This website is preserved as an Archive for the NIH-funded GISPopSci / Advanced Spatial Analysis Training Programs (2005?2013). Current resources in support of Spatially Integrated Social Science are now available at the following:
PSU 2011 June 19?June 24, 2011: State College, PASpatial Regression ModelingAccommodationsA block of rooms is in place for accommodation for workshop presenters, participants, and invited guests at The Courtyard Marriott in State College. This hotel provides free Internet, meeting rooms, a shuttle bus to the PSU campus and a host of other amenities. If participants choose to stay at another hotel or venue they do so at their own cost.
1730 University Drive State College, Pennsylvania 16801 University and Community InformationFor more information on Penn State University, State College and the host unit the Population Research institute (PRI) you may want to view the following websites: