This website is preserved as an Archive for the NSF-funded
CSISS program (1999-2007). Current resources in support of Spatially Integrated Social Science
are now available at the following:
Overview of Learning Resources
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CSISS Classics
- Our newest collection is compiled by graduate students at the Center. The foundations of spatial analysis span many disciplines over many generations of researchers and practitioners. CSISS Classics provides summaries and illustrations of major contributions to spatial thinking in the social sciences.
GIS Cookbook
- The GIS Cookbook is a collection of simple descriptions and illustrations of GIS methods written with minimal GIS jargon. The target audience are social scientists with an interest in introducing spatial thinking into their current research and who have some experience with computers but little to no exposure to GIS.
Activities and Readings in the Geography of the United States, ARGUS, introduces the spatial perspective through learning modules, exercises, and examples.
Format: Director Shockwave Movies.
NCGIA Core Curriculum
- An overview and link to several curriculum projects at the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis. These materials present the background, history, technical issues, and applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Geographic Information Science.
Course Syllabi
- This page provides links to syllabi and lecture outlines of courses taught by leading researchers in spatial social science, organized by discipline.
Workshop Video Clips
We offer here several video clips produced from two of the 2002 summer workshops, Map Making and Visualization of Spatial Data and Introduction to Spatial Pattern Analysis in a GIS Environment. The latest version of Macromedia's Flash player is required to view these clips.
Presentations by CSISS Personnel
- Various presentations by individuals involved with CSISS.