Description | Agenda | Instructors & Participants | Travel & Accommodations
Spatial Analysis for the Undergraduate Social Science Curriculum
July 12-23, 2004: Santa Barbara, CA
Sara I. Fabrikant, Workshop Coordinator
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: sara at geog . ucsb . edu
Fiona M. Goodchild
California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), Education Director
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: fiona at cnsi . ucsb . edu
Michael F. Goodchild
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: good at geog . ucsb . edu
Don Janelle
Center for Spatially Integrated Social Sciences, Program Director
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: janelle at geog . ucsb
Stuart Sweeney, Workshop Coordinator
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: sweeney at geog . ucsb . edu
Waldo Tobler
Geography Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: tobler at geog . ucsb . edu
Teaching Assistants
Rob Farrell, farrell at geog.ucsb . edu
Alex Keuper, keuper at geog.ucsb . edu
Stacy Rebich, rebich at geog.ucsb . edu
Carlos Balsas
Teaching Interest: Urban and Regional Planning
University of Massachusetts
balsas at larp . umass . edu
Tapan Deka
Teaching Interest: Socio-Economics
Gauhati University and UGC Govt. of INDIA
dekatk at yahoo . co . in
Karen Donahue
Teaching Interest: Criminology
University of La Verne
karendonahue at cox . net
Julie Ford
Teaching Interest: Sociology
jford at brockport . edu
Madelyn Glickfeld
Teaching Interest: Environmental Studies & Policy
UCLA Institute of the Environment
madelynglickfeld at verizon . net
Pavlina Latkova
Teaching Interest: Tourism, Parks and Recreation
Michigan State University, Department of CARRS
latkovap at msu . edu
April Linton
Teaching Interest: Sociology
Princeton University, University of California, San Diego
alinton at princeton . edu
Stephen Lipscomb
Teaching Interest: Economics
UC - Santa Barbara
lipscomb at econ . ucsb . edu
Jo Beth Mertens
Teaching Interest: Economics
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
mertens at hws . edu
David Padgett
Teaching Interest: Urban Studies
Tennessee State University
dpadgett at tnstate . edu
William S. Payne
Teaching Interest: Tourism Management
NC State University
scott_payne at ncsu . edu
Wenquan Zhang
Teaching Interest: Sociology
University at Albany, State University of New York
wz7322 at albany . edu
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