Below is a list of portals, i.e., collections of links, found useful to researchers of spatial phenomena in the social sciences.
If you have comments, have found an error, or would like to nominate a portal for inclusion please contact Don Janelle.
Spatial Analysis Tools![](/images/clipart/gears.gif)
AI Geostats Software FAQ - The starting point for any search for general GIS and spatial analysis software, maintained by Gregoire Dubois.
SATools - Collection of links to freeware for spatial data analysis at the Center for Spatial Information Science.
Spatial Analysis Starting Points - Additional GIS and Spatial Analysis links from the University of Georgia.
Math and Statistics archives with spatial content
StatLib - Perhaps the largest statistical site on the web.
StatCodes - Links to spatial statistics codes from Penn State University.
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Site - from the Cambridge stats lab.
Statistical Software - A list of statistical software producers
Clustering Links - from the classification society of North America.
Computational Geometry - from the Geometry Center at the University of Minnesota.
Computational Geometry Software Libraries - from the University of Illinois
Collections of GIS Utilities
Map projection software - GIS utilities from Hunter College - City University of New York
Geo Community - Hundreds of GIS add-ons within a GIS user community features.
ARC Scripts from ESRI -