Advanced Spatial Analysis

Advanced Spatial Analysis Workshops 2009 Application

To apply for the workshops, complete and submit the form below. The application form should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete with the exception of a personal research section towards the end of the form. The personal statement asks for material regarding your GIS/spatial analysis interests and objectives for the workshop.
Application deadline is March 31, 2009.

The Workshops

Two Advanced Spatial Analysis workshops will be offered during Summer 2009. Please select according to your preference for participation:
  • Spatial & Multilevel Modeling,
    State College, PA (Penn State) June 21-June 26, 2009
     [More Info]
  • Spatial Regression Modeling,
    Santa Barbara, CA (UCSB) July 12-July 17, 2009
     [More Info]

Laptop Access

All workshop attendees are expected to bring a laptop computer for use during the workshop. Recommended Laptop Requirements: Windows XP, Memory/RAM: 1GB minimum - 2 GB recommended or higher, 1.6 GHz Processor, Internet Browser, CD-ROM, USB, and a Wireless card. Minimum free disk space is 1 GB (1,000 MB). See requirements for all ESRI software.

Personal Information



* We encourage applications to achieve a broad representation of all citizen groups, including underrepresented minorities and applicants from designated minority-serving institutions. This field is optional.

Academic and Professional Background




Workshop Referral

Personal Statements

Scholarships Support

There are no fees required for participation in the GIS Population Science Workshops.

However, participants are encouraged to seek funding from their own institutions and advisors to cover transportation, lodging, meals, books, and access to a laptop (see above).

Subject to NICHD funding, Scholarships will be available for all qualifying applicants, with a priority given to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Funding for these NICHD Workshops is intended for US and US-based graduate students and early-career population scientists. Federal employees and those in the private sector are not eligible for stipend support.

All workshop participants are expected to attend the full five days of workshop instruction.

Decisions on acceptance of applications will be made by April 15, 2009 and invited applicants will be expected to confirm attendance by April 22, 2009. Confirmation of acceptance will require the completion of a entry survey that will allow the organizers to tailor the workshop content to the needs of the audience.

The scholarships associated with successful applications to these workshops are subject to funds being released by NICHD. We anticipate a funding decision soon, which will permit the workshop to proceed as scheduled. We will post updated information as soon as it becomes available.

I have read the above statement. If I am selected for the workshop, I agree to cover the expenses noted and to participate for the full duration of the workshop. By submitting this application, I confirm my agreement with the above statement.

-or- Mail to:
c/o NCGIA / Dept. of Geography
Santa Barbara CA, 93106-4060

Thank you very much for completing the application form. Any analysis of surveys will be at aggregate levels to protect your identity and confidentiality. Dr. Stephen Matthews and the Population Research Institute of The Pennsylvania State University are administering this applicant survey

Dr. Stephen A. Matthews
The Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Michael F. Goodchild
UC Santa Barbara
Dr. Donald Janelle
UC Santa Barbara