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 Learning Resources
 NCGIA Core Curriculum
 1998-2000 Core Curriculum in GIS
 1990 Core Curriculum in GIS
 ARGUS Activities & Readings
 Background and Objectives
 Chapter 1: Thinking Spatially in the Social Sciences
 Chapter 2: Inferring the Behavior of Households from Remotely Sensed Changes in Land Cover: Current Methods and Future Directions
 Chapter 3: Geo-visualization of Human Activity Patterns Using 3-D GIS: A Time-Geographic Approach
 Chapter 4: Agent-Based Modeling: From Individual Residential Choice to Urban Residential Dynamics
 Chapter 5: Too Much of the Wrong Kind of Data: Implications for the Practice of Micro-Scale Spatial Modeling
 Chapter 6: Identifying Ethnic Neighborhoods with Census Data: Group Concentration and Spatial Clustering
 Chapter 7: Spatial Analyses of Homicide with Areal Data
 Chapter 8: Spatial (Dis)Advantage and Homicide in Chicago Neighborhoods
 Chapter 9: Measuring Spatial Diffusion of Shots Fired Activity Across City Neighborhoods
 Chapter 10: The Spatial Structure of Urban Political Discussion Networks
 Chapter 11: Mapping Social Exclusion and Inclusion in Developing Countries: Spatial Patterns of São Paulo in the 1990s
 Chapter 12: Business Location and Spatial Externalities: Tying Concepts to Measures
 Chapter 13: Updating Spatial Perspectives and Analytical Frameworks in Urban Research
 Chapter 14: Spatial Analysis of Regional Income Inequality
 Chapter 15: Shaping Policy Decisions with Spatial Analysis
 Chapter 16: Geographical Approaches for Reconstructing Past Human Behavior from Prehistoric Roadways
 Chapter 17: Time, Space, and Archaeological Landscapes: Establishing Connections in the First Millennium BC
 Chapter 18: Spatial Perspectives in Public Health
 Chapter 19: The Role of Spatial Analysis in Demographic Research
 Chapter 20: Spatial Interaction Models of International Telecommunication Flows
 Chapter 21: Planning Scenario Visualization and Assessment: A Cellular Automata Based Integrated Spatial Decision Support System
 Learning Resources
 Charles Booth: Mapping London's Poverty, 1885-1903
 Walter Christaller: Hierarchical Patterns of Urbanization
 Grady Clay: The Reading of the American City, 1973.
 Alice Coleman: Design Disadvantagement, 1985
 Patrick Doreian: Modeling Sociological Processes Using Spatially Distributed Data
 Constantinos Doxiadis: Ekistics, 1968
 Vernor C. Finch: The Fractional Code for Land Use Mapping, 1933.
 Robert W. Fogel: The Argument for Wagons and Canals, 1964.
 Joel Garreau: Edge Cities and the Nine Nations of North America
 Peter Gould and Waldo Tobler: An Experiment in Geo-Coding
 Zvi Griliches: The Diffusion of Hybrid Corn Technology, 1957
 Edward T. Hall: Proxemic Theory, 1966
 Torsten Hägerstrand: Time Geography.
 Mark Jefferson: Civilizing Rails, 1928.
 Florence Kelley: Slums of the Great Cities Survey Maps, 1893
 Hans Kurath: Linguistic Atlas of the United States
 Valdimer Orlando Key: Mapping Southern Politics, 1949
 Colin Loftin and Sally K. Ward: Application of Spatial Autocorrelation in Sociology
 Kevin Lynch: City Elements Create Images in Our Mind, 1960
 Bronislaw Malinowski: Identifying the Kula Ring of the Trobriand Islanders
 Henry Mayhew: London Labour and the London Poor, 1861
 Ian McHarg: Overlay Maps and the Evaluation of Social and Environmental Costs of Land Use Change
 Melinda S. Meade: Medical Geography and Human Ecology, 1977
 Charles Joseph Minard: Mapping Napoleon's March, 1861
 Robert Park and Ernest Burgess, Urban Ecology Studies, 1925
 Pablo Picasso: Cubism - A Revolution of Spatial Presentation in Artistic Expression (with parallels in cartography)
 Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy): Representation, Understanding, and Mathematical Labeling of the Spherical Earth
 Friedrich Ratzel, Clark Wissler, and Carl Sauer: Culture Area Research and Mapping
 Ernest George Ravenstein: The Laws of Migration, 1885
 Ellen Churchill Semple: The Anglo-Saxons of the Kentucky Mountains, 1901
 Clifford R. Shaw and Henry D. McKay: The Social Disorganization Theory
 Georg Simmel: The Sociology of Space
 G. William Skinner: Marketing in Rural China, 1964-65
 Lou Skoda and J.C. Robertson: The Isodemographic Map of Canada, 1972
 John Snow: The London Cholera Epidemic of 1854
 Alma and Karl Taeuber: Residential Segregation in U.S. Cities, 1965
 Charles M. Tiebout: A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures, 1956
 Edward Tufte: The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 1983
 Johann-Heinrich von Thünen: Balancing Land-Use Allocation with Transport Cost
 Sam Bass Warner: Modeling the Streetcar Suburbs, 1962
 Alfred Weber: Theory of the Location of Industries, 1909
 Gordon R. Willey: Settlement Patterns in Archaeology
 John Kirtland Wright: Early Quantitative Geography, 1937
 Lotfi Zadeh: Fuzzy logic-Incoporating Real-World Vagueness
 Course Syllabi
 Human Ecology from Space: Introduction to Remote Sensing in the Social Sciences
 The Human Footprint: The Study of Land Use and Cover Change
 Geospatial Analysis in Archaeology
 Applied Data Analysis in Criminal Justice
 Spatial Data Analysis for Social Scientists
 Spatial Econometrics
 Housing and the Urban Economy
 Urban Economy
 Resource Economics and Policy Applications of GIS
 Environment & Resources
 Geographic Information Systems
 Spatial Modeling and Analysis
 Resource Inventory Methods
 Global Positioning Systems
 Geographic Information Science
 Spatial Analysis
 Spatial Analysis in Urban Studies/History
 Human Geography
 Introduction to Human Geography
 Political Science
 Ecological Inference
 Public Health
 Spatial Epidemiology
 Spatial Analysis of Social Data
 Spatial Data Analysis for Social Scientists
 Spatially Integrated Social Science
 Spatial Analysis and Spatial Models
 Spatial Analysis and GIS
 Urban Strudies & Urban Planning
 Computer Applications in Urban Planning and Management
 Advanced Topics in Computer Applications: GIS 2
 NCGIA Core Curriculum in GIS
 1998-2000 Core Curriculum in GIS
 1990 Core Curriculum in GIS
 ARGUS Activities and Reading
 Spatial Resources
 Multi-Agent Modeling for Land-Use Change
 Meeting the Challenge of Complexity Report
 Agent-Based Models of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change - LUCC Report #6
 Download Endnote Bibliography
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 ESRI Bibliography
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 CSISS Workshops
 Spatial Analysis and Spatial Models
 Culture and Cultural Landscapes
 Fundamental Concepts: The Spatial Perspective
 Human Environment Interactions--"In the News" and Climate Change
 Human Environment Interactions--Introduction and Definitions
 Human Environment Interactions--The Lithosphere
 Human Environment Interactions--Water and Waste
 Human Settlements -- Central Place Theory
 Human Settlements -- Primate Cities/Modern Western Cities
 Human Settlements -- The History of Urbanization
 Human Settlements -- The Modern City
 Human Settlements -- Von Thunen and Urbanization in the 1990's
 Spatial Demography -- Disease Control Strategies
 Spatial Demography -- Disease Types and Models
 Spatial Demography -- Global Patterns
 Spatial Demography -- Migration
 Spatial Demography -- Population Patterns
 Spatial Demography -- Population Problems and Prospects
 Spatial Economics --  Growth Poles and Theories of Growth
 Spatial Economics -- Industrial Location
 Spatial Economics -- Measures of Development
 The Origins of Spatial Thought
 Conference on Spatial Information Theory - COSIT
 The Vespucci Initiative Summer School on GIS
 Short Course on The Economics of Urban Sprawl and Land Use Change
 Special Workshop on Agent-based Models of Land Use / Land Cover Change
 Sackler Colloquium on Adaptive Agents, Intelligence and Emergent Human Organization: Capturing Complexity Through Agent-Based Modeling
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