier"(16.7MB) In: Weinstein M, Hermalin AI, Stoto MA (eds.) Population Health and Aging: strengthening the dialogue between epidemiology and demography. Annuals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 954:184-222.
A Spatial Approach for Malaria Monitoring & Risk Assessment (1.9MB) - Marcia Castro
Local Spatial autocorrelation Statistics: Distributional Issues and an Application (734kb)
The Analysis of Spatial Association by Use of Distance Statistics (726kb)
10:15 - Break
10:30 - Geostatistics Lab (Marcia Castro)
12:00 - Lunch (opportunities to meet with Marcia Castro)
2:00 - Open Lab - Time for own projects
3:00 - Break (approximate)
3:30 - Open Lab - Time for own projects
5:00 - End of Day
Thursday, June 15, Spatial Econometric Modeling
9:00 - Spatial Heterogeneity and Spatial Dependence in Spatial Regression Modeling (Application to Child Poverty in the U.S.) - Paul Voss � Guest Speaker
Background Reading(password protected):
"County Child Poverty Rates in the U.S.: A Spatial Regression Approach" (960kb)
Paul R. Voss, David D. Long, Roger B. Hammer, Samantha Friedman
"Spatial Heterogeneity and Spatial Dependence in Spatial
Regression Modeling" (452kb)
Paul R. Voss, Katherine Curtis White, David D. Long
10:15 - Break
10:30 - Open Lab - Time for own projects (opportunities to meet with Paul Voss)
12:00 - Lunch (opportunities to meet with Paul Voss)
2:00 - Open Lab - Time for your own projects
3:15 - Break (approximate)
3:30 - Open Lab - Time for your own projects
5:00 - End of Day
7:00 - Evening consultation at the Residence Inn (time approximate)
Friday, June 16, Presentation and Awards Day
8:30 - Group A presentations - Jessica, Kanisha, Juan, Pedro, Chelsea, Sandile
10:15 - Break
10:30 - Group B presentations - Merlin, Becki, Vincent, Jeff, Michelle, Lissette, Kuniko
12:00 - Lunch
1:00 - Group C presentations - David, Mira, Kevin, Katherine, Pearl, Gloria, Iliana
2:45 - Break
3:00 - Group D presentations - Benjamin, Meredith, Matthew, Sarah, Ashley, Heidi
4:30 - Awards
5:00 - Reception or Dinner (location to be determined and depends on how
many attendees are staying overnight)
Saturday, June 17, Departure Day
7:15 - Breakfast at the Waffle Shop if anyone is interested/available
(Stephen Matthews will collect from Residence Inn)