Advanced Spatial Analysis

UCSB 2009 July 12-July 17, 2009: Santa Barbara, CA

Program Principal Investigator

Stephen A. Matthews (E-mail: ) is Associate Professor of Sociology, Anthropology and Demography (Courtesy in Geography); Director, Geographic Information Analysis Core at the Population Research Institute, Social Science Research Institute, Penn State. His research focuses on families and neighborhoods in diverse community contexts and the application of GIS and spatial methods in demographic, health and social science research. He serves as PI on both an NIEHS funded quasi-experimental study of neighborhood food environments, diet, and health and an NICHD R25 training grant on advanced spatial analysis. Matthews has served on numerous NIH review panels including Community Influences on Health Behavior (CIHB), special panels (e.g., Cancer and GIS; Infrastructure for Data Sharing and Archiving) and on the editorial board of Health and Place (1994-2004) and American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2005-present). He was PI on the initial GIS and Population Science (GISPopSci) training grant (2005-2007). More information about Matthews is available at:

Workshop Coordinators

Donald Janelle (Email: ) is a Research Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He serves as Program Director for the Center for Spatial Studies (spatial@ucsb) and for the Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (CSISS). He was on the faculty of the U.S. Air Force Academy for four years and on the faculty of the University of Western Ontario for thirty years, where he chaired the Department of Geography for five years and served as Assistant Vice Provost. Janelle holds BA in Geography from the University of Southwestern Louisiana and a PhD in Geography from Michigan State University. He edited The Canadian Geographer, the official refereed journal of the Canadian Association of Geographers, and chaired the Publications Committee for the Association of American Geographers.

Janelle's research and publications are based broadly within geography and affiliated social and behavioral sciences. Primary themes include space-time analyses of individual behavior, the time-geography of cities, the temporal-spatial ordering of social systems, locational conflict analysis, social issues in transportation, and the role of space-adjusting technologies in structuring new patterns of social and economic organization. He is a recipient of the Edward L. Ullman Award for Career Contributions to Transportation Geography by the Association of American Geographers (AAG) and has co-edited five books. The three most recent include: Information, Place, and Cyberspace: Issues in Accessibility (Springer-Verlag, 2000), with David Hodge; WorldMinds: Geographical Perspectives on 100 Problems (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004), with Barney Warf and Kathy Hansen; and Spatially Integrated Social Science (Oxford University Press, 2004), with Michael Goodchild. The latter book is the primary publication from the CSISS project and is intended to showcase research methodologies in spatial social science.
More information about Donald Janelle is available at: .

Workshop Instructors

Paul R. Voss (Email: ) is Professor Emeritus of Rural Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His prior affiliations include Demographic Specialist with the University of Wisconsin's Division of Cooperative Extension and Research Affiliate with the Wisconsin Applied Population Laboratory, and the Wisconsin Center for Demography and Ecology. Presently, Dr. Voss is Senior Spatial Analyst with The Odum Institute for Research in Social Science, Research Professor of Sociology and a Fellow with The Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He also is a Research Associate with the Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research at the University of Manchester University, England.

Dr. Voss received his Ph.D. in sociology/demography from the University of Michigan in 1975 and has specialized for most of his professional career in modeling the processes of demographic change in small geographic areas, with particular emphasis on estimation and forecasting. Over the past decade, Dr. Voss has turned his attention to the proper specification and estimation of regression models when analyzing geographically referenced data. He teaches a graduate seminar in spatial data analysis for social scientists. With with Katherine Curtis and others he has led 5-day workshops on spatial regression techniques in the U.S. and Europe. More information about Dr. Voss is available at

Katherine Curtis (Email: ) is an Assistant Profressor in the Department of Rural Sociology at the Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison, and is affiliated with the Wisconsin Applied Population Laboratory and the Environmental Resources Center. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Washington. Dr. Curtis' interests include migration and population redistribution, inequality, land use, and spatial statistics. Her research examines historical economic, social, and demographic shifts in three regions (Puerto Rico, the U.S. Great Plains, and the South) and the spatial distribution of poverty in the contemporary U.S. In Puerto Rico, she investigates the influence of the economic transition on inequality that followed U.S. governance in the early decades of the 1900s and has focused on the relationship between systems of crop production and racial inequality. A second area of research examines population change in the Great Plains over the 20th century, using spatial regression techniques to assess the relative influence of correlates of population change advanced in theories of urbanization. In a third area of research, Dr. Curtis focuses on the migration of southern Americans to the non-south (the Great Migration) and the return to the South (the Return Migration). Her work, published in Demography and Social Science History, demonstrates the interplay of racial and gender inequality in settlement patterns and the consequences of migration. She has recently turned attention to the historical processes underlying contemporary patterns of persistent poverty among U.S. counties and is developing spatio-temporal models to directly measure legacy effects in the prevalence of county poverty.

Before joining the University of Wisconsin (in 2007), Dr. Curtis was on faculty in the Department of Sociology at Brown University, where she was an affiliate of the Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences Initiative, the Population Studies and Training Center, and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
More information, see:


  • Adam Akullian
    Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley
    Research Interest: Health Sciences. Mapping and predicting dispersal pathways of a water-borne human parasite and its intermediate snail host in an agricultural region of Western China

  • Bhuiyan Alam
    Affiliation: University of Toledo
    Research Interest: Urban and Regional Planning. Transportation accessibility for welfare recipients in Florida

  • Noli Brazil
    Affiliation: University of California Berkeley
    Research Interest: Demography. Neighborhood segregation patterns in Los Angeles County in relationship to school composition, placement, and performance

  • Peter Capone-Newton
    Affiliation: University of California Los Angeles
    Research Interest: Urban Planning and Health Sciences. The influences of urban spatial structures on health behaviors and health outcomes.

  • Bernadette de Leon
    Affiliation: Indiana University
    Research Interest: School of Health

  • Jan Eberth
    Affiliation: University of Texas Health Sceince Center at Houston
    Research Interest: Epidemiology. Spatial patterns of HPV vaccination among young females in California

  • Christopher Fowler
    Affiliation: University of Washington
    Research Interest: Geography. The collocation of economic clusters and disadvantaged populations in the United States

  • Chris Galvan
    Affiliation: University at Albany, SUNY
    Research Interest: Sociology. Generational patterns in locational attainment (integration into housing markets) among Hispanics in Houston

  • Miguel Gomez
    Affiliation: University of California Santa Barbara / University Complutense of Madrid
    Research Interest: Economics / Public Finance. Regional income growth in relation to productivity, population, and public infrastructure in Spain

  • Chris Goodwin
    Affiliation: University of California Santa Barbara
    Research Interest: Economics. Economic and spatial behavior of commercial fishing in relationship to sustainable practices, conservation marine reserves, and property rights allocations

  • Carla Guenther
    Affiliation: University of California Santa Barbara
    Research Interest: Marine Science. Marine Protected Area impacts on adjacent commercial fisheries

  • Charisse Gulosino
    Affiliation: Brown University
    Research Interest: Education Policy. Determinants of charter school location across census tracts/block groups within New York City

  • Helen Harton
    Affiliation: University of Northern Iowa
    Research Interest: Social Psychology. The role of communication in the spatial clustering attitudes and behaviors based on general social surveys

  • Oh Seok Kim
    Affiliation: University of Southern California
    Research Interest: Geography. Spatial relationships between traffic counts, road characteristics, and land-use categories in Southern California.

  • Antonio Lopez Gay
    Affiliation: University of Minnesota
    Research Interest: Demography. Spatial responses of local marriage markets to international migration into Spain

  • Trevor O’Grady
    Affiliation: University of California Santa Barbara
    Research Interest: Economics. The comparative economic effects of metes-and-bounds and rectangular land survey systems in Ohio

  • Eyal Oren
    Affiliation: University of Washington
    Research Interest: Epidemiology. Small-area socioeconomic disadvantage and the incidence, severity, and transmission of tuberculosis (TB) in Washington State

  • Jongjit Rittirong
    Affiliation: University of Washington
    Research Interest: Demography. Healthcare accessibility for chronically ill elderly populations in Thailand

  • Julio Rivera
    Affiliation: Carthage College
    Research Interest: Geography. Identifying factors that influence changes in home values over space and time in southeastern Wisconsin

  • Gary Russell
    Affiliation: University of Iowa
    Research Interest: Marketing / Business. Spatial variation in the relationship between product loyalty (behavior) and customer satisfaction (attitude)

  • Ofira Schwartz-Soicher
    Affiliation: Columbia University
    Research Interest: Health Policy. Access to post-secondary education and the educational attainment of low-income mothers

  • Amanda Sheely
    Affiliation: University of California Los Angeles
    Research Interest: Public Affairs. Spatial variations in how California counties adjust social-service caseload control practices to local economic and political conditions

  • Wei Tu
    Affiliation: Georgia Southern University
    Research Interest: Geography. Modeling spatial patterns of low-birth-weight incidences in southeast Georgia in relationship to risk factors

  • Heather Whitcomb
    Affiliation: Purdue University
    Research Interest: Public Health. Transportation-related physical activity (TPA) potentials associated with built environments and public transit networks in the Boston area

  • Hirotoshi Yoshioka
    Affiliation: University of Texas at Austin
    Research Interest: Demography. Variations in child mortality across geographical locations and communities in the borderlands of Guatemala and Mexico