Advanced Spatial Analysis

This website is preserved as an Archive for the NIH-funded GISPopSci / Advanced Spatial Analysis Training Programs (2005?2013). Current resources in support of
Spatially Integrated Social Science
are now available at the following:


UCSB 2009 July 12-July 17, 2009: Santa Barbara, CA

Regression Modeling

The goal of this five-day workshop, led by Paul R. Voss (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Katherine Curtis (University of Wisconsin-Madison) is to provide an overview of applied spatial regression analysis (spatial econometrics). This course will introduce the broader field of spatial data analysis and the range of issues that generally must be dealt with when analyzing georeferenced data. Census-type data are among the most commonly encountered data that conform to this description, although the course acknowledges the wider range of data appropriate for spatial regression analysis.

This workshop will address the following questions:

  • how does spatial autocorrelation arise?
  • how is it measured and understood?
  • how does it relate to issues of spatial heterogeneity and spatial dependence?
  • how should it inform the specification and estimation of regression models?

The course is structured around a combined lecture format (mornings) and computing lab exercises (afternoons). Although we will use mapping software, the focus of the course is on spatial analysis, not geographic information systems (GIS). Software emphasis will be given to GeoDa and R for exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) and spatial regression modeling. Some acquaintance with this software is helpful but is not a prerequisite. Prerequisites for maximizing learning in this course are a solid grounding in standard multivariate regression techniques and a minimal level of comfort with matrix notation and algebra.

Applications will be accepted through an online submission from this site, opening in early January, 2009.

Laptop Requirement

Workshop attendees are expected to bring a laptop computer that meets the following requirements: Windows XP, 1GB RAM (2 GB minimum is preferred), 1.6 GHz Processor, 1GB free disk space.
In preparing your laptop for use in the workshop, please be certain that your Windows Operating System is updated via Windows Update. If you have an Anti-Virus software installed (e.g., Symantec Norton Antivirus) and if it has expired, please update the software with a new subscription. Then perform an update. on Windows XP. Failure to comply with these requests will either delay your ability to use the workshop wireless network or completely negate the possibility of connecting to the network.

Attendees will receive detailed information about access to software and data for use in the workshop.


Participants will receive a certificate of completion from the GIS Population Science Training Program in Advanced Spatial Analysis from the Center for Spatially Integrated Science.

GIS and Population Science Advanced Spatial Analysis Workshops Flyer (112kb)
Please post or circulate this flyer to potentially interested colleagues.