Note: All PDF documents are password protected for access by workshop personnel and participants.
Week One
Sunday, July 9
Morning - Evening
Meal Plan
Breakfast (July 10-22)
8:00 - 9:00 am, Carrillo Dining Commons
Lunch (July 9-21)
11:30 - 1:30 pm, De La Guerra Dining Commons (DLG) except
Sat, July 15: 12:15-1:45pm in Carrillo
Dinner (July 9-21)
5:30 - 6:30 pm, Carrillo Dining Commons except
Mon, July 10: 5:00-6:00pm in Carrillo
Monday, July 10
Morning: 9:00 - 11:45am
Welcome - Keith Clarke (2620 Ellison Hall)
Introduction NIH Workshop - Don Janelle
Why GIS and Spatial Analysis? - Michael Goodchild
Participant PowerPoint Presentations 10:30-11:45am - Research problem, data, and spatial analysis issues. Five-minute presentations. Discussants: Stuart Sweeney, Michael Goodchild, Keith Clarke, Stephen Matthews
Note: Computer lab logistics and laptop software/data checks to occur on an individual basis throughout the day.
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:15pm
Participant PowerPoint Presentations 1:15-3:00pm Discussants: Stuart Sweeney, Michael Goodchild, Keith Clarke, Stephen Matthews
Foundations of Spatial Demography - Stephen Matthews
Spatial Demography: Methods, Applications, and Resources
Spatial Demography References
Background Reading(password protected):
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) recently had a special issue on "Spatial Demography" (3.3kb)
Comparison of a spatial approach with the multilevel approach for investigating place effects on health: the example of healthcare utilisation in France - Basile Chaix, Juan Merlo, and Pierre Chauvin (531kb)
Spatial Demography - Kenneth W. Wachter (101kb)
The Examination of Neigborhood Effects on Health: Conceptual and Methodological Issues Related to the Presence of Multiple Levels of Organization (252kb)
Demography as a Spatial Social Science - Paul R. Voss (253kb)
GIS and Spatial Demography - Stephen A. Matthews (33kb)
Evening: 5:30 - 7:30pm
Presentations Reception Dinner - Faculty Club
Tuesday, July 11
Morning: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Star Lab
Introduction to ArcGIS 9.x - Led by Jim Detwiler, assisted by Jeff Hemphill, Enki Yoo. Exploring GIS Concepts Displaying Data
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:15pm
Location: Star Lab
Introduction to ArcGIS 9.x - Led by Jim Detwiler, assisted by Jeff Hemphill, Enki Yoo. Querying your database Working with spatial data
Evening: 5:30pm
Dinner with workshop instructors
Wednesday, July 12
Morning: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Introduction to ArcGIS 9.x - Led by Jim Detwiler, assisted by Jeff Hemphill, Enki Yoo. Working with tables Editing data
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:15pm
Introduction to ArcGIS 9.x - Led by Jim Detwiler, assisted by Jeff Hemphill, Enki Yoo. Working with geo-referenced data Presenting data Geo-coding and address matching
Free Time
Thursday, July 13
Morning Hike: 6:00am
Hike with Mike in the Santa Ynez Mountains
Morning: 9:00am - 10:35am
The Nature of Spatial Data - Keith Clarke
Morning: 10:45am - 12:00pm
Geocoding Exercises - Sarah Battersby, Jeff Hemphill, Enki Yoo
Census Data Exercise - Sarah Battersby, Jeff Hemphill, Enki Yoo
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:15pm
An Overview of Spatial Analysis - Stuart Sweeney
Controlling for Spatial Dependency using Multilevel Models - William Pan,
Department of International Health, The Johns Hopkins University
Background Reading(password protected):
Multiple membership multiple classification (MMMC) models (188kb)
Neighborhood Environments and Coronary Heart Disease: A Multilevel Analysis (1.4MB)
Multilevel Models in the Study of Dynamic Household Structures (72kb)
Applied Multilevel Analysis (700kb)
Multilevel modelling of the geographical distributions of diseases (207kb)
Invited Commentary: Advancing Theory and Methods for Multilevel Models of Residential Neighborhoods and Health (82kb)
Tutorial in Biostatistics An Introduction to Hierarchical Linear Modelling (217kb)
Evening: 5:30pm
Working Dinner with Instructors
Friday, July 14
Morning: 9:00am - 10:45pm
Lab Exercises with GeoDa and R - Stuart Sweeney, William Pan, Kathryn Grace, and Enki Yoo
Background Reading(password protected):
GeoDa: An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis (522kb)
Under the Hood. Issues in the Specification and Interpretation of Spatial Regression Models (172kb)
Robust point-pattern inference from spatially censored data (631kb)
A descriptive analysis of discrete U.S. industrial complexes (2.9MB)
spatstat: An R Package for Analyzing Spatial Point Patterns (1.1MB)
Fitting a Multilevel Linear Model in R (123kb)
Multilevel Linear Model in R Exercise (46kb)Links:
Spatial Analysis Lab (Luc Anselin, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
SPATSTAT (Adrian Baddeley, University of Western Australia)
STARS (Serge Rey, San Diego State University)
Introduction to Mapping Social Science Data - Jeremy Crampton 11:00am - 12:00pm
Background Reading(password protected):
What is GIScience? (60kb)
The Scientific Method An Exercise Using Google Earth (164kb)
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:15pm
Issues, Limitations, and Problems - Michael Goodchild
Future Directions in GIS and Spatial Analysis - Michael Goodchild
Background Reading(password protected): (140kb)
Query, measurement, and transformation (14MB)
Descriptive summary, design, and inference (14MB)
Spatial modeling with GIS (8MB)
Areal Interpolation and Spatial Convolution (623kb)
The Spatial Web: Visions for a Geospatial World (4.7MB)
Free Time
Saturday, July 15
All Day
Free Time
Week Two
Sunday, July 16
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:00pm
Using GPS in Field Research - Keith Clarke, Sarah Battersby, and Jeff Hemphill
Information and Links:
USGS GPS Fact Sheet
The Geographer's Craft GPS Page
US GPS base stations network
Low cost GPS
Real World PacMan game
Evening: 5:30pm
BBQ and GPS Project Debriefing
Monday, July 17
Morning: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Mapping Social Science Data - Jeremy Crampton
Cartographic Process and the Creation of Spatial Knowledge - Jeremy Crampton
Cartographic Exercise - Jeremy Crampton, Sarah Battersby, Jeff Hemphill
Background Reading(password protected):
Mapping Social Science Data
GIS and the Components of a map - Making a map in 15 minutes (108kb)
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:15pm
Cartographic Exercise - Jeremy Crampton, Sarah Battersby, Jeff Hemphill
Individual Projects and Consultation - 3:30
Evening: 5:30pm
Working Dinner with Instructors
Tuesday, July 18
Morning Surf: 6:00am
Surf with Stuart
Morning: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Geo-Visualization and Data Exploration - Jeremy Crampton
Background Reading(password protected):
Geovisualization and Data Exploration Geovisualization
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:15pm
Mapping Flows - Waldo Tobler
Individual Projects and Consultation 2:30-5:30pm
Evening: 5:30pm
Working Dinner with Instructors
Wednesday, July 19
Morning: 9:00am - 11:00pm
Spatializing Social Networks - Carter Butts,
University of California, Irvine (2.2mb)
Individual Projects and Scheduled Consultations11:00am-12:00pm
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:15pm
Individual Projects - In lab all afternoon
Scheduled Consultations, 1:15-5:30pm
Evening: 5:30pm
Working Dinner with Instructors
Thursday, July 20
Morning: 9:00am - 10:30am
Putting Place and Space into Demographic Analysis - John Weeks, International Population Center, San Diego State University
Background Reading(password protected):
The Role of Spatial Analysis in Demographic Research (4.9MB)
The Fertility Transition in Egypt: Intraurban Patterns in Cairo (4.9MB)
Individual Projects and Consultation- 10:45am - 12:00pm
Afternoon: 1:15 - 5:15pm
Individual Projects and Consultation
Evening: 5:30pm
Working Dinner with Instructors
Friday, July 21
Morning: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Conference Program (258kb)
Conference on Spatial Demography - (Lobero Room, University Center)
Introduction - Don Janelle
Session I: Spatial Inequality and Racial/Socioeconomic Factors
Session II: Health Risk Assessment and Public Health
Afternoon: 1:30 - 4:30pm
Conference on Spatial Demography
Session III: Human-Environment Interaction, Population, and Public Policy
Session IV: Modeling Disease Processes, and Epidemiology
Closing Thoughts - Don Janelle, 4:00
Certificates of Completion from CSISS and ESRI, 4:15