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Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies for Undergraduate Curricula in the Social Sciences

July 23-28, 2006: Norman, OK

Sunday July 23 - Introduction and Motivation

Prem Bhandari (2003) Remote Sensing and Demography (30kb)
GIS Resource Document 03-52 (GIS_RD_03-52

K. Chen (2002) An approach to linking remotely sensed data and areal census data (486kb)
INT. J. REMOTE SENSING, 2002, VOL. 23, NO. 1, 37-48

Martin J. F. Fowler (2002) Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeology: a Comparative Study of Satellite Imagery of the Environs of Figsbury Ring, Wiltshire (1.1MB)
Archaeol. Prospect. 9, 55-69

Michael F. Goodchild (2000) Toward Spatially Integrated Social Science (72kb)

Richard J. Harris, Paul A. Langley (2000) New Data and Approaches for Urban Analysis: Modelling Residential Densities (1.2MB)
Transactions in GIS, 4(3): 217-234

Loren Siebert (2000) Using GIS to Document, Visualize, and Interpret Tokyo's Spatial History (2.4MB)
Social Science History 24:3

P. Sutton, D. Roberts, C. Elvidge, K. Baugh (2001) Census from Heaven: an estimate of the global human population using night-time satellite imagery (705kb)
INT. J. REMOTE SENSING, VOL. 22, NO. 16, 3061-3076

Monday July 24 - Remote Sensing Classification for Social Science

Thomas Bauer, Klaus Steinnocher (2001) Per-parcel land use classification in urban areas applying a rule-based technique (317kb)

Thomas Blaschke, Josef Strobl (2001) What's wrong with pixels? Some recent developments interfacing remote sensing and GIS (481kb)

Carlson, T. (2003) Applications of remote sensing to urban problems (58kb)
Sensing of Environment (86), 273-274.

Chen, K. (2002) An approach to linking remotely sensed data and areal census data (486kb)
International Journal of Remote Sensing (23), 37-48

Fisher, P. (1997) The Pixel: a snare and a delusion (215kb)
Remote Sensing (18), 679-685.

Masser, I. (2001) Managing our urban future: the role of remote sensing and geographic information systems (184kb)
Habitat International (25), 503-512.

McIver, D.K. & M.A. Friedl (2002) Using prior probabilities in decision-tree remotely sensed data (263kb)
Remote Sensing of Environment (81),

Carolyn J. Merry Incorporating Remotely Sensed Data and Information in GIScience (195kb)
The University Consortium for Geographic Information Science Research Priorities

Victor Mesev (2001) Modified Maximum Likelihood Classifications of Urban Land Use: Spatial Segmentation of Prior Probalities (2.5MB)

Roberta Balstad Miller, Christopher Small (2003) Cities from space: potential applications of remote sensing in urban environmental research and policy (484kb)
Environmental Science & Policy 6 (2003) 129-137

L. Pedroni (2003) Improved classification of Landsat Thematic Mapper data using modified prior probabilities in large and complex landscapes (1MB)
INT. J. REMOTE SENSING, 2003, VOL. 24, NO. 1, 91-113

Ronald R. Rindfuss, Stephen J. Walsh, Vinod Mishra, Jefferson Fox, Glenn P. Dolcemascolo
Linking Household and Remotely Sensed Data (157kb)
INT. J. REMOTE SENSING, 2003, VOL. 24, NO. 1, 91-113

John Weeks (2002) Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems to Identify the Underlying Properties of Urban Environments (265kb)
SDSU, Paper 17

Tuesday July 25 - Syllabus Design for Social Science Courses Integrating RS and GIS Technologies

Robert L. Friedrich, Robert V. Blystone (1998) Internet Teaching Resources for Remote Sensing and GIS (1.4MB)
BioScience, Vol. 48, No. 3. (Mar, 1998), pp. 187-190-192.

Daniel Gil-Perez, Amparo Viches, Isabel Fernandez, Antonio Cachapuz, Joao Praia, Julia Salinas (2005)
Technology as 'Applied Science' (190kb)
Science & Education (2005) 14:309-320

Hardre, P. L. (2004) Starting from the end: Instructional design for teaching technology (139kb)
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Journal, 12(3), 315-330

Fritz Kubli (2005) Science Teaching as a Dialogue - Bakhtin,
Vygotsky and some Applications in the Classroom
Science & Education (2005) 14: 501-534

John W. Renner, Edmund A. Marek (1990) An Educational Theorybase for Science Teaching (35kb)
Journal of Research in Science Teaching Vol. 27, NO. 3, PP. 241-246 (1990)

Ronald R. Rindfuss, Paul C. Stern Linking Remote Sensing and Social Science: The Need and the Challenges (1.1MB)
The National Academy Press

Dimitri Thanasoulas Constructivist Learning (36kb)

Wednesday July 26 - Regional and Nighttime RS data for social applications

Christopher N.H. Doll, Jan-Peter Muller, Christopher D. Elvidge (2000) Night-time Imagery as a Tool for Global Mapping of Socioeconomic Parameters and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (421kb)
Ambio Vol. 29 No. 3, May 2000

Christopher D. Elvidge, Kimberly E. Baugh, Vinita Ruth Hobson, Eric A. Kihn, Herbert W. Kroehl, Ethan R. Davis, David Coceros (1997)
Satellite inventory of human settlements using nocturnal radiation emissions: a contribution for the global toolchest (1MB)
Global Change Biology (1997) 3, 387-394

Christopher D. Elvidge, Marc L. Imhoff, Kimberly E. Baugh, Vinita Ruth Hobson, Ingrid Nelson, Jeff Safran, John B. Dietz, Benjamin T. Tuttle (2001)
Night-time lights of the world: 1994-1995 (2MB)
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing 56 (2001) 81-99

Tom P. Evans; Emilio F. Moran (2002) Spatial Integration of Social and Biophysical Factors Related to Landcover Change (2.5MB)
Population and Development Review, Vol. 28, Supplement:
Population and Environment: Methods of Analysis (2002), pp. 165-186

K. P. Gallo (2004) Trends in night-time city lights and vegetation indices as associated with urbanization within the conterminous USA (865kb)
Int. J. Remote Sensing, 20 May, 2004, Vol. 25, No. 10, 2003-2007

Jennifer Keiser, Jurg Utzinger, Marcia Caldas De Castro, Thomas A. Smith, Marcel Tanner, Burton H. Singer (2004)
Urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa and Implication for Malaria Control (201kb)
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 72(Suppl 2), 2004, pp. 118-127

Travis Longcore, Catherine Rich (2004) Ecological light pollution (439kb)
Front Ecol Environ 2004; 2(4): 191-198

Benoit Mertens, Eric F. Lambin (2000) Land-Cover-Change Trajectories in Southern Cameroon (1.2MB)
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 90(3), 2000, p. 467-494

V. Krishna Prasad, Yogesh Kant, P. K. Gupta, C. Elvidge, K. V. S. Badarinath (2002) Biomass burning and related trace gas emmisions from tropical dry deciduous forests of India: A study using DMSP-OLS data and ground-based measurements (756kb)
INT. J. REMOTE SENSING, 2002, VOL. 23, NO. 14, 2837-2851

D. L. Skole, W. H. Chomentowski, W. A. Salas, A. D. Nobre (1994) Physical and Human Dimensions of Deforestation in Amazonian (2.5MB)
BioScience, Vol. 44, No. 5, Global Impact of Land-Cover Change. (May 1994), pp. 314-322

Paul C. Sutton (2003) An Empirical Environmental Sustainability Index Dericed Solely from (2.5MB)

Paul C. Sutton, Robert Costanza (2002) Global estimates of market and non-market values derived from nighttime satellite imagery, land cover, and ecosystem service valuation (3.2MB)
Ecological Economics 41 (2002) 509-527

C.M. Waluda, P.N. Trathan, C.D. Elvidge, V.R. Hobson, P.G. Rodhouse (2002)
Throwing light on straddling stocks of IIIex argentinus: assessing fishing intensity with satellite imagery (1.7MB)
Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 59: 592-596 (2002)

C.P. Lo and Xiaojun Yang (2002)
Drivers of Land-Use/Land-Cover Changes and Dynamic Modeling for the Atlanta, Georgia Metropolitan Area (4.3MB)
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing Vol. 68, No. 10, October 2002, pp. 1073-7082

Stephen D. McCracken, Eduardo S. Brondizio, Donald Nelson, Emillo F. Moran, Andrea D. Siqueira, Carlos Rodriguez-Pedraza (2002)
Remote Sensing and GIA at Farm Property Level: Demography and Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon (5.7kb)
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing Vol. 65, No. 11, November 1999, pp. 1311-1320

Landuse Landcover References
Microsoft Word Document

Thursday July 27 - GIS as integration platform for RS and social data

Michael F. Goodchild, Robert P. Haining (2004) GIS and Spatial Data analysis: Converging perspectives (186kb)
Papers Ref. Sci. 83, 363-385 (2004)

Kwan M. P. (2004) GIS Methods in Time-Geographic Research: GeoComputation and GeoVisualization of Human Activity Patterns (371kb)
Geogr. Ann., 86 B(4): 267-280.

May Yan, David M. Mark, Max Egenhofer, Donna Peuguet
Extensions to Geographic Representation (109kb)
Research Challenges in Geographic Information Science (Chapter 5)

May Yan, Buttenfield, B., Gahegan, M.N., Miller, H.
Geospatial Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (91kb)
Research Challenges in Geographic Information Science (Chapter 4)


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